Beef Council Contractor Spotlight: Montana Beef Quality Assurance

Montana Beef Council logoBeef Checkoff dollars help fund the Montana Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program that provides critical guidelines for safe and humane beef cattle production. Each year it becomes more important for all stakeholders to learn best management techniques in a continuing effort to build and maintain consumer confidence in our product. BQA is a voluntary commitment from responsible producers because it is the right thing to do!

Montana Beef Quality Assurance BQA Show You Care AdCheckoff dollars help spread the message and tell our story throughout the state of Montana. In 2014 we told the BQA story across the state to rancher-attended seminars and conventions, livestock auction barn audiences, 4-H Clubs, FFA Chapters and Conventions, VoAg Instructor groups, Facebook posts and email news blasts to greatly increase the numbers of Montana stakeholders registering for and completing online BQA certification.

According to Dee Griffin, DVM, MS University of Nebraska, co-founder of the BQA Program, “Beef Quality Assurance is nothing more than thoughtful, responsible cattle management!”   Funding from the Checkoff Program makes it happen. Go to and register today!

Upcoming events include a Calf Whisperer halter breaking event at Winter Fair on Sunday, February 1, 2015 at the fairgrounds in Lewistown. Everyone is invited and encouraged to watch as we halter break a heifer calf safe and humanely. For more information, to host or participate in a BQA event in-person, contact Bill Pelton at (406) 671-5100 or [email protected].

Beef Checkoff Launches Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) 2.0

beef checkoff logoThe beef checkoff’s Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) program has launched MBA 2.0, an opportunity for beef and dairy producers to step up and be true leaders – ‘Agvocates’, if you will – for the industry and all of agriculture. Building on the success of the original MBA courses, with nearly 6,000 graduates to date, the program hinges on the importance for consumers to hear directly from those growing and delivering their food to them.

“The new MBA 2.0 is the next exciting step towards expanding the advocacy horizons of all those involved in the beef community, from pasture to plate,” said Brandi Buzzard Frobose, MBA Director of Outreach. “Ranchers, industry stakeholders, chefs and retailers alike can benefit from the new lessons and I hope that MBA 2.0 inspires all beef community members to step out of their comfort zone and engage in real conversations with consumers.”

Each new course takes about an hour to complete and follows the beef lifecycle:

  • The Beef Community – all about the people involved in producing beef, from pasture to plate.
  • Raising Cattle on Grass – covering the cow/calf and stocker/backgrounder stages of production.
  • Life in the Feedyard – what goes into ensuring cattle receive proper care and a healthy diet in the finishing phase.
  • From Cattle to Beef – how cattle are humanely slaughtered and processed into beef products.
  • Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. – consumer information about how to properly store, handle and cook beef to ensure a safe and enjoyable eating experience.

“When I started to get asked questions from consumers and groups about how we farm and feed cattle, I was struggling to find answers that I could back up with hard facts, and it felt like I also needed to learn more about other sectors of the industry with which I had little experience,” says Joan Ruskamp, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) member from Dodge, Neb.

“When I found out about the MBA program, I jumped at the chance to complete the courses. For me, it turned out to be a great teaching tool to help me become an informed advocate – not just for my own family’s benefit, but for the good of the entire industry.

“Since then, I have had the opportunity to talk about beef and the beef industry to everyone from neighbors and friends to large groups of activists. Remember, though, getting your MBA doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start booking appearances as a traveling speaker,” says Ruskamp. “It also prepares you well for daily conversations that you have or hear, and it gives you the ability to share hard facts and figures that help increase confidence in our end product and our industry. While our personal stories are important in putting a face on our industry, the ability to build trust in farming and ranching – and beef – is greatly enhanced by facts versus opinions and emotions.”

Those individuals who completed the original MBA courses will remain enrolled in the program and can take the 2.0 classes to update their certificate. MBA grads then have the opportunity to join the private Facebook group where they can have interaction and dialogue about emerging industry issues.

Ruskamp and fellow Cattlemen’s Beef Board member Brenda Black of Missouri have challenged every CBB member to join them in completing MBA 2.0.

