Are you the Face of Farming and Ranching? | Beef Briefs

Did you know … USFRA is seeking new ‘Faces of Farming & Ranching?’

Beef Briefs Faces of Farming USFRAIn an effort to help put a real face on agriculture, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) will begin looking for the new “Faces of Farming & Ranching” later this year. The organization will select standout farmers and ranchers who are proud of what they do, eager to and active in sharing their stories in pubic and on social media. To apply, visit Faces of Farming & Ranching between July 10 and Aug. 10 and complete an application entry and short video. Finalists will be announced in early September, and each finalist will be profiled on The public will vote for their favorites in late October through early November. Winners will participate in activities including national media interviews, advertising and public appearances.

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Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Montana Rancher Q and A: Cam Cooper, Talon Ranch

Camron “Cam” Cooper of Twin Bridges, Montana had her sights set on running a cattle ranch and about twenty years ago, she was able to accomplish that dream. Cam owns the Talon Ranch which is both a commercial and registered seedstock Angus operation. Cam’s heart reaches far beyond the borders of Montana. She is leaving her entire estate to the Angus Foundation and established a scholarship program to help the nation’s young cattle raisers. Today on the blog, we feature Cam…her work, her ranch, her generosity…

Cam Cooper Talon Ranch 2.jpg

Camron “Cam” Cooper at home on the Talon Ranch

How long have you been involved in ranching?

I got started on my own about 20 years ago. I was a newcomer to the cattle business. In 1996, I bought my first commercial cattle and a few registered Angus which I kept adding to. Then in 2003, I sold all the commercial cows and became completely a registered Angus seedstock operation.

Why did you want to get involved in the cattle business?

It’s in my genetics. I had a cowboy granddad in Missouri, and in the 1920s, he moved out to California. I was born there in 1939. When I was 4-years-old, he bought me my first horse and I was hooked. Many years later, I was looking for a good spot to retire and In 1994, I moved to Montana.

Why did you chose to settle in Montana?

I visited Montana several times for business and had always loved those trips. The state just seemed opened and away from it all. I knew this is where I wanted to retire.

It seems like there is good ranch community support in your area. Do you agree?

I didn’t know very much when I first got into the business, but luckily my neighbors and those involved in the Angus breed helped me quite a bit. They are all very passionate about Angus and its benefits for the national cowherd. I work with the Sitz Angus Ranch in Dillon…they’ve been terrific and a huge support system.

Cam Cooper Talon Ranch Sign.jpgWhat are some of things you’ve learned over the years?

There is a great need for flexibility in the cattle business. You can have the best plan in the world…the best breeding genetics, but sometimes, it just doesn’t turn out like you wanted. Instead of beating your head against the fence post, you better shift gears. There are a number of things you have no control over so learn to deal with it.

Do you have any advice for young people in the ranching business?

Every situation is different and you can’t generalize. Get experience first and define your goals and objectives. But be ready to use that flexibility. You can’t just do it by the seat your pants.

What are your favorite days on the ranch?

I love the calving season…especially at the beginning. It’s one of the most rewarding things. But the thing is, the reward comes from all the hard work you put into the rest of the ranch year…everything from the preparation of the breeding season, (making sure your genetics are set up properly for the herd because it ends up being like a chess game when selecting genetics) to the actual breeding season…and later, the calving season. It’s labor intensive and a 24-hour a day job. We not only have to monitor the calves, but also constantly check the health of the momma cows…often times in drastically cold weather.

What else would you like our readers to know about?

It’s important for ranchers to stand up for what they’re doing. We raise cattle properly…from animal care to land stewardship. We have to do our best, because if not, we’re out of business. We also want to create the most satisfactory experience for the beef consumer we can. It takes time, money and great effort.

Cam Cooper Talon Ranch Mountains.jpgTell us more about the future of your ranch and your scholarship program.

My estate in entirety is going to be left to the Angus Foundation to provide scholarships for students interested in animal husbandry and cattle business operations. The Talon Ranch Scholarship has been up and running for 5 years. It just is so gratifying to provide this money to students who may not have had another means to get an opportunity. It warms my heart.

