Are You a Young Rancher in Montana?

Join the Montana Young Stockgrowers Association!

If you are a young rancher in the state of Montana, consider a membership to the Young Stockgrowers Association. It’s a great way to meet your peers from across the state, learn from veteran MSGA leadership, and take part in several priceless opportunities during the year…from events to conferences. This group is made up of young ranchers, folks involved in the cattle business, students, and those who just want to meet new friends.

The Young Stockgrowers Association meets at both the Annual Convention in Billings and at the Mid-Year Meeting. Throughout the year, there are local YSG meetings, YSG-hosted events like the Cattle Crawl and Legislative Conference. Lacey Sutherlin – Stevensville – is the chair of the YSG during 2014 and Travis Brown – Sand Springs – is vice chair. Both would be more than happy to answer any questions or help you to get involved in YSG.

Travis had the opportunity to attend the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville last month as was mentioned earlier this week in his KRIRM Leadership feature. Today he’ll share with us a few more highlights from the trip.

Cattle Convention Perspective from Young Stockgrowers

Travis BrownIn February, at the CIC, I had the opportunity to attend on behalf of the Young Stockgrower Committee, and what a convention it was.  There was tremendous excitement for the beef business as cattlemen from across the country gathered in the midst of the highest market we have ever seen.  My personal favorite part of the convention is the trade show, the industry’s largest, and is all held within the massive Gaylord Opryland Hotel.  Businesses from across the country come to display the newest technologies in the industry, meanwhile there are live cattle demonstrations going on in the background, it is truly a sight to see.

Another highlight of the convention, and of particular interest to Young Stockgrowers are the Cattlemen’s Colleges, sponsored by Zoetis.  There are several different speakers brought in from all over the United States to discuss issues facing all parts of the beef business from the ranch gate, to the grocery store, and even around the Washington DC Beltway.  It is truly interesting to see what Millennials, consumers age 20-30, are interested in as they develop their tastes and preferences and how beef can meet their demands for the future.  Millennials are the largest generation, even bigger than the Baby Boomers, and making sure that they choose beef as their go to source for high quality, delicious, and nutritious protein will make a big difference.

Lastly the speakers and the cattle industry convention are absolutely incredible. From speakers about leadership like Capitan Phillips and Archie Manning to in-depth perspective from the true experts in the industry during the CattleFax Update there is great information to be heard.  There are some unique challenges and exciting opportunities facing the beef business as this winter draws to a close and everyone is looking forward to calving.

Find out more about the MSGA Young Stockgrowers program at

Everything you need to know before traveling to 2014 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville

Cattle Industry Convention 2014 NCBA Trade Show Nashville TNThe 2014 Cattle Industry Convention held February 3-7 at Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee (location information), is expected to be the largest ever with over 5,700 preregistered attendees. With everything that is packed into the schedule, it is important to be aware of events taking place before you travel to Nashville.

All the information you will need for preparation and events information is listed online (full schedule here). Be sure to download the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention mobile application for all your information on the go. Just search for “CIC2014” in the app stores. The official hashtag to keep track of CIC on all social media platforms is #BeefMeet. Be sure to mention MSGA on Twitter (@MTStockgrowers) and Facebook.

Here are the highlights from the agenda for the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention:

Delta B will be the hub for everything you need at convention – Registration, Information, Nashville Tourism and Restaurant Guides, charging stations and technology center. There will be Wi-Fi available in all meeting locations.

Registration is still available online (On-Site opens at 6:00 a.m. daily). Kiosks will be available for check-in for all preregistrations. There will be no hard-copy materials for registration – the bar code on your name badge is the key to all events and information. There will be a ribbon bar where you will need to pick up all identifying ribbons for events during convention. These will not be included in your registration materials.

For Montanans at CIC, be sure to attend the Montana Stockgrowers Social on Wednesday night, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., in Cheekwood G/H. DuPont sponsors the event. Also, catch Northern Ag Network’s Russell Nemetz on Thursday morning as he emcees the Best of Beef Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. in the Presidential Ballroom. The Padlock Ranch, Montana and Regional Environmental Stewardship Award winner, will recognized at different events throughout CIC and is up for the National award.

The Cattlemen’s College takes place on Monday night and Tuesday starting at 7:00 a.m. with 19 presentation available for hands-on and classroom experiences. Highlighting these will be McDonald’s Vice President, Bob Langert, discussing the “Global Sustainability of Beef.”

