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Beef Briefs is your snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries provided by the Montana Beef Council. Learn more at

$1,000 Educational Heritage Scholarship Application Due April 1

reefLogoMontana Stockgrowers Association’s Research & Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) is offering an Educational Heritage Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. This annual scholarship is awarded to a MSGA student member.

Last year’s scholarship recipient was Ariel Overstreet Adkins of Big Timber, MT. Upon receiving the 2014 award, Ariel, a student at the University of Montana School of Law said, “this scholarship means a tremendous amount to my family and I as we work to pay for school. Scholarships allow students like me to graduate with less debt, which is significant because it means that I am going to be able to work on issues for the people I care about.”

To be eligible for the Educational Heritage Scholarship, students must currently be enrolled in college and have completed at least one semester of coursework, be a member of Montana Stockgrowers Association, and demonstrate a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

Applicants must complete the application form (, include a copy of their current transcript, write a 500-word essay discussing their educational pursuits and what they hope to do with their education, and include two letters of recommendation.

Applications must be completed and postmarked or mailed no later than April 1, 2015.

For more information on these scholarships and to apply online, visit the MSGA website at For questions, please email Jesse Gill at [email protected]. If you are interested in these scholarships but are not currently a member of MSGA, join today. Student memberships start at just $20.

The Research and Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established to provide resources for education and research that supports the Montana Stockgrowers Association in enhancing the Montana ranching community, as excellent environmental stewards, in their production of healthy beef for the world.


The Most Recent Beef Demand Numbers and What They Mean | Infographic

via Chaley Harney, Montana Beef Council

We recently caught up with Glynn Tonsor, Associated Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University and Gary Brester, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University, for an update about beef demand and the role of the checkoff in helping keep demand strong through targeted marketing efforts.

“Sixteen out of the last 17 quarters we’ve had a year-over-year increase, the only exception being the first quarter of this year,” said Tonsor. “And I think a large part of why that’s going on is continued ongoing success of marketing the right products to the right people, and quite frankly, the segment of the public that continues to purchase beef is a slightly different segment than it used to be.”

Tonsor went on to explain that per capita consumption is going down, but we haven’t simply taken away two pounds from every household in the U.S. Tonsor believes the industry is doing better at recognizing that and aligning what they produce with who is able and willing to buy it.

Quarterly All Fresh Retail Beef Demand Index

Quarterly All Fresh Retail Beef Demand Index

“And I have no reason to think that’s going to stop in the fourth quarter, said Tonsor. “The increase in the third quarter basically reflects the facts that we had less beef consumed, specifically we had a 4.6 percent decline, and it’s important to recognize that consumption decline is mainly just because we produced less. That’s just we produced less therefore per capita consumption is down. And what actually occurred was we had 11.3 percent increase in price in the third quarter compared to the third quarter 2013.”

Tonsor said despite fairly wide-spread confusion on the topic, per capita consumption is not demand, as consumption alone says little about the value consumers place on beef offerings.

“Demand increased. Basically nobody made the public pay more for those reduced pounds, but they did. And they not only paid more, they paid more than we expected. And that only occurs, what they are doing voluntarily, if they are seeing more value in there than was anticipated.”

Brester added that when we have less to go around, and if people still want the product, meaning demand has not declined, then price has to increase because it is the mechanism that markets use to allocate scarce goods and resources.

“Yes, some people will consume less and some will consume none at all. But as Tonsor said, this is what has to happen if demand has not declined for other reasons such as lower incomes and recession. Higher prices are not an indication that demand has declined. They are an indication that either people want more of the product, or we do not have enough to meet those desires,” said Brester.

Tonsor went on to explain what kinds of things are allowing demand to grow despite the supply challenges, and how the checkoff is playing a vital role in that process.
“It’s a fair statement that the beef industry has done a lot better job of target-marketing products and basically developing new products for the appropriate consumer. The flat iron steak did not exist 10 years ago. That is a product now that brings more value to that carcass than was the case using the same poundage somewhere else before. The beef checkoff was one of multiple supporters in that effort. The mix of muscle cut versus ground is not the same across the country and we have mixed data on this. But the industry is doing a better job of coordinating what segment of the population wants ground beef, what segment wants steak, and sending it to the appropriate markets.”