“I earned my MBA during the initial run of the program and am working on completion of the updated program with all of you who accept this challenge,” says Black. “From my experience, I can tell you that the courses are truly interesting, engaging and informative, which make the quizzes at the end of each section a breeze. And you come away with a clear and useful understanding of issues that are so important to consumers and, as a result, important for us to share with them.”

The MBA program is funded by the beef checkoff and there is no cost to participate. Sign up to start your MBA 2.0 coursework today!

For more information about your beef checkoff investment, visit

Checkoff Email Updates Available | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Beef Briefs MyBeefCheckoff sign up…that you can receive the latest information about how your checkoff dollars are being invested right to your inbox just by signing up to receive a regular e-mail from It’s easy to learn the latest right from the comfort of your computer or your smartphone. Simply go to and click the E-News Sign Up tab and you’re on your way! While you’re there check out the redesigned website too!

Beef Briefs is your snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries provided by the Montana Beef Council. Learn more at

The Most Recent Beef Demand Numbers and What They Mean | Infographic

via Chaley Harney, Montana Beef Council

We recently caught up with Glynn Tonsor, Associated Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University and Gary Brester, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, for an update about beef demand and the role of the checkoff in helping keep demand strong through targeted marketing efforts.

“Sixteen out of the last 17 quarters we’ve had a year-over-year increase, the only exception being the first quarter of this year,” said Tonsor. “And I think a large part of why that’s going on is continued ongoing success of marketing the right products to the right people, and quite frankly, the segment of the public that continues to purchase beef is a slightly different segment than it used to be.”

Tonsor went on to explain that per capita consumption is going down, but we haven’t simply taken away two pounds from every household in the U.S. Tonsor believes the industry is doing better at recognizing that and aligning what they produce with who is able and willing to buy it.

Quarterly All Fresh Retail Beef Demand Index

Quarterly All Fresh Retail Beef Demand Index

“And I have no reason to think that’s going to stop in the fourth quarter, said Tonsor. “The increase in the third quarter basically reflects the facts that we had less beef consumed, specifically we had a 4.6 percent decline, and it’s important to recognize that consumption decline is mainly just because we produced less. That’s just we produced less therefore per capita consumption is down. And what actually occurred was we had 11.3 percent increase in price in the third quarter compared to the third quarter 2013.”

Tonsor said despite fairly wide-spread confusion on the topic, per capita consumption is not demand, as consumption alone says little about the value consumers place on beef offerings.

“Demand increased. Basically nobody made the public pay more for those reduced pounds, but they did. And they not only paid more, they paid more than we expected. And that only occurs, what they are doing voluntarily, if they are seeing more value in there than was anticipated.”

Brester added that when we have less to go around, and if people still want the product, meaning demand has not declined, then price has to increase because it is the mechanism that markets use to allocate scarce goods and resources.

“Yes, some people will consume less and some will consume none at all. But as Tonsor said, this is what has to happen if demand has not declined for other reasons such as lower incomes and recession. Higher prices are not an indication that demand has declined. They are an indication that either people want more of the product, or we do not have enough to meet those desires,” said Brester.

Tonsor went on to explain what kinds of things are allowing demand to grow despite the supply challenges, and how the checkoff is playing a vital role in that process.
“It’s a fair statement that the beef industry has done a lot better job of target-marketing products and basically developing new products for the appropriate consumer. The flat iron steak did not exist 10 years ago. That is a product now that brings more value to that carcass than was the case using the same poundage somewhere else before. The beef checkoff was one of multiple supporters in that effort. The mix of muscle cut versus ground is not the same across the country and we have mixed data on this. But the industry is doing a better job of coordinating what segment of the population wants ground beef, what segment wants steak, and sending it to the appropriate markets.”

Brester concluded that “From a Montana perspective, cow-calf producers must keep in mind that consumers want beef, not calves. Hence, when consumers want beef products, their preferences are manifest in higher prices at every level of the marketing chain. Ultimately, the largest impacts from changes in demand are disproportionately manifest in that segment of the marketing channel that is most fixed in supply, that is, the most difficult to expand—calves. Good management practices are rewarding including those that provide value, such as quality, consistency and better health, to the rest of the marketing system.”