The Trade Show is SOLD OUT with over 300 vendors and 5.7 acres of exhibition space. Be sure to keep an eye out for the Montana Stockgrowers Association crew in Booth #1815. Stop by and visit us as we bring a little piece on Montana to the Show. Trade Show hours are Tuesday (5:00 – 8:00 p.m.), Wednesday and Thursday (10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). Blue and Gold will take over the Trade Show on Thursday as FFA youth will be invited to attend.

Opening General Session takes place at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday featuring Capitan Richard Phillips and the Peterson Farm Brothers. General Session II will feature Archie Manning’s discussion on leadership and hopefully the proud dad of a super bowl championship.

On Wednesday beginning at 8:00 a.m., the CattleFax seminar takes place. Unlike previous years, this Outlook seminar is now open to all CIC registrants without a separate ticket. Following the CattleFax seminar will be a discussion on the Architecture of Consumer Demand. The panel discussion will consist of perspectives from a food blogger, chef, the distribution chain and Wendy’s. The topic will center around “reaction to a recent industry scan on consumer buying trends for beef.”

Entertainment will be alive and well again this year at CIC as only Nashville and do. On Wednesday night, the Viva Nashvegas party takes place with live entertainment in the Opryland Events Center. Thursday night, Cattlemen and women will take over the Opryland for an exclusive show from Diamond Rio, John Conlee, Sarah Darling, and more. Cowboy’s Night at the Opry will be followed by the Red Solo Cup After-Party in the Gaylord Opryland.

For Young Producers at CIC, there will be a YPC Social on Tuesday from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. and the YPC meeting takes place on Wednesday from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Collegiate events include a Roundtable discussion and Career Fair on Thursday. American National Cattlewomen meetings start on Monday at 8:00 a.m. and continue throughout the week.

Business and Policy meetings and discussion takes place at CIC on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Region V Caucus meeting takes place on Wednesday from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. in Ryman Ballroom A/B/D/E. Friday morning the Joint CBB & NCBA Federation Board of Directors, Cattlemen’s Beef Board, and NCBA Board of Directors meetings start at 7:30. a.m.

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Stockgrowers Launches Affiliate Mentorship Program

Affiliate Mentorship Program Ranchers MeetingThe Montana Stockgrowers Association is renewing our efforts to connect with local Affiliate groups from across the state. The Affiliate Mentorship Program (AMP), which is a three year program, has been designed to connect the existing dots of communication between state affiliates and MSGA. It encourages individual producers across the state to get involved in the outcome of their own destiny within the ranching community through their local affiliate and on to MSGA.

Our AMP program kicked off with a two-day workshop held in Helena in January

MSGA 2nd Vice President, Bryan Mussard, helped attendees learn more about the services MSGA offers Affiliate members across the state.

MSGA 2nd Vice President, Bryan Mussard, helped attendees learn more about the services MSGA offers Affiliate members across the state.

85 leaders, representing 18 Local Affiliate Associations from across the state were invited to learn more about what Montana Stockgrowers is doing for members on a state and national level. Attendees were also invited to provide feedback on improvements in communication and opportunities Local Affiliates would like to see from MT Stockgrowers.

The leadership seminar is designed to empower individuals to engage by sharing their thoughts, ideas and concerns in a constructive manner to a constructive audience that can respond in a beneficial way and to become more familiar with how MSGA develops policy and strategies to continue to be an effective leader in the industry.

During the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to meet with the directors of three state organizations who work closely with Montana Stockgrowers: Christian Mackay, Executive Officer of Department of Livestock; John Tubbs, Director of Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and Jeff Hagener, Director of Fish, Wildlife & Parks. These directors gave a brief overview of their work on current issues affecting Montana ranchers.

Attendees also had the opportunity to hear from Montana Stockgrowers staff members to learn more about the work done at the state level that benefits Affiliates and members across the state. Executive Vice President, Errol Rice, gave an overview of MSGA’s structure and how information flows between state and local levels. Director of Natural Resources, Jay Bodner, informed the group on how MSGA handles policy issues during and between legislative sessions to give Montana ranchers representation on important policy and regulation changes. Manager of Communications, Ryan Goodman, introduced the group to the many ways MSGA is working to build communication channels within membership and to elevate the story of Montana ranchers.

Affiliate Mentorship Program

The outcome of the AMP program is to make a more consistent connection between MSGA and the local affiliates. We want to convey the message of who we are and how we are tied together from the local to state levels and then to a national level through existing networking. AMP conveys the message that individuals shape conversations. Those who show up, indeed run the world, however, “It is shaped by those who speak up.”