A word of thanks from Milford Jenkins, Angus Foundation president:

“Cam’s undergraduate and graduate scholarships through her Angus/Talon Youth Educational Learning Program Endowment Fund in the Angus Foundation have literally transformed the lives of the outstanding and deserving youth selected to be the recipients of her prestigious scholarships. A consummate visionary, Cam has a keen understanding and appreciation for the importance of investing today in the next generation who will be tomorrow’s leaders of our beef cattle and agricultural related industries, communities, schools, states and nation.  The Angus Foundation, Angus/Talon scholarship recipients, their families and those that follow in the years to come whose lives will forever be enriched by Cam’s selfless philanthropy, will always owe her a huge debt of gratitude.  She truly is an inspiration to all of us!”

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Specialists, Generalists, and Working with People

Rachel Endecott Montana Young Stockgrowers Mid Year Miles CityDr. Rachel Endecott, Belgrade, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist

Sometimes, it seems that the world wants people who specialize. For example, my job title is Extension beef cattle specialist; however, “beef cattle” is a fairly general topic. In fact, I’m trained as a ruminant nutritionist, but I help folks with cattle reproductive physiology, genetics, marketing, health, and general management questions on a regular basis in addition to their nutrition questions. I’ve found that my clientele don’t care how I was trained; they just expect answers to their beef cattle questions. My ranch background and animal science training has made me pretty comfortable with the generalist role. And if you think my work makes me a Jill-of-all-trades, think about your county Extension agent. Many of you live in single-agent counties, where that one person handles all the questions that come into the office.

What kind of tree is this? What kind of bug is this? Is this bug killing my tree? Can you help out with the community forum on the new swimming pool? Can you test my pressure cooker before canning season starts? Can you come take a look at the damage the hailstorm did to my wheat? Should I test my grain hay for nitrates? And I’ll leave all the 4-H related questions up to your imagination! I’d encourage you to sit down with your county agent(s) sometime and ask about the variety in their job; you might be surprised.

At Mid Year, I was invited to speak at the Young Stockgrower meeting about issues and trends in the beef cattle industry. I’d say that was a pretty generalist topic, so I started with changes in the use of feed-grade antibiotics and we had a good discussion about that and a few other topics. At the end, all the speakers took questions as a panel, one of which was “What advice would you give to a young person who wants to talk to their folks or grandparents about making a change on the operation?”

My answer was this: Get some soft skill leadership training before you have that conversation. Now this might raise an eyebrow or two out there in MSGA readership land, and probably did that day in Miles City, too. But here’s where I’m coming from: in school, we choose our area of interest to study with the goal specializing in that area of interest, be it animal science, ag business or whatever. I think most would agree that as you enter the workforce (and for the rest of your career), you might have to generalize some depending on the job.

Did you learn about how to effectively work with people from other generations or different personality types? I know I didn’t. And (as I was reminded at the ranch rodeo by one of my clientele), I’ve gone to a lot of school! But you know what a major part of my job is? Working with people. I bet it’s a pretty big part of your job, too. What would it be like to have some training to help you work more effectively with people?

Checkoff Introduces U.S. Beef to Asian Chefs | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Beef Brief Singapore ChefsThe Beef Checkoff is adding more beef to ASEAN menus?

An intensive two-day training program for chefs from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in April – funded, in part, by the beef checkoff – introduced them to a wider variety of U.S. beef cuts for their menus. Although participating chefs already use U.S. beef in their restaurants, the seminar focused on expanding their menu options to dishes made with a wider array of U.S. cuts, in addition to offering instruction about proper storage and handling of chilled and frozen beef. For details, visit Singapore Training.

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Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Calculating Calving Distribution to Evaluate Reproductive Performance

Rachel Endecott, Montana State University Extension Beef Cattle SpecialistBy Dr. Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension, Beef Cattle Specialist

Calculating calving distribution is one way to evaluate the previous year’s reproductive performance for the cowherd. Calving distribution follows how cows are calving during the calving season, split into 21-day periods (the length of a cow’s estrous cycle). The starting date of the calving distribution can be determined in a couple different ways. The first is to add 283 days (average gestation length) to the breeding date or bull turnout date, and the second is to assign the starting date as the day when the third mature cow calves.

In herds where cow age can be identified along with calving date, calving distribution can be calculated for young cows separately from older cows, which may provide information about breed-up performance that might not otherwise be easily observed. Here is an example calving distribution from the Beef Improvement Federation Guidelines publication.

