Sage grouse, farm and ranch succession planning among topics at 2014 Winter Grazing Seminar
MILES CITY, Mont. – An in-depth discussion of sage grouse conservation and management – including a panel of ranchers who are currently managing sage grouse on their lands – is one of several topics on the agenda of the 2014 Winter Grazing Seminar, to be held Jan. 29-30 in Miles City, Mont.
The first day of the seminar will feature representatives from the Public Lands Council. Executive Director Dustin Van Liew will speak on multiple issues in agriculture. Montana Executive Director Jay Bodner and federal grazing permitee Lon Reukauf will also join the discussion. Next Tim Griffiths and Dr. David Naugle will give a presentation on Sage Grouse. To conclude the first day of the seminar a producer panel including Robert Lee from Forsyth will speak on a rancher’s perspective of sage grouse management on rangelands.
That evening, a social hour and banquet will be held at the Town & Country Club in Miles City. Northern Ag Network’s Haylie Shipp will be the Master of Ceremonies for the banquet. Range Leader of the Year Awards will be given to the winners of the rancher and professional categories. Governor Bullock is invited to give the keynote address. Bill Rossiter will be the evening’s entertainment with cowboy poetry and music.
The second day of the seminar will begin with Kevin Spafford, founder of Legacy by Design, with his presentation on Succession Solutions for Farm Families. The seminar will conclude with presentations from Fort Keogh researchers Dr. Andy Roberts on Heifer Development and Dr. Mark Petersen on Water Quality.
The seminar will be held at the Sleep Inn of Miles City. Registration is $30 per person before January 15 and $35 after. You may attend the banquet for $25 if you will be joining us for the meal.
There is no charge for those who would like to see Bill Rossiter for entertainment at the banquet.
This year’s Winter Grazing Seminar is proudly sponsored by the Custer County Conservation District, Prairie County Conservation District and USDA-ARS Fort Keogh LARRL, and in cooperation with the Rangeland Resources Executive Committee (RREC).
For the agenda and registration form please visit: