#TeamBeef Montana Runs in Ragnar Relay Napa Valley

Team Beef Montana in California12 runners. 2 vans. 29 straight hours. 205 miles. That’s what culminated last weekend when I joined the Montana Running Ranchers for the Ragnar Relay in California. The race started in San Francisco, continued over the Golden Gate Bridge and through the Napa Valley, ending in the small town of Calistoga. The team consisted of 12 members of the Montana ranching community, most working on family ranches. With 561 teams in the Ragnar Relay, our team finished 28th overall, 17th in the Mixed Open Division.

Montana Running Ranchers, a part of the Team Beef program of Montana Beef Council and partially funded through Checkoff Dollars, participates in a relay race each year in different parts of the country. Our goal is to fuel our passions for running and to share our perspectives on the impact of beef as part of a healthy diet and sustaining a healthy environment. We are able build bridges of conversation with race participants through the mutual interests of running, fitness and health.

My not-so-excited face at the end of my last leg during the race.

My not-so-excited face at the end of my last leg during the race.

This year’s venue was especially impactful as a majority of race participants come from urban areas of the West Coast and Southern California. In fact, we saw no other teams affiliated with a food, nutrition, or agriculture community. Consider that your challenge farmers and ranchers!

The team passed out Montana beef jerky samples and wrapped the vans in Team Beef and Beef Checkoff slogans. I was inspired and surprised at the warm reception for Team Beef. We were asked several times “Why Team Beef?” and people were excited to hear we were all from ranching families. Along the way, my van only encountered one person who turned down a beef jerky sample, saying they were “powered by plants”, but she was still polite and asked several questions about where we came from and what we do.

Team captain, Sarah Nash, is a running veteran who has organized team efforts over the past 5 years. I had the opportunity to catch up with her over the phone to reflect on the trip and team’s impact during the race. That podcast can be found on the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s SoundCloud page.

The 2014 Montana Running Ranchers team consisted of Aeric Reilly, Sarah Nash, Billie Jo Holzer, Stacey Hughes, Evelyn Halverson, Christy Gerdes, Amory Blake, Alex Blake, David Dover, Rachel Keaster, Mike Rydell, and myself (Ryan Goodman).

This was my first trip to the San Francisco and Napa Valley areas of California. We ran through several cities, rural roads, and eventually through the vineyards surrounding Napa. Much of the state is enduring exceptional drought conditions and it was startling to see just how dried-out everything is in the state. The grape growers appear to be doing a great job of conservative water use as everything in the vineyards was brown except for the vines with the use of drip irrigation systems. We certainly hope those portions of the country can receive some much needed rainfall soon.

Team Beef Van

Team Beef isn’t just a onetime gig or specific to Montana. The program is hosted by state Beef Councils across the country and helps to connect those of us who enjoy running, fitness and health with beef consumers who have similar interests, but may not always have the opportunity at first-hand experience with beef cattle. To learn more, visit MontanaBeefCouncil.org and ExploreBeef.org.

Want to support the Montana Running Ranchers in next year’s race? Send me an email at [email protected].

Ragnar Relay Team Beef

Beef Resources for Retailers | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Retail Beef BlastThe Beef Checkoff is connecting retailers to beef resources? Each month, the checkoff’s Retail Beef Blast e-newsletter reaches nearly 2,000 retail decision-makers with the latest beef news, research and insights. The newsletter far exceeds the 10.3-percent industry average for click-through rate – with an average 30 percent click-through rate! Retailers are clicking most on pricing resources, such as the Wholesale Price Update, Cut Yield & Profitability tool and Monthly Sales & Featuring Summary Reports, as well as shopper insights, infographics, cut charts and educational materials for their shoppers.

Learn more at www.MyBeefCheckoff.com
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Montana Registered Dietitian Interns see Beef from Pasture to Plate

Registerd Dietitian Interns Beef TourThe Montana Beef Council recently hosted another successful pasture to plate tour for nearly twenty students pursuing a career as a Registered Dietitian. The tour was conducted in Nye, Montana with local rancher Noel Keogh where the attendees were able to experience first-hand where and how beef is raised.

This year’s tour began at the ranch headquarters where Keogh explained his family ranching operation and the history of the area to the interns to help them understand the importance of agriculture and specifically beef production.

“As a rancher it is important for me to share my story and help consumers understand where their food comes from,” said Keogh.

Throughout the tour the interns not only had the opportunity to see cattle and horses, but also shipping facilities, rangeland and more. Keogh shared his passion for plant identification as he described different forages and explained their nutritional value. While hiking around the ranch the interns learned about the entire beef cycle and that cattle spend the majority of their lives on pasture. Keogh thoroughly detailed the value of natural resources and how, as a rancher, it is important to maintain a healthy partnership with the land in order to be a good steward and remain a viable ranching operation.