Brester concluded that “From a Montana perspective, cow-calf producers must keep in mind that consumers want beef, not calves. Hence, when consumers want beef products, their preferences are manifest in higher prices at every level of the marketing chain. Ultimately, the largest impacts from changes in demand are disproportionately manifest in that segment of the marketing channel that is most fixed in supply, that is, the most difficult to expand—calves. Good management practices are rewarding including those that provide value, such as quality, consistency and better health, to the rest of the marketing system.”

Beef Demand Consumption Infographic

Click to view full-size version

Tips for Cattle Vaccination Programs | 10 Things To Know

By Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist

Rachel Endecott, Montana State University Extension Beef Cattle SpecialistAs fall work starts to wind down, thoughts might turn to preparing for the next year of production and all the supplies that come with it. Vaccines are an important part of a herd health program, and this piece will cover some background and considerations about vaccines and beef cattle production. This overview is not meant to recommend vaccination programs, but will provide definitions of terminology and suggestions for effective vaccination.

Just what is a vaccine, anyway? One technical definition is a “suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms or the antigenic proteins derived from them.” Let’s take that piece-by-piece: in this case, the suspension is a liquid that contains particles (microorganisms or proteins from them) that are mixed with the liquid but are not dissolved in it.

Attenuated means altered, usually in a way that makes something less severe—modified-live vaccines contain attenuated microorganisms. Killed vaccines contain killed microorganisms. Antigenic means that a substance causes an immune response—vaccines with this formulation contain a protein from the microorganism that is source of the immune response.

Successful vaccination depends on three critical factors: an effective vaccine, a functioning immune system, and administration of the vaccine before exposure to the disease. A vaccine may be ineffective if it is mishandled, if a booster is required but not given, or because of antigenic differences between the vaccine and field strains of the microorganism to which an animal is exposed.

An animal’s immune system may be unresponsive to vaccination because of age—a young calf’s immune system might not be fully functional at the time of vaccination, or antibodies from maternal colostrum still present in the calf inactivated the vaccine. Inadequate nutrition may also cause an animal’s immune system to be unresponsive to vaccination. Two other reasons for vaccine failure include that the animal was incubating the disease when vaccinated and that the duration of immunity after vaccination was inadequate.

Some tips for effective vaccination include:

  1. Read and follow label directions. If you are unsure, consult your veterinarian or call the vaccine company directly before using the product.
  2. Follow proper Beef Quality Assurance guidelines.
  3. Sterilize equipment between uses. Modified-live vaccines are sensitive to disinfectants, so do not use chemical disinfectants in syringes or needles for MLV use.
  4. Refrigerate and store vaccines as directed on the label. Be sure appropriate temperatures for the vaccine are maintained when they are away from the refrigerator.
  5. Keep vaccines out of sunlight, even when in the syringe.
  6. Mark syringes to avoid mixing or incorrect dosage.
  7. Mix only enough vaccine to be used in one hour or less.
  8. Choose correct needles for the job, and replace often.
  9. Keep records of vaccinations used.
  10. Good sanitation, management and nutritional practices are necessary to achieve the best results from vaccination programs.

Beef Quality Assurance and Montana Ranchers | Beef Briefs

Beef Briefs Montana Beef Quality Assurance
Did you know …

In fiscal year 2014, the Montana Beef Quality Assurance program registered 484 beef producers and certified 230. The Montana BQA program positively influences best management practices of Montana ranchers to enhance beef’s image and assure positive consumer perceptions for beef. Start your Beef Quality Assurance certification process today at

Beef Briefs is your snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries. Learn more at MyBeefCheckoff.comCourtesy of the Montana Beef Council.

Concerns When Feeding Frosted Alfalfa

Emily Glunk Montana State Forage ExtensionBy Emily Glunk, MSU Extension Forage Specialist

I have been getting many calls and emails from agents and producers about how to graze their frosted alfalfa. The biggest concern with grazing frosted alfalfa is the potential for bloat. Bloat is a serious problem in livestock, especially cattle, and preventative measures must be used when animals are placed in bloat-inducing situations, such as grazing alfalfa.

While a very nutritious forage, with high energy and protein values, grazing of fresh alfalfa comes with its risks. Typically, if a pasture is less than 50% alfalfa, there is a reduced occurrence of bloat. Care must always be taken when grazing alfalfa, even “non-bloating alfalfa”. “Non-bloating” or “bloat-safe” alfalfa have lower amounts of soluble proteins, the cause of bloat in ruminants. However, animals should still be monitored, because even though it is considered “safe”, bloat can still occur.

