Affiliate Highlight: Wheatland County Stockgrowers

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Wheatland County Stockgrowers have been busy as bees. They kicked off the year by sponsoring a Donkey Basketball Tournament. The Stockgrower team defeated the FFA team for bragging rights for the year. However, it was a fundraiser for both the FFA and the Stockgrowers.

June had the MT RANGE DAYS come to Wheatland Co. and the Stockgrowers cooked a prime rib dinner with all the trimmings for their evening banquet. They served 254 people.

August was the annual Wheatland Co. Youth Fair. The Stockgrowers proudly sponsor the Breeding Beef Contest, the Senior and Intermediate Round Robin Champions and the Carcass Contest. The carcass contest is in its 2nd year. All the steers are entered and the kids are taken to see the end product and how it grades. We award a Grand and Reserve Champions coats.

Currently planning their Pasture and Plate seminars. We did this last year with four series of seminars that pertained to the cattle industry, hence Pasture. The Plate seminars had a series of four, which showed different ways to prepare beef. Last year’s finale was a “Christmas Cook-off”, featuring appetizers for the season and was held in conjunction with the Harlo High School Christmas Concert. It was a people’s choice award.  This is still in the planning stage with seminars to be announced.

Our annual banquet is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5 at the Moose Lodge in Harlowton

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Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

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