“Ranching is sustainable. Your ranch doesn’t get to be one hundred years old without taking good care of the land and livestock,” Keogh said.

Following a healthy beef lunch, the interns heard from Montana Beef Council’s Registered Dietitian Lisa Murray. Murray explained the nutritional benefits of beef and helped the health professionals understand how beef can be part of a healthy lifestyle. The beef checkoff-funded study, Beef in and Optimal Lean Diet, was a focal part of the presentation to provide the interns with sound, science-based information.

“Providing these health professionals with accurate information and a first-hand experience enables them to feel confident when recommending beef to their patients and clients,” said Murray.

To complete the day, the interns were engaged in a media training workshop conducted by Daren Williams, Senior Executive Director of Communications for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the beef checkoff. During the workshop the interns learned valuable information for conducting a successful media interview and then put their skills to work for an on-camera interview about beef-related topics.

The Montana Beef Council is organized to protect and increase demand for beef and beef products through state, national and international consumer marketing programs including promotion, education and research, thereby enhancing profit opportunities for Montana beef producers. For more information, contact Chaley Harney at (406) 656-3336 or [email protected].

Young Stockgrower Visits King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management

Todd Inglee Ralston Valley Beef King ranch headquartersBy Travis Brown, Sand Springs, Young Stockgrowers Vice-Chair

What an exciting time to be involved in this industry! Record high calf prices, strong demand, an expanding cow herd, and good moisture across much of the United States has made this an electrifying time in our business. I am also very encouraged by the young leaders who are looking at beef production as a great way to make a good living.

I had the opportunity last week to travel to Kingsville, TX and attend the John B. Armstrong Systems Thinking Lectureship put on by the King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management. It was a great chance to think through some of the micro- and macro-economic issues facing the beef industry ranging from questions about defining sustainability, endangered species protection, water usage, beef promotion, and production challenges. Throughout the intensive 4-day lectureship we discussed, and admired these issues hoping to begin to understand them better.

It was a humbling feeling to be surrounded by young, innovative, progressive thinkers who all have a vested interest in all of our future. The teacher of the lectureship, Michael Goodman, helped us to understand how the structure of our business or industry creates the results that it does. How we can make a long-term improvement on our ranch, or in our state Capitol that will make a lasting difference on the real problems we are facing. In out instant gratification society, it is often easy to look for the “quick fix” which may have unintended consequences to the long-term solution.

King ranch lectureshipOne of the highlights of the trip was having the chance to go on a private tour with Vice President & General Manager of the King Ranch, Dave DeLaney to get a look at where they brand the famous Running W. For over 150 years, they have run cattle in South Texas, between Corpus Christi and Brownsville. There is an incredible amount of history on this storied ranch, and an exciting future.

I could not help but be excited for what is in store for our own Young Stockgrowers. We have the upcoming Cattle Crawl, giving us a chance to interact with our consumers and show them what a great tasting, healthy, and environmentally friendly product we are proud to produce. We also have our biannual Calling on the Capitol coming up where we will have a real opportunity to interact with our legislators to make a difference on the issues facing our industry here in Montana. Our annual convention coming up in December will help us to set the policy of Montana Stockgrowers, to ensure that we have a united voice within our industry to institute positive change on the state and national level.

Introducing Dr. Megan Van Emon – Montana State Extension Beef Specialist

megan van emon msu extension beef specialistDr. Megan Van Emon began as the MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist located at the USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City, MT on August 1.

Megan grew up on a small farm in northeast Indiana, where they raised pigs and dairy steers. She was a 10-year 4-H member and showed rabbits, goats, and beef. She studied Animal Science at Purdue University and graduated with her BS in 2006. Megan continued her education at Purdue with Dr. Scott Lake, studying ruminant nutrition and graduating with her MS in 2008. Her research topic was the optimization of protein quality of dried distillers grains with solubles for ruminants.

Megan moved to Hettinger, ND in May of 2009 to begin her Ph.D. in ruminant nutrition with Drs. Chris Schauer and Kim Vonnahme. Using sheep as a model for cattle, her research focus was supplementing metabolizable protein to ewes during late gestation and determining the effects on the offspring.

While in Hettinger, she also conducted research in weaning strategies with Angus calves and ram fertility. In May of 2013 Megan graduated from North Dakota State University with her Ph.D. After graduating from NDSU, she moved to Iowa State University as a Post-Doctoral Associate with Drs. Stephanie Hansen and Dan Loy in beef feedlot nutrition. Megan’s main research focus at ISU was to determine the effects of feeding algae meal to beef steers on digestibility, preference, and performance.