What is a good benchmark number for calving distribution? One example comes from the North Dakota Beef Cattle Improvement Association Cow Herd Appraisal Performance Software (CHAPS) program. The CHAPS benchmark for the first 21-day calving period is 63.4%. The benchmarks for 42 and 63 days are 88.8% and 95.6%, respectively.

table calving period evaluating calving performance

From this chart, do you see a group of cows you might be more concerned with compared to another? Perhaps the 3-year-olds? Check out a graph of this data for a more visual perspective.

Chart calving period for reproductive performance

In this format, the 3-year-old cows really jump out. All other age groups have the largest percentage of cows calving during the first 21 days, but the largest percentage of 3-year-olds calved during the second 21 days. Many beef cattle producers find that getting first-calf heifers to breed back well is a challenge. Some strategies to improve young cow reproductive performance include implementing proper heifer development and pre– and post-calving nutrition programs.

Some producers start the yearling breeding season 2-3 weeks ahead of the mature cows in an effort to give the heifers more time to recover before breeding season. On the other hand, some producers implement a shortened (say, 30-day) breeding season for yearling heifers in an effort to put selection pressure on reproduction. In this scenario, pregnancy rates will be lower than in a longer breeding season, so more potential replacement heifers may need to be kept back to ensure an appropriate replacement rate for the cowherd.

Keeping young cows separate from older cows before and after calving (if conditions allow) might also be a good young cow reproductive management strategy. Since young cows are still growing, their nutrient demands are higher than mature cows. Managing them separately allows for more targeted feeding to meet nutrient requirements. When managed together, feeding to meet mature cow requirements will result in a nutrient shortage for the young cows, while feeding to meet young cow requirements will result in overfeeding the mature cows, which could be a fairly expensive proposition.

Have you started planning for the 2014 breeding season? Or is it already well underway? An evaluation of calving distribution might give you some good insight on how last year’s management environment impacted cowherd reproductive performance.

Checkoff and Beef Quality Assurance | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

join BQA team… your Beef Checkoff Program helps build consumer confidence?

Today’s consumers want to know more about how their food was raised, and the checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program can be a positive influence in sharing with consumers how cattlemen and women provide the best care possible for their cattle. BQA is based on sound management practices developed from years of practical experience and research and helps beef producers raise safe, high-quality beef.

The BQA program focuses on education and training and can help enhance carcass values by reducing animal illnesses and treatment. BQA practices, such as safe handling techniques, help reduce stress and bruising, which aids in producing quality beef and can directly impact producers’ bottom lines.

BQA training encompasses animal health, handling, record keeping, nutrition and general animal care that improve beef products and help maintain consumer confidence in the sound production practices endorsed by the cattle industry.

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Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Feeding Weedy Hay: Implications for Future Weed Problems?

Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist

In the past few years, many Montana beef cattle operations have purchased hay, sometimes from many counties away, and even from another country based on the Canadian hay that we’ve seen move south the past few winters! Some of that hay might have been fairly weedy, or have different weeds than are found in your area. Just how well do weed seeds survive after going through the digestive system of a ruminant?

A Canadian study from the early 1990s evaluated weed seed viability after 24 hours of rumen incubation for many common weeds. In general, they found that after 24 hours in the rumen, grass weed species were more adversely affected than broadleaf weed species. Many broadleaf weed species have harder seed coats than grass weed species, which was suggested to be the main reason for the difference between grass and broadleaf species. The table below summarizes the results of the study, comparing viability of seeds after 24 hours in the rumen versus a control group (no rumen exposure).Weed Species Treatment and Digestibility in Cattle Rumen Chart

The study also found that the diet the cow was on when the seeds were incubated in the rumen had an impact on some species’ seed viability. For example, wild oats and field pennycress were not impacted much by rumen incubation when the cow was consuming an all-forage diet, but when the cow was consuming a mixed diet of grain and forage, the viability of these weed seeds was dramatically reduced. This suggests that the lower pH environment in the rumen due to grain supplementation may have been better able to decrease seed viability.

What about noxious weeds? Are their seeds impacted by rumen exposure? Several different research projects at Montana State University have tackled this question over the years. Sheep, goats, and even mule deer have been used in these studies rather than cattle, since most cattle avoid grazing these weeds.