Beef Demand Consumption Infographic

Click to view full-size version

Beef Quality Assurance and Montana Ranchers | Beef Briefs

Beef Briefs Montana Beef Quality Assurance
Did you know …

In fiscal year 2014, the Montana Beef Quality Assurance program registered 484 beef producers and certified 230. The Montana BQA program positively influences best management practices of Montana ranchers to enhance beef’s image and assure positive consumer perceptions for beef. Start your Beef Quality Assurance certification process today at

Beef Briefs is your snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries. Learn more at MyBeefCheckoff.comCourtesy of the Montana Beef Council.

#TeamBeef Montana Runs in Ragnar Relay Napa Valley

Team Beef Montana in California12 runners. 2 vans. 29 straight hours. 205 miles. That’s what culminated last weekend when I joined the Montana Running Ranchers for the Ragnar Relay in California. The race started in San Francisco, continued over the Golden Gate Bridge and through the Napa Valley, ending in the small town of Calistoga. The team consisted of 12 members of the Montana ranching community, most working on family ranches. With 561 teams in the Ragnar Relay, our team finished 28th overall, 17th in the Mixed Open Division.

Montana Running Ranchers, a part of the Team Beef program of Montana Beef Council and partially funded through Checkoff Dollars, participates in a relay race each year in different parts of the country. Our goal is to fuel our passions for running and to share our perspectives on the impact of beef as part of a healthy diet and sustaining a healthy environment. We are able build bridges of conversation with race participants through the mutual interests of running, fitness and health.

My not-so-excited face at the end of my last leg during the race.

My not-so-excited face at the end of my last leg during the race.

This year’s venue was especially impactful as a majority of race participants come from urban areas of the West Coast and Southern California. In fact, we saw no other teams affiliated with a food, nutrition, or agriculture community. Consider that your challenge farmers and ranchers!

The team passed out Montana beef jerky samples and wrapped the vans in Team Beef and Beef Checkoff slogans. I was inspired and surprised at the warm reception for Team Beef. We were asked several times “Why Team Beef?” and people were excited to hear we were all from ranching families. Along the way, my van only encountered one person who turned down a beef jerky sample, saying they were “powered by plants”, but she was still polite and asked several questions about where we came from and what we do.

Team captain, Sarah Nash, is a running veteran who has organized team efforts over the past 5 years. I had the opportunity to catch up with her over the phone to reflect on the trip and team’s impact during the race. That podcast can be found on the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s SoundCloud page.

The 2014 Montana Running Ranchers team consisted of Aeric Reilly, Sarah Nash, Billie Jo Holzer, Stacey Hughes, Evelyn Halverson, Christy Gerdes, Amory Blake, Alex Blake, David Dover, Rachel Keaster, Mike Rydell, and myself (Ryan Goodman).

This was my first trip to the San Francisco and Napa Valley areas of California. We ran through several cities, rural roads, and eventually through the vineyards surrounding Napa. Much of the state is enduring exceptional drought conditions and it was startling to see just how dried-out everything is in the state. The grape growers appear to be doing a great job of conservative water use as everything in the vineyards was brown except for the vines with the use of drip irrigation systems. We certainly hope those portions of the country can receive some much needed rainfall soon.

Team Beef Van

Team Beef isn’t just a onetime gig or specific to Montana. The program is hosted by state Beef Councils across the country and helps to connect those of us who enjoy running, fitness and health with beef consumers who have similar interests, but may not always have the opportunity at first-hand experience with beef cattle. To learn more, visit and

Want to support the Montana Running Ranchers in next year’s race? Send me an email at [email protected].