Affiliate Mentorship ProgramThe AMP program would not be possible without the support of generous sponsors. Special appreciation goes to Merck Animal Health, Montana Livestock Ag Credit Inc., along with the help of several additional private sponsors that wished to remain anonymous.

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American National CattleWomen, President Barbara Jackson


The Montana Stockgrowers Association was happy to have the American National CattleWomen president, Barbara Jackson, at our annual convention this past December. She gave us an inspirational talk about the need to advocate for the beef industry and why it’s important for women to get involved at our local, state, and national levels. Watch the video below to hear Barbara’s story and the goals of ANCW for 2014.

Would you like to join the ANCW? Visit Also, be sure to check out the Montana CattleWomen’s website for ways to be involved at the state level.


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MSU Extension and MSGA announce 2013 Steer of Merit certifications

Montana Stockgrowers and Extension Steer of Merit Recipients

L to R, Lane Brush (Madison County), Randy Kramer (Carbon County), Kayla Sylvia (Lewis and Clark County), Shelbie Oblander (Yellowstone County), Ty Handy (Richland County), and Rachel Endecott (MSU Extension)

Montana State University Extension and the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) distinguished 135 “Steers of Merit” out of over 900 entries for 2013. Out of 775 steers entered in the Carcass Division, 111 were deemed Steers of Merit. In the Ultrasound Division, 24 out of 141 entries received the distinction.

“The Steer of Merit award promotes and recognizes the production of the highest quality of Montana beef with carcass characteristics that meet the U.S. beef industry’s standards of excellence,” said Errol Rice, MSGA’s Executive Vice President. “We are proud to sponsor this great youth program that teaches and awards 4-H and FFA beef projects that have met or exceeded these industry benchmarks in order to meet both domestic and global consumer demand for the 21st century.”

The exhibitors and breeders of the top five steers in each category were honored at MSGA’s Annual Convention, Dec. 12-14 in Billings at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana. The top five steer entries in the Carcass Division were: 1) Timothy Eash, Lincoln County (Ed Braaten, breeder); 2) Randy Kramer, Carbon County (Justin Oswald, breeder); 3) Karleigh Bolin, Missoula County (Jeremy & Kate Roberts, breeder); 4) Kayla Sylvia, Lewis and Clark County (Troy Wheeler, breeder); and 5) Lane Brush, Madison County (Gerald Brush, breeder).

The top five steer entries in the Ultrasound Division were: 1) Mackenzie Lepley, Yellowstone County (breeder unknown); 2) Ty Handy, Richland County (Larry & Lauri Handy, breeder); 3) Brielle Gorder, Richland County (Allen Gasho, breeder); 4) Shelbie Oblander, Yellowstone County (Pam & Dale Bilyeu, breeder); and 5) Jalyssa Gorder, Richland County (Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch, breeder).

The number of Steer of Merit certifications for 2013 increased by nine steers, with 26 more entries submitted compared to 2012.

“Steer of Merit certification didn’t change much in 2013 compared to 2012,” said Rachel Endecott, Montana State Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. “This was the second fair season under the new hot carcass weight and back fat standards set by the Steer of Merit Committee in 2011; perhaps some adjustment to the new standards is occurring. And summer 2013 probably had better cattle feeding weather and conditions than summer 2012.”

The Montana Steer of Merit program was initiated in 1967 as a joint effort between the Montana Stockgrowers Association and Montana State University Extension. The program was designed to measure, record, and improve carcass characteristics in beef cattle. Data from these carcasses has been summarized and analyzed statistically. Over time, significant increases have been made in quality grade and in yield grade, or cutability, indicating that cattle can be selected for leaner carcasses with higher cutability and still maintain high quality grade as reflected by marbling.

To be designated a Steer of Merit, carcasses are evaluated by a qualified individual using information that relates to yield of lean meat and eating quality. Beef carcasses must meet criteria set by the Steer of Merit Committee in the areas of hot carcass weight, dressing percent, fat thickness over 12th rib (back fat), total rib eye area, yield grade, percent cutability, and quality grade. Computer software programs help compile data and rank carcasses for state and county awards. Data is also analyzed periodically to track genetic and feed management progress. The minimum standards for Steer of Merit are reviewed each year and the program is updated to meet the changing industry standards.

For more information about the Steer of Merit program, call Rachel Endecott, Montana State Extension Beef Cattle Specialist at (406) 994-3747.