Sheep and mule deer were dosed with 5,000 spotted knapweed seeds, and then seeds were recovered from the manure. Less than 20% of the dosed seeds were recovered, and large variability existed in seed viability (0-26%), but it was always lower than the control (98%). In a study evaluating leafy spurge, 18% of dosed seeds were recovered, and sheep were found to be more effective than goats in decreasing seed viability (sheep: 14%, goats: 31%, control: 90% viability). Digestion of sulfur cinquefoil seeds by sheep and goats decreased viability of immature seeds by 92% and of mature seeds by 64%. The difference was attributed to the hardened seed coat of mature seeds limiting digestive impacts.

Weed seed viability is impacted by passage through the rumen to varying degrees. It is important to keep a close watch on areas where weedy hay was fed this winter to ensure proper and timely management of any weed infestations.

Frost et al., 2013. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66:51-55
Lacey et al., 1992. Weed Technology. 6:599-602.
Wallender et al., 1995. Journal of Range Management. 48:145-149

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Summer Grilling Means Easy Beef Recipes | Beef Briefs

Did you know …

Summer digital ads Beef Briefs…summer grilling promotions are heating up?

As the summer grilling season begins to heat up, the checkoff’s “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” website will debut new “how to prepare beef” online videos, including new techniques and tips for grilling great steaks at home, and will provide additional information about beef’s 10 essential nutrients on the site. The checkoff will reach out to its target audience of older millennial parents through its digital advertising campaign on websites frequently visited by these consumers – such as Food Network, Cooking Channel,, SELF, Men’s Fitness, BuzzFeed and more.

For more fun videos, visit the Beef It’s What’s For Dinner Easy Dinner Ideas page.

Learn more at
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.

Inside Trade Agreements – The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

Editor’s Note: Part two of a series of articles (Part 1) in which we will look at trade and the organizations that set the standards for these agreements. The next article will focus on the Codex Alimentarius. Provided by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association for educational purposes. By: Mallory Gaines, NCBA Policy Analyst, Cattle Health

As discussed in the first article in this series, trade is a fundamental part of America’s cattle industry and the NCBA supports free and fair trade based on internationally-accepted, sound science. The framework supporting this principal is the World Trade Organization, which relies on guidelines developed by groups like the OIE.

In 1995, with the establishment of the WTO, the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures entered into force. The purpose of the SPS Agreement was to ensure member countries that their consumers were being supplied with food that is safe to eat, but what is considered safe by international standards? The SPS agreement sets out the basic rules for food safety and animal and plant health standards, allowing countries to build upon this foundation to set their own standards. However, the agreement dictates that those standards and regulations must be based on science. This basis on science separates protection from protectionism. The World Organization for Animal Health, known by its French acronym OIE, is one body that sets those scientific standards.

Established in 1924, the OIE started with 28 countries. The U.S. joined in 1976, and in 1994, the OIE was designated by the WTO as the scientific reference body for animal health. Today the OIE has 178 member countries, with one country – one vote. The OIE collects and disseminates information on disease events, harmonizes health standards for trade in animals and animal products, and provides guidance for disease control and eradication. But today, the OIE is expanding with new mandates, and looking at developing guidelines on animal welfare, food production and safety, and helping member countries improve their veterinary services.

The OIE enforces strict reporting obligations for member countries for listed diseases.  For routine diseases TB and blue tongue, annual and six-month reporting is required. For emergency or foreign animal disease the requirements are for immediate reporting, within 24 hours of confirmation. This applies to FMD, vesicular stomatitis, and BSE.

The OIE is made up of four specialist commissions.  NCBA works most closely with the commission which develops the standards and recommendations for the safe trade of animals and animal products. Moreover, this commission oversees the work on animal welfare and food production and food safety.

As a member country, the U.S. participates at various levels, preparing the U.S. position based on science, sending official comments and working within our Region to build consensus. The OIE played a major role in our trade relationship with the first case of BSE in the U.S. in 2003.  Their recognition of the U.S. as “controlled risk” for BSE helped our negotiators to rebuild foreign market share following market closures and protectionist attitudes. In May of 2013, with the work of USDA APHIS, the risk status was upgraded to “negligible risk” which further helped in gaining market share lost in the Pacific Rim, including Japan. And it is based on the standards out of the OIE that we continue to press for greater access to countries like China, Russia and Korea.