Megan says, “I’m excited to be here in Miles City and I’m looking forward to getting around the state to discuss the opportunities available here in Montana. Please call, email, text, and stop by.”

Megan’s Contact Information: Megan Van Emon; Office: 406-874-8286; Cell: 701-928-1096; Fax: 406-874-8289; Email: [email protected].

Beef It’s What’s For Dinner on Facebook | Beef Briefs

Beef Its Whats For Dinner FacebookDid you know… The “Beef. It’s What For Dinner.” Facebook page has reached a new milestone by recently surpassing 825,000 Facebook Fans!

Consumers continue to engage with likes, comments and shares on posts such as the Personal Beef Pizza recipe and a Tips and Technique post, which explained the differences between rubs and marinades. Each post helps the consumer make an easy, delicious beef meal any day of the week. Even the checkoff’s Twitter handle now has more than 9,400 followers and growing every day. This summer, visit the checkoff’s social media pages, see how consumers are engaging with beef information, and join the conversation! To learn more about your beef checkoff investment, visit MyBeefCheckoff.com.

Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Fire Effects in the Northern Great Plains

Heat Duration In MinutesInformation provided by Dr. Mark Petersen of the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City.

Fire and grazing are natural and important processes in maintaining grasslands in the Great Plains and elsewhere.  Active fire suppression has in fact been recognized as a key disruptive force in rangeland ecosystem integrity throughout the world.  Fire’s ecological effects are numerous and complex.  Fire can manipulate nutrient dynamics, soils, vegetation, and animals.

Primary factors affecting community response are timing, frequency, and intensity of fire relative to the biology of organisms examined.  Fire effects on total plant productivity in the northern Great Plains are neutral to positive.  Native perennial grass productivity generally increases following fire.  Neutral responses in total productivity occur when increases in native perennial grasses are offset by reductions in annual grasses and forbs, which are predominantly non-native and non-preferred species.  Fire causes an immediate reduction of standing dead material and litter.  The combustion of standing dead material is a loss of forage in the near term.  The reduction in litter can alter light and moisture relations at the soil surface, promoting increased productivity and discouraging establishment of non-native species.  Reduction of standing dead material and litter as well as improved forage quality of new growth also attract grazers to burned sites.

Fire Season Effect on Brome Density
Response to fire can be species-specific, allowing targeted control of native weeds, such as purple threeawn, pricklypear cactus and juniper.  Invasive non-native weeds, such as annual bromes are also susceptible to selective control with fire and fire can kill seeds of some noxious invasive species.

Fire has even been shown to selectively control pest grasshopper species.   As an evolutionary process, fire cannot be substituted with any other management option.

Fire Effects on Weed Seed EmergenceThe dominant perennial grasses in the northern Great Plains are resistant to fire.  Western wheatgrass, threadleaf sedge, needle-and-thread, and blue grama were exposed to fires with a wide range of fuel loads (up to 8020 lb/ac) and hot, dry weather to determine the probability of fire-induced mortality.  No western wheatgrass or threadleaf sedge died.  To reach a 0.5 probability of mortality for needle-and-thread and blue grama, surface temperatures  exceeding lethal limits had to last 10.5 and 7.5 minutes, which required more than 7100 lb/ac of fuel.  Most combustion in grassland fuels is completed in 30 seconds to 2.5 minutes and fuel loads in the northern Great Plains are typically 600-2700 lb/ac.

Species such as Japanese brome can be reduced by fire through direct mortality of exposed plants and seeds, and indirect reduction through alterations in the microenvironment that reduce successful germination and establishment.  Established perennial weeds with protected buds, such as leafy spurge, are not harmed by fire, but seeds near the soil surface, in the litter, or in the canopy can be quite vulnerable to fire-induced mortality.

Heat Effects on EggsAs with plant species, animals are directly and indirectly affected by fire.  For example, ticks and grasshoppers that are in the plant litter or canopy  experience direct mortality from fire.

Additionally, we have shown some of the primary pest grasshopper species can be selectively controlled with fire.  Migratory grasshoppers show little egg mortality because they lay eggs deeply in the soil, whereas white-whiskered grasshoppers lay their eggs near the soil surface and commonly show 86% mortality.

Fire Ecology References available upon request. Email [email protected].

MSU Extension offering summer sale on ‘Range Plants of Montana’ book

BOZEMAN – Montana State University Extension is offering a sale on its book “Range Plants of Montana.” A color guide to iderange plants of montana bookntifying rangeland plants, the book is designed to be a useful reference for ranchers, land management personnel, students and nature enthusiasts.

About two-thirds of Montana, 62 million acres, is classified as rangeland, which supports a large diversity of animal and plant species on varying geography.