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Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors Mick Denowh Sidney

Mick Denowh of Sidney completes term on Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors

Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors Mick Denowh Sidney

This week we are highlighting three Montana ranchers who just finished their terms on the MSGA Board of Directors. We are very thankful for all of the ranchers and their families who dedicate time to making sure our organization operates smoothly and continues to serve Montana Ranching Families well into the future.

Mick Denowh of Sidney has completed two terms on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Board of Directors representing the Northeastern District. His peers elected Mick to the 13-member board in 2009 and re-elected in 2011. Denowh was honored for his service at MSGA’s 129th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, Dec. 12-14.

“Mick had a long distance to travel to most MSGA meetings, but only missed one meeting due to his family’s spring bull sale,” says MSGA President, Tucker Hughes of Stanford. “Mick is attentive but quiet, a good quality when serving on a board with ranchers. He and his wife Debbie were always involved and I can speak for the entire board in saying we have enjoyed serving with Mick and thank him for his four years of service.”

Mick, along with Paul and Chad Denowh, run Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch, a fourth-generation Seedstock operation. Mick is the ranch’s president. GDAR, which consists of two ranches located 35 miles apart, has been raising registered Angus since 1957.

Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors Mick Denowh SidneyMick and his wife Debra have four children, Chad, Charles, Chase and Chantz, two daughter-in-laws Jennifer and Barbara, and two grandchildren Danica and Cambree.

Mick is a member of the American Angus Association, served on the Montana Angus Association Board of Directors for three years and has been a delegate to the AAA national convention numerous times. He is a member of the MONDAK Stockgrowers Association and served as 4-H leader from 1988-2006. Mick served on the Richland Youth Hockey Board of Directors for three years and was chair of the Fireworks Booth & Bulls R. Us.

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Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors member Mark Harrison and wife Patti

Mark Harrison of Belt completes term on Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors

Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors member Mark Harrison and wife PattiThis week we are highlighting three Montana ranchers who just finished their terms on the MSGA Board of Directors. We are very thankful for all of the ranchers and their families who dedicate time to making sure our organization operates smoothly and continues to serve Montana Ranching Families well into the future.

Mark Harrison of Belt has completed two terms on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Board of Directors representing the North Central District. His peers elected Mark to the 13-member board in 2010 and re-elected in 2012. Mark was honored for his service at MSGA’s 129th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, Dec. 12-14.

“Due to health complications, Mark chose to shorten his second term on the Board of Directors, but we are very pleased to hear his health is improving,” says MSGA President, Tucker Hughes of Stanford. “Mark, his wife Patti, their whole family and crew have been great supporters of MSGA and our ranching communities. “Mark has been an outspoken leader for the ranching communities. His ability to ask the tough question at our board meetings without being offensive is an admirable quality. He and Patti have always been willing to step up to the plate when events needed to be hosted, such as our Mid Year event in 2012”

The Harrison family moved to Montana in 2003. Mark and Patti purchased the old Jolly Roger ranch near Belt and have been building their own registered Angus Seedstock herd since then. The Harrisons also run a commercial herd; around 400 pairs total. Harrison Land & Livestock held their first production sale in March of 2010.

Montana Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors Mark Harrison and Gene Curry

Mark and Patti have four children. Their two oldest sons, Matt and Joe, live and work on the ranch. Nathan serves in the Army. Elizabeth is currently in college.

Prior to moving to Montana, Mark served on the Foundation Board for Aquinas High School in La Crosse, Wis. and on the American Red Cross Board in La Crosse.

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This week we are highlighting three Montana ranchers who just finished their terms on the MSGA Board of Directors. We are very thankful for all of the ranchers and their families who dedicate time to making sure our organization operates smoothly and continues to serve Montana Ranching Families well into the future.

Young Cattlemen's Conference Montana Application

The Young Cattlemen’s Conference, Trip of a Lifetime

Is your dream to travel the country and learn about the different aspects of the beef industry? The Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation, along with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, can send you on this once in a lifetime trip… via the Young Cattlemen’s Conference.

Denver, Chicago, Washington D.C.

Young Cattlemen's Conference Montana ApplicationEach summer, NCBA takes around 62 participants from across the US on a multi-city, two-week journey through the beef supply chain. The tour will begin in Denver with a comprehensive overview of the industry.  The group will take an in-depth look at many of the issues affecting the beef industry and what NCBA is doing to address these issues on behalf of its members, plus receive a comprehensive view of market information from Cattle-Fax.

The group will then travel to JBS Five Rivers’ Kuner Feedyard, one of the nation’s largest cattle feeding operations, a one-time capacity of over 100,000 head located in Northern Colorado.  They will then tour the JBS Greeley facility, one of the nation’s largest beef packing and processing plants.  JBS will host the group and will be sharing with them their views of the beef industry from a processor standpoint.