At the end of May, NCBA will attend the annual meeting of the OIE as part of the U.S. delegation. The OIE will adopt a chapter to the code of Terrestrial Animal Health and work on other policy issues. The official U.S. delegate to the OIE is Dr. John Clifford, USDA Chief Veterinary Officer, but the delegation often relies on the expertise of industry in crafting their recommendations and comments. It is important for all cattle producers that NCBA ensures the concerns of our members are addressed at the OIE and to ensure that standards considered and passed fit the needs of our industry. This will become all the more important as this body moves on to consider issues like animal welfare, on farm food safety practices and antimicrobial resistance.

Inside Trade Agreements – World Trade Organization (WTO)

Beef Offal Export Values World Trade OrganizationEditor’s Note: Part one of a series of articles in which we will look at trade and the organizations that set the standards for these agreements. The next article will focus on the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Provided by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association for educational purposes.

Trade is a fundamental part of America’s cattle industry, and with new pacts on the horizon like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade Investment and Promotion agreement the beef industry is poised to take advantage of greater opportunities ahead. Ninety-six percent of the world’s population lives outside of United States’ borders, and it is critical to capitalize on these foreign markets to maximize profit margin. Beef demand looks different across the world, and foreign markets drive demand and increase profitability for beef cuts that are less popular here in the states, drivers our cattle industry can capitalize on. In 2013, trade brought home more value to the producer than ever in the past – $307 per head or $6.15 billion total. This premium underlines the value of trade for all segments of our industry. And the major regulator of these opportunities is the World Trade Organization.

The WTO has a long history in international trade. Its formation reaches back to the Treaty of Versailles and the end of World War I, with the establishment of the League of Nations. After World War II, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was formed. And in 1995 with the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations, under the age is of the GATT, the WTO was formally created to discuss and negotiate the further development of trade rules and seek peaceable resolution to trade disputes. With its history in war, the main function of the WTO then as now, is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

To secure these market opportunities, countries work through the WTO. The WTO was built around trade agreements which were negotiated and signed by many of the world’s leading trade nations. These documents provide the legal ground rules for international commerce. They are essentially contracts, binding governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits. Although negotiated and signed by governments, the goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business, while allowing governments to meet social, environmental and safety objectives.

Economic development and well-being is dependent upon free trade and as such, the WTO’s overriding purpose is to help trade flow as freely as possible — so long as there are no undesirable side effects. That partly means removing obstacles and ensuring that individuals, companies and governments know what the trade rules are around the world, and giving them confidence and security without fear of sudden policy changes.

Which brings us to the point of why WTO is important and what their role is in international trade. The NCBA does not necessarily work with WTO directly; we work with our government, the U.S. Trade Representative and the governments of other nations affected by decisions at the WTO. But the WTO makes many of their trade decisions based on standards set by other organizations. WTO gives these organizations credence by recognizing the standards they set. These organizations, like the World Organization for Animal Health, known by its French acronym OIE, and Codex Alimentarius, set the precedent that WTO looks at and that the cattle industry can use as a guide for animal health and food safety.

When our membership calls for free and open trade based on internationally recognized science, OIE and Codex provide the science that underlies that notion. And that is where NCBA works. Over the past several years and through the next months, we will be attending meetings and submitting comments and documents to ensure that the standards set on the global level for animal health and welfare and food safety are in line with the most recent science and that these standards work for the U.S. cattle industry.

An example would be a beef trade dispute with a country that refused to accept U.S. beef that was at any time fed a beta-agonist. Codex, has a set maximum residue level, or MRL, for certain beta-agonists in meat based on the scientific evidence presented by a varied committee of nations, experts and researchers. Since this level has been recognized internationally, it would be among the standards used if the U.S. were to take up a case against that country’s action at the WTO. And that is the type of action that preserves our ability to trade openly with other nations.

Of course not all WTO disputes are based on sound science. There are many other barriers to trade that the U.S. beef industry works with. There is protectionism both domestic and abroad. Policies like COOL, that discriminate against our trading partners and threaten retaliatory action against our beef exports to Canada and Mexico, which alone make up one-third of our total beef exports. And as with other trade disputes, the WTO is not the only way to work out our differences. As with our relations with China, Japan, the European Union and others; the decisions on how to move forward involve not only the possibility of enforcement at the WTO, but diplomacy and leadership through the Administration and our ambassadors and attachés. But we will continue to work with all of these groups to ensure we can provide the same great high-quality beef we raise and produce here in the U.S. to our customers across the world.

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