“Rangelands provide much of what makes Montana special – open space for ranching and recreation, clean air and water and abundant wildlife,” said Jeff Mosley, MSU professor of range science and Extension range management specialist. “The color photographs and non-technical language in Range Plants of Montana will help you discover the plants that inhabit our rangelands and enable you to more fully appreciate the beauty, diversity and complexity of these native ecosystems.”

Range Plants of Montana” reviews 96 common grasses, forbs and shrubs, including characteristics, site and habitat, management considerations and notes on the plant’s response to grazing. Color photos of each plant and drawings are included to assist in identifying grasses, as well as an illustrated glossary and index.

The 124-page, spiral bound book is on sale for $9.99 through August 30. “Range Plants of Montana” and many other publications can be ordered online www.msuextension.org/store or by calling the MSU Extension Distribution Center at (406) 994-3273.

MSU students tie for second in national animal science competition

Montana State University Animal Science Academic Quadrathalon(The following is a press release from Montana State University. To learn more about the team’s regional win earlier this year, click here.)

BOZEMAN — Four students from the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at Montana State University tied for second place in the National Academic Quadrathlon, held July 20-21 in Kansas City, Mo., and Manhattan, Kan.

Anna Downen of Columbia Falls, Preston Kiehl of Winnett, Jessica Roloff of Bozeman, and Ben Stokes of Pflugerville, Texas, competed in a four-part contest that consisted of a comprehensive written exam, impromptu oral presentation, hands-on lab practicum, and a double-elimination quiz bowl tournament.

The MSU team competed with four other universities, including Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University and Texas A&M University. The MSU team won the oral presentation and took second in the lab practicum.

“Anna, Preston, Jessie, and Ben did a fantastic job representing MSU at the contest. I’m extremely proud of them and their hard work. It’s exciting that MSU holds our own with much larger schools. It only increases our confidence that our program is turning out students who are well-prepared for their future careers,” said team adviser Rachel Endecott.

Three of the four students graduated from MSU in May. Kiehl has one semester remaining and plans to return to his family ranch. Downen now lives in Fairview and works at a Sidney veterinary clinic. Roloff works on a ranch near Lewistown. Stokes is starting a master’s degree at Iowa State University.

The national contest was held in conjunction with the 2014 joint annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association, and Canadian Society of Animal Science.

Big Timber native awarded W.D. Farr Scholarship from National Cattlemen’s Foundation

Ariel Scholarship Presentation Plaque--Ariel Overstreet-Adkins, a native of Big Timber, was recently awarded the W.D. Farr Scholarship from the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. The $12,000 scholarship is awarded to two graduate students each year, recognizing superior achievement in academics and leadership, while working to benefit the beef cattle industry. The award was presented at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver, Colorado.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the National Cattlemen’s Foundation (NCF) and NCBA for the incredible honor,” said Overstreet-Adkins as she accepted the award. “It has been great to learn more about W.D. Farr’s life, leadership, vision and legacy; and it is certainly humbling for my name to even be mentioned in the same sentence as W.D. Farr.”

Ariel continued showing her appreciation by adding, “I have been incredibly blessed this summer to receive support from my friends in the cattle industry, with scholarships from the Montana Stockgrowers Foundation, Montana CattleWomen, and today from NCF. These scholarships mean a tremendous amount to me and my family as we work to pay for law school. These scholarships will allow me to graduate with less debt, which is significant because it means that I am going be able to work on issues for the people that I care about.”

Overstreet-Adkins is especially thankful to MSGA and MCW for their support. “Both associations have been instrumental in my professional development. Working for MSGA in communications, then having the opportunity to lobby for the Stockgrowers and CattleWomen at three Montana legislative sessions, really solidified my passion for the cattle industry.”

Ariel is a student at the University of Montana School of Law in Missoula. Expecting to graduate in 2016, Overstreet-Adkins intends to help ensure the continued influence of agriculture and rural America, by practicing with a focus on natural resource and environmental law, especially water law from an agricultural perspective.

Overstreet-Adkins received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University, where she graduated with Honors while studying Cultural Anthropology in 2006. For the five years prior to law school she worked for the Montana Stockgrowers Association in charge of the Association’s communications efforts and serving as a lobbyist at the Montana legislature for three sessions to help advocate for Montana ranchers.

The annual W.D. Farr Scholarship awards were established by the National Cattlemen’s Foundation in 2007 to recognize outstanding students who plan to pursue careers in meat science and animal agriculture. W.D. Farr was the first president of the National Cattlemen’s Foundation, and served as president of the American National Cattlemen’s Association, which would later become the NCBA. His career spanned 75 years and included innovations in cattle feeding, uniform beef grading, water conservation and banking. Farr died at age 97 in August 2007.