Chicago is the next destination.  Here the group will visit the Chicago Board of Trade & OSI, Inc. one of the nation’s premiere beef patty manufacturers. The participants will then travel to the nation’s Capitol.  They will get a chance to meet with their respective congressmen and senators.  In addition, the group will visit with a number of regulatory agencies that make decisions affecting agriculture.

Last YCC trip, Montana’s representative Travis Brown had the wonderful opportunity to testify on behalf of Montana’s ranchers at the House Natural Resources Committee Hearing.

Apply for YCC by February 15th

Are you interested in participating this summer? MSGA’s Research & Education Endowment Foundation will select one applicant to send on the YCC trip – covering the conference tuition expenses and $500 in airfare. It is packed-full of adventure, education and networking with fellow young cattlemen and women…and it serves as an experience that will impact the way you view the beef industry for the rest of your life.

Fill out your 2014 Montana YCC application online –

“The Montana Stockgrowers Association and Foundation is committed to investing in the development and education of leaders in the agriculture business, and the Foundation sees a positive return on the investment in the Young Cattlemen’s Conference delegates,” said Dusty Hahn, Foundation chairman.

MSGA’s Foundation is only able to send one participant per year. This year’s application deadline is Feb. 15. To apply, you must be between the ages of 25-50 and can commit to two weeks this June. Please contact the MSGA office to get the application: (406) 442-3420 and for more information, email MSGA’s Lauren Chase at [email protected].

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Heath and Kiley Martinell children, Dell Montana Ranching Family

Heath Martinell of Dell completes term on Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors

Heath and Kiley Martinell children, Dell Montana Ranching FamilyThis week we are highlighting three Montana ranchers who just finished their terms on the MSGA Board of Directors. We are very thankful for all of the ranchers and their families who dedicate time to making sure our organization operates smoothly and continues to serve Montana Ranching Families well into the future.

Heath Martinell of Dell has completed two terms on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Board of Directors representing the Western District. His peers elected Heath to the 13-member board in 2009 and re-elected in 2011. Martinell was honored for his service at MSGA’s 129th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, Dec. 12-14.

“It has been great to interact with Heath and his family from their ranch at Dell to the MSGA Board rooms,” says MSGA President, Tucker Hughes of Stanford. “Heath, his wife Kiley, and children Macie, Taryn and Kalen, are an example of the young ranching families MSGA wants to represent as we move forward. After seeing firsthand the foundation of Heath’s family ranch, it is easy to understand why a very young man elected to the board has served with integrity and devotion.”

“I would like to thank the MSGA membership for allowing me the chance to represent the Western district on the Board of Directors for the pasts four years,” said Heath. “It has been a terrific experience, allowing me to meet many great people from all over Montana.”

“Serving on this board has given me greater insight to the value of this organization. It has been very humbling and motivating to see the countless hours put into the betterment of our industry by so many committed members. Our organization is lucky to have an excellent, professional office staff, serving our needs on a variety of complex issues,” continues Martinell. “I would like to say thank you to the staff, current and past board member, officers, and the MSGA membership for your friendship and continued efforts in our industry.”

Heath and Kiley Martinell children, Dell Montana Ranching Family

Heath and his father, Allen, run a cow/calf operation with their wives in Dell, Mont. Their ranch has been in operation since 1893. Heath’s wife, Kiley, and mother, Yvonne, are very involved with the ranch. Late in 2013, Heath’s wife Kiley was elected to represent Montana Stockgrowers on the Montana Beef Council Board of Directors. The main ranch is at Dell and their summer range is in the Centennial Valley. The Martinells raise most of their own hay and sell weaned feeder calves.

Heath has served as a board member and is a past president of the Southwest Montana Stockmen’s Association. He has also served on the Lima Community Church Board since 2005.

Heath Marinell, retiring Montana Stockgrowers Association Board Member

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Derrell Peel is the Charles Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness in the Department of Agricultural Economics

2014 Cattle Market Outlook with Darrell Peel

Dr. Darrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Livestock Economist visits with us at the 129th annual Montana Stockgrowers Convention and Trade Show with an outlook on what we can expect from the cattle markets and trends looking forward to 2014.

Dr. Peel lead two workshops at the 129th annual convention in Billings and discussed the 2014 cattle market outlook and trends with ranchers in attendance. To read more about Convention highlights, click here for more posts on the blog.


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