Why does alfalfa cause bloat in the first place? Soluble proteins in forages and other small particles within the cells of the plant are rapidly released once they reach the rumen. These proteins and particles are attacked by slime producing rumen microbes, which cause a buildup of stable foam. The foam decreases the animal’s ability to expel rumen gases that are created from fermentation of plant material. These gases begin to accumulate, causing pressure on the diaphragm, leading to bloat. In severe cases, the rumen can become distended, and death may occur.

montana alfalfa bloom feeding ranching hay cattleSo when does alfalfa become “safe” to graze? This seems to be the money question, as you will find several different answers. We know that we can feed pure alfalfa hay to ruminants, without causing any issues. This is because that forage has gone through a drying process, and the soluble proteins are significantly decreased. But at what point does it become safe, and what are some strategies that we can implement to decrease the risk of bloat?

Some things to consider are the environmental effects. Freezing of alfalfa, and grazing frosted/ frozen alfalfa, can significantly increase the chance of bloat. After a frost, the intercellular liquids freeze, and can puncture the cell walls, causing the cell to “burst” and contents to leak out. Soluble proteins will be released, and the incidence of bloat will be increased. If cattle are out grazing alfalfa during a frost, remove them immediately.

Some studies say that only three days are necessary after a frost to allow soluble proteins to decrease, however others cite that waiting five to seven days is safer. As a precaution, I generally recommend waiting about a week after a hard killing frost before grazing the alfalfa, at this point the plant has significantly dried down and the risk of bloat will be reduced.

Other recommendations for grazing frosted alfalfa include:

  • If it was not a killing frost, then wait until the alfalfa is in full bloom rather than bud to early bloom to graze. Soluble proteins decrease with increasing maturity.
  • Make sure that cattle are not turned onto alfalfa hungry. Feeding with a non-bloating forage beforehand will decrease the likelihood of bloat as they will not consume the alfalfa as rapidly
  • Monitor cattle for bloat several times throughout the day, especially when they begin to graze
  • Consider including the bloat preventative poloxalene (Bloat Guard) into your ration

Livestock that are suffering from bloat will begin to swell rapidly on the left side. If it is a severe case, the animal can die within the hour, which is why it is important to be constantly monitoring your animals. Kicking at their sides or stomping their feet are other signs that the animal is experiencing discomfort. If you notice any of your animals exhibiting these signs, make sure to call your veterinarian immediately.

Cold Weather Safety for Ranchers and Livestock | 10 Things to Know

Cold Weather Safety Farm Ranch LivestockFarmers and ranchers in the northern tier states are all too familiar with the cold and severe weather conditions that winter may bring each year. Everything takes just a bit longer in the deep snow and strong wind. Equipment takes that much longer to warm up and keep running, water source threaten to freeze up and traveling the highways becomes slick and dangerous when more snow and ice roll in.

Despite being used to these condition each year, it always serves as a good reminder of the basics of winter survival tips for both agriculture workers and livestock. No matter how much we prepare, events such as last year’s winter storm Atlas prove that we may always be caught off guard. As winter weather begins this week for much of the country, we’ll review 5 tips for human and livestock care in these cold weather conditions.

For those working out in the cold this week…

  1. Avoid exposing skin to extreme cold for long periods of time. Wear layers to block wind.
  2. Avoid overexertion, pace yourself and rest frequently. Stay hydrated.
  3. Keep an eye out for downed power lines or storm damaged structures after heavy snow or strong winds.
  4. Make sure you have good footing when lifting or climbing. Be careful lifting heavy objects.
  5. Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning by running engines only in well-ventilated areas.

When caring for livestock out in the cold this week…

  1. Livestock should be provided a natural or man-made wind-break. Providing shelter from strong winds makes a significant difference during severe wind chills.
  2. Livestock require more energy for maintenance in cold temperatures. Provide adequate hay/forage for calories. High-fiber feedstuffs also helps maintain body temperature by producing heat during digestion.
  3. Ensure water sources do not freeze. Livestock still need clean water supplies in cold weather.
  4. Young livestock are less tolerant of cold temperatures. Be sure young animals remain well-fed and sheltered during severe winter weather.
  5. Mud has a very negative effect on animal health and comfort in cold weather. Provide straw or hay to give animals dry, insulated bedding to avoid muddy areas.

In Montana, be sure to check out the Montana Department of Transportation Road Map and Mobile App. Also, the National Weather Service Offices (Missoula, Great Falls, Glasgow, Billings) always provide the most up to date weather forecasts and conditions.

But don’t forget… When all of the chores are done and livestock are fed, it’s important to spend a little time playing with man’s best friend and enjoy the snow!

What preparations are involved in surviving the cold short days of winter around your farm or ranch? Help us add to this list! Send us your photos or a description of some of the tasks required around your place this winter. Leave a comment below or email [email protected]. This is part of a month-long series of 10 Things to Know about Cattle. To read other posts in the series, click the image below.

Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle

Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle

Concerns When Feeding Sprouted Grain to Cattle

megan van emon msu extension beef specialistBy Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Specialist

Summer in Montana has been a wild ride. Because of the weather, grain harvest was delayed in many areas, and some barley and wheat have sprouted in the seed heads.  These sprouted grains, although not suitable for traditional markets, can be used as a feedstuff for livestock.

Based on the research, sprouted grains have similar feed value to non-sprouted grains.  Daily gains and feed efficiency in the feedlot are similar between cattle consuming non-sprouted or sprouted grains.  However, due to the high starch content of wheat and barley, feeding below 20% of the total ration on a dry matter basis is recommended to minimize incidences of acidosis.  For the greatest benefit of feeding wheat and barley, either sprouted or not, the kernels should be rolled or cracked, and should never be self-fed or used for creep feeding. Fine grinding of wheat and barley should be avoided.

grain cattle ranch feeding montanaMajor areas of concern when feeding sprouted grains are proper storage and the potential development of mold and mycotoxins.  Proper storage of the sprouted grains is crucial to maintaining quality and limiting mold growth.  If moisture levels are less than 13 percent, it can be stored as you would ordinarily store grain. When determining moisture levels of a field, make sure multiple samples are collected.  Moisture content may vary across the field depending on topography and wind, which would cause uneven drying the sprouted grain.  If moisture levels are greater than 13%, ensiling may be a better option for storage.  Sprouted grains can be ensiled in silos, bunkers, or storage bags.  Whole grain does not pack well, so rolling or cracking of the grain should be done prior to ensiling.  Sprouted grains, such as barley and wheat, can be layered with corn silage during silage packing to ensile the sprouted grain.

Due to high moisture of the sprouted grains and with cool weather conditions, mold may develop. If mold is seen on sprouted grains, it is recommended to collect multiple samples from the field. Proper drying of sprouted grains may occur on the outer edges and will be less susceptible to mold and mycotoxin production compared to the center of the field. Mold and mycotoxin levels should be assessed prior to feeding or harvesting because they can be hazardous to both humans and livestock. Barry Jacobsen, MSU Extension Plant Pathology, cautions that the dose of the mold or mycotoxin is very important when feeding potentially moldy feed. Jacobsen suggests that when submitting samples to labs, mold species and genus should be identified if possible. If mycotoxins are present in the sprouted grains at moderate levels, the sprouted grains should be combined with clean, non-moldy feed to reduce mycotoxin levels. For more, please contact your local Extension Office.

Reasons for Reproductive Failure in Cattle | 10 Things to Know

Let’s face it… Ranching is a business. To operate, a business must turn some kind of a profit. In the cattle business, reproduction is one of the most important economic traits. More important than growth, production, or carcass performance. If a cow fails to have a calf on the ground every year, something is missing.

Reproductive traits are some of the least heritable in the cow herd, meaning that we cannot rely on genetics along to improve program success. Fortunately, when there is failure in a breeding program, there are management tools we can utilize to build for success. Identifying the problems and opportunity for improvement are part of correcting the problem.

