American Angus Association® delegates elected five members to its Board of Directors Monday, Nov. 16 at the 126th Annual Convention of Delegates in Louisville, Ky.
Newly elected Board Directors include: Charlie Boyd II, Mayslick, Ky.; Scott Foster, Niles, Mich.; and Vaughn Meyer, Reva, S.D. Steve Olson, Hereford, Texas; and Cathy Watkins, Middletown, Ind., were both elected to a second term on the Board.
Bill Davis, Sidney, Mont., was elected the American Angus Association president and chairman of the board. He succeeds Jay King, Rock Falls, Ill.
Joe Hampton, Mount Ulla, N.C., was chosen by delegates to serve as vice president and vice chairman of the Board. Jarold Callahan, Edmond, Okla., will serve as treasurer for the year.
More than 340 elected delegates from throughout the United States and Canada represented American Angus Association members and conducted the business of the Association during the annual meeting and election. The meeting was at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Super-Point Roll of Victory (ROV) Angus Show.
Bill Davis, the Association’s newly elected president and chairman of the Board, recently completed his term as vice president and vice chairman of the Board. He and his wife, Jennifer, operate Rollin’ Rock Angus near Sidney, Mont.
Davis has a bachelor’s degree in ag business from Montana State University and is a past director of the Montana Stockgrowers Association and Montana Angus Association, in addition to being past director and president of the Montana Beef Performance Association.
As Association president, Davis will serve as chairman of the Executive Committee and will work closely with all directors to lead the board during the next year.
Joe Hampton, newly elected vice president and vice chairman of the Board, most recently served as treasurer. He and his wife, Robin, operate Back Creek, a cattle operation near Mount Ulla, N.C., focused on the production of Angus bulls for commercial cattlemen. Hampton received his bachelor’s degree from North Carolina State University and has been involved with agricultural research for more than 25 years. He has served as president of the North Carolina Angus Association and as board director for the North Carolina Cattlemen’s Association.
As vice president and vice chairman, Hampton will serve on the Executive, Breed Improvement, Finance & Planning, and Information & Data Management committees. He will also serve as chairman of the Research Priorities Committee and Angus Productions Inc. (API) Board, and as a member of the Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) Board.
Also during the Annual Meeting, delegates approved an amendment to the Bylaws permitting reinstatement of a Life Membership option, allowing members to purchase memberships valid throughout the life of the member. Life memberships cost $1,500.
A list of Board of Directors committee assignments and brief biographical sketches of newly elected Board directors follows.
The American Angus Association is the nation’s largest beef organization, serving more than 30,000 members across the United States and Canada. It provides programs and services to farmers, ranchers and others who rely on the power of Angus to produce quality genetics for the beef industry and quality beef for consumers.
For more information about Angus cattle and the American Angus Association’s programs and services, visit