Ragnar Relay Team Beef

Beef Resources for Retailers | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Retail Beef BlastThe Beef Checkoff is connecting retailers to beef resources? Each month, the checkoff’s Retail Beef Blast e-newsletter reaches nearly 2,000 retail decision-makers with the latest beef news, research and insights. The newsletter far exceeds the 10.3-percent industry average for click-through rate – with an average 30 percent click-through rate! Retailers are clicking most on pricing resources, such as the Wholesale Price Update, Cut Yield & Profitability tool and Monthly Sales & Featuring Summary Reports, as well as shopper insights, infographics, cut charts and educational materials for their shoppers.

Learn more at
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Montana Registered Dietitian Interns see Beef from Pasture to Plate

Registerd Dietitian Interns Beef TourThe Montana Beef Council recently hosted another successful pasture to plate tour for nearly twenty students pursuing a career as a Registered Dietitian. The tour was conducted in Nye, Montana with local rancher Noel Keogh where the attendees were able to experience first-hand where and how beef is raised.

This year’s tour began at the ranch headquarters where Keogh explained his family ranching operation and the history of the area to the interns to help them understand the importance of agriculture and specifically beef production.

“As a rancher it is important for me to share my story and help consumers understand where their food comes from,” said Keogh.

Throughout the tour the interns not only had the opportunity to see cattle and horses, but also shipping facilities, rangeland and more. Keogh shared his passion for plant identification as he described different forages and explained their nutritional value. While hiking around the ranch the interns learned about the entire beef cycle and that cattle spend the majority of their lives on pasture. Keogh thoroughly detailed the value of natural resources and how, as a rancher, it is important to maintain a healthy partnership with the land in order to be a good steward and remain a viable ranching operation.

“Ranching is sustainable. Your ranch doesn’t get to be one hundred years old without taking good care of the land and livestock,” Keogh said.

Following a healthy beef lunch, the interns heard from Montana Beef Council’s Registered Dietitian Lisa Murray. Murray explained the nutritional benefits of beef and helped the health professionals understand how beef can be part of a healthy lifestyle. The beef checkoff-funded study, Beef in and Optimal Lean Diet, was a focal part of the presentation to provide the interns with sound, science-based information.

“Providing these health professionals with accurate information and a first-hand experience enables them to feel confident when recommending beef to their patients and clients,” said Murray.

To complete the day, the interns were engaged in a media training workshop conducted by Daren Williams, Senior Executive Director of Communications for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the beef checkoff. During the workshop the interns learned valuable information for conducting a successful media interview and then put their skills to work for an on-camera interview about beef-related topics.

The Montana Beef Council is organized to protect and increase demand for beef and beef products through state, national and international consumer marketing programs including promotion, education and research, thereby enhancing profit opportunities for Montana beef producers. For more information, contact Chaley Harney at (406) 656-3336 or [email protected].

Beef It’s What’s For Dinner on Facebook | Beef Briefs

Beef Its Whats For Dinner FacebookDid you know… The “Beef. It’s What For Dinner.” Facebook page has reached a new milestone by recently surpassing 825,000 Facebook Fans!

Consumers continue to engage with likes, comments and shares on posts such as the Personal Beef Pizza recipe and a Tips and Technique post, which explained the differences between rubs and marinades. Each post helps the consumer make an easy, delicious beef meal any day of the week. Even the checkoff’s Twitter handle now has more than 9,400 followers and growing every day. This summer, visit the checkoff’s social media pages, see how consumers are engaging with beef information, and join the conversation! To learn more about your beef checkoff investment, visit

Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Are you the Face of Farming and Ranching? | Beef Briefs

Did you know … USFRA is seeking new ‘Faces of Farming & Ranching?’

Beef Briefs Faces of Farming USFRAIn an effort to help put a real face on agriculture, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) will begin looking for the new “Faces of Farming & Ranching” later this year. The organization will select standout farmers and ranchers who are proud of what they do, eager to and active in sharing their stories in pubic and on social media. To apply, visit Faces of Farming & Ranching between July 10 and Aug. 10 and complete an application entry and short video. Finalists will be announced in early September, and each finalist will be profiled on The public will vote for their favorites in late October through early November. Winners will participate in activities including national media interviews, advertising and public appearances.

Learn more at
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.