Top 10 Reasons for Reproductive Failure in Cows

She cycles like a ninja (silent heat)

Sperm and oocyte cannot meet (blocked oviducts)

Failure to launch (cystic follicle that will not ovulate)

Bad behavior (cortisol from stressed cow or bad handling)

She’s not feeling well (disease, manage that health and nutrition)

Exposure to environmental toxins

She’s too hot to handle (heat stress)

She has a mineral imbalance (pay attention to clinical and sub-clinical)

She lost her calf (embryonic or fetal loss)

She’s not eating her Wheaties (nutrition)

 Reasons Reproductive Failure Cows Bulls

Top 10 Reasons for Reproductive Failure in Bulls

Cows? What cows? (vision important to seeing estrus activity)

His penis looks strange and will not work (injury)

I’ve seen volcanoes cooler than this (heat stress, sperm quality, activity)

He’s not feeling well (disease, environmental toxins)

Scrotum looks a bit small (small testis – sperm factory)

The bull likes… Bulls? ( libido – requires observation to detect)

Shooting blanks (low sperm concentration, related to small testis or nutrition)

His sperm are weird shaped or have no tails (depleted reserves, poor morphology)

He needs a walker to get to the cows (foot and leg problems)

He carries a sign “Will breed for food” (under-fed and/or minerals)

This is just a short list of the issues we face when managing cattle and is adapted from a presentation by Dr. Neal Schrick at the University of Tennessee. More information about reproductive failure and how to manage those problems can be found from the Beef Reproduction Task Force.

What other issues when managing cattle reproductive problems do you encounter? Leave a comment below or email [email protected]. This is part of a month-long series of 10 Things to Know about Cattle. To read other posts in the series, click the image below.

Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle

Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle

Defining Sustainability for Ranching and Beef | 10 Things To Know

Padlock ESAP Sustainable

Sustainability is one of the hottest topics in food and agriculture today. Whether it be used for food products on maintaining a business, many folks disagree on what sustainability looks like. There are as many ways to define sustainability as there are cattle operations in the U.S. Maybe even more.

Essentially, it boils down to managing the three pillars of sustainability – economic, ecological and social – with the long-term in mind. During a panel discussion at this year’s Young Ag Leadership Conference in Bozeman, three individuals from different sectors of agriculture, each defined sustainability in their own terms. While each definition was different, each was based on those three pillars mentioned above. None of them were wrong in their definition. Sustainability truly looks different for each operation.

In an effort to arrive at finding a common definition for sustainability for the beef industry, the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef has met this week in Sao Paulo, Brazil to identify priorities of sustainability in a beef system that is socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically viable.

  • Planet (relevant principles: Natural Resources, Efficiency and Innovation, People and the Community);
  • People (relevant principles: People and the Community and Food);
  • Animals (relevant principle: Animal Health and Welfare, Efficiency and Innovation);
  • Progress (relevant principles: Natural Resources, People and the Community, Animal Health and Welfare, Food, Efficiency and Innovation)

Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef The GRSB hopes their work to define sustainability can provide clarity on a complex issues that affects beef producers, retailers and consumers around the globe. It isn’t the intention of GRSB to create a standard or mandate for sustainable beef practices, but rather to provide a baseline when working with regional roundtables to identify opportunities for improvements and efficiencies on a local level.

What are the indicators of ranch sustainability in an area where cattle are grazing rangelands? The Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable lists 64 indicators of sustainability, We will cover 10 of them here. Do any of these apply to your operation? Maybe you can identify opportunities for improvement in areas of sustainability?

  1. Change in soil area erosion and ground cover
  2. Quality and flow of ground and surface water
  3. Condition of riparian and wetland areas
  4. Presence and availability of wildlife habitat
  5. Number of livestock on land relative to carrying capacity
  6. Return on investment for forage and livestock enterprises
  7. Suitability of animal and forage species for environment
  8. Social status and employment opportunities for workers
  9. Contributions and involvement with surrounding communities
  10. Longevity and effort to manage and maintain systems

Many farms and ranches across the country exhibit qualities of sustainability. The longevity of multi-generation operations that have been around for a century or more should be evidence of that. As long as it involves the three core principles mentioned above, sustainability looks different on each operation, but that difference shouldn’t mean one is good and the other is bad. They’re different, and that diversity should be celebrated.

The Environmental Stewardship Award Program recognizes ranches each year who are doing good work in the areas of sustainability. Be sure to read more about their stories of sustainability. Also, be sure to visit to learn more from the cooperative effort by the Society for Range Management, University of Wyoming, and several other organizations. To read more about indicators of successful ranching, check out the proceedings from the Range Beef Cow Symposium XIX.

What questions do you have about sustainability for beef or ranching? Leave a comment below or email [email protected]. This is part of a month-long series of 10 Things to Know about Cattle. To read other posts in the series, click the image below.

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Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle