MSU Extension and MSGA Announce 2014 Steer of Merit Certifications

MSU Extension Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock ForumMontana State University Extension and the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) distinguished 118 “Steers of Merit” out of 930 entries for 2014. Out of 622 steers entered in the Carcass Division, 76 were deemed Steers of Merit. In the Ultrasound Division, 42 out of 308 entries received the distinction.

“The Steer of Merit award promotes and recognizes the production of the highest quality of Montana beef with carcass characteristics that meet the U.S. beef industry’s standards of excellence,” said Errol Rice, MSGA’s executive vice president. “We are proud to sponsor this great youth program that teaches and awards 4-H and FFA beef projects that have met or exceeded these industry benchmarks in order to meet both domestic and global consumer demand for the 21st century.”

The exhibitors and breeders of the top five steers in each category were honored at MSGA’s Annual Convention, Dec. 11-13 in Billings at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana. The top five steer entries in the Carcass Division were:

  1. Sydney Greenslade, Beaverhead County (Probst Livestock, breeder)
  2. Blake Toyne, Beaverhead County (John & Sandy Dixon, breeder)
  3. Skyler Frame, Lake County (Skyler Frame, breeder)
  4. Kenny Pauley, Beaverhead County (Roberts & Heffner, breeder)
  5. Cierra Lamey, Beaverhead County (Cory Lamey, breeder).

The top five steer entries in the Ultrasound Division were:

  1. Jake Kraft, Yellowstone County (breeder unknown)
  2. Levi Mydland, Carbon County (Bryan Vincent, breeder)
  3. Raegan Nansel, Yellowstone County (Gillespie Livestock, breeder)
  4. Tysa Oswald, Carbon County (Oswald Farms, breeder)
  5. David James, Big Horn County (Colt Johnson, breeder).

The number of Steer of Merit certifications for 2014 decreased by 17 steers, with 14 fewer entries submitted compared to 2013.

“Steer of Merit certification decreased slightly in 2014 compared to 2013,” said Rachel Endecott, Montana State Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. “Most areas of the state had good cattle feeding weather and conditions in summer 2014. Cattle might have been able to finish quite easily and this may have resulted in slightly lower overall cutability in the entries.”

The Montana Steer of Merit program was initiated in 1967 as a joint effort between the Montana Stockgrowers Association and Montana State University Extension. The program was designed to measure, record, and improve carcass characteristics in beef cattle. Data from these carcasses has been summarized and analyzed statistically. Over time, significant increases have been made in quality grade and in yield grade, or cutability, indicating that cattle can be selected for leaner carcasses with higher cutability and still maintain high quality grade as reflected by marbling.

To be designated a Steer of Merit, carcasses are evaluated by a qualified individual using information that relates to yield of lean meat and eating quality. Beef carcasses must meet criteria set by the Steer of Merit Committee in the areas of hot carcass weight, dressing percent, fat thickness over 12th rib (back fat), total rib eye area, yield grade, percent cutability, and quality grade. Computer software programs help compile data and rank carcasses for state and county awards. Data is also analyzed periodically to track genetic and feed management progress. The minimum standards for Steer of Merit are reviewed each year and the program is updated to meet the changing industry standards.

For more information about the Steer of Merit program call Rachel Endecott, Montana State Extension Beef Cattle Specialist at (406) 994-3747.

Meet Bev Fryer of White Sulphur Springs | Montana Ranching Woman of the Year

Grand Finale Banquet Ranching Woman Bev Fryer (2)Each year, Montana Stockgrowers recognizes someone who has made great contributions to the ranching community and goes above and beyond to help family and friends. This Ranching Woman of the Year award is a great opportunity to honor the women who are often the backbone of Montana’s ranching communities. These women often go well beyond what is asked of them to support their immediate family members and pitch in whenever the need arises in their communities. This year’s honor recipient is no exception.

Bev Fryer, of White Sulphur Springs was recognized as Ranching Woman of the Year during Montana Stockgrowers’ 130th Annual Convention in December. Bev and husband Ed operate the Castle Mountain Ranch, where Bev pitches in on almost every task from long nights of calving heifers, breaking young colts, coordinating annual elk hunts, and making sure everyone is well fed when events bring crowds to visit the ranch.

As her brother, Tim, wrote, Bev is truly a ranch woman who exemplifies the personal family and community attributes of Ranching Woman of the year. Her involvement and commitment to agriculture, love for family and animals began at an early age, and her positive contributions to Montana agriculture have continued ever since as she and husband, Ed, have been operating large cattle ranches for the past forty years.

Early Life and Marriage

Bev Fryer Ranching Woman of the YearBev grew up on a family farm in Fishtail, Montana with her parents, Jake and Agnes Schaff, and six siblings. There was plenty of work to go around, milking dairy cows, feeding pigs, along with taking care of cattle, horses, sheep and the families hay ground and custom farming operation. This work surely instilled a strong work ethic for Bev, her brothers and sisters at an early age.

Bev received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Montana State University. Through her college career, Bev continued a heavy work schedule, as if it was not a job, but rather a way of life. Afterward, she committed to teaching grade school in a rural community until she realized her time and efforts were more important to her family and helping on the ranch.

Ed and Bev married in June of 1973, while he was working as a cowboy on the Flying D ranch. Bev worked at a laundry and helped around the ranch. They spent several weeks in a tent camp, pushing cattle near the forest boundary, packing salt and sawing trails. From the very start, Bev was heavily involved in calving season, sorting pairs, feeding calves, and any other chores that needed to be done. She pitched in on brandings too and even became a good roper.

Through the late seventies, the couple worked on ranches in the region. Bev became heavily involved in large-scale AI projects, tasked with heat detection, pitching in for every task on the ranch and taught children at rural schools.

Starting a Family

Grand Finale Banquet Ranching Woman Bev Fryer (21)As their two boys came along, Bev brought them along for the ride, rather than letting them slow her down. Last year’s Ranching Woman of the Year recipient, Glenna Stucky, is a longtime friend of the Fryers, having known Bev and Ed since they worked at the Flying D in the early seventies. One story Glenna loves about Bev shares her dedication to ranch work.

“When Bev was pregnant with one of the boys, they lived at the Home Ranch, which was probably five miles and several wire gates from a county road on the way to Bozeman. As one of the boys was about to arrive, Ed was driving Bev to town. When they came to a gate, he would ask, “Bev, are you having a contraction – can you get the gate?” And she always managed to get the gates!” Talk about patience and dedication!

Bev continued being a crucial part of operating ranches where she and Ed worked in Montana and Wyoming. Not only did she hone her skills in the calving shed, Bev also worked to develop early individual identification systems to track individual animals, managed the budgets, payroll and accounting for multiple ranches, and grew large gardens that fed entire working crews on the ranches.

As their boys, Jim and David, grew up, Bev made sure they were involved in ranch work and several 4-H activities. The family took several market steers and horses to the county and state fairs, competed in shooting sports, and worked in many community events.

Move to Castle Mountain

Bev Fryer Ranching Woman of the Year VaccinationsIn 1998, Ed and Bev moved to White Sulphur Springs to the Castle Mountain Ranch, where Bev continued her heavy involvement in operations of the ranch. Over the past 17 years, Bev has been the main calver for the ranch, watching over 300 heifers each year, assisting any new mothers or calves who need help to get a good start, and riding through the mature cows several times a day until turned out to a larger pasture.

No starving, weak calf is too hopeless for her to nurse back to health. Bev will send the newborns and their mothers off, but only after confirming a good match with plenty of milk. She always tells the men she expects to see the calf doing well at branding. They know she will recognize them, with or without their tags.

Bev breaks all the baby colts on the ranch to lead and stand tied in the barn. The guys may have to rope a honky one for her once in a while, but most of them she gets by herself. Almost all of the Castle Mountain horses have had the benefit of Bev’s first winter’s training and grain.

At Castle Mountain Ranch, Bev manages a special cow elk hunt, developed to disburse and reduce a local concentration of elk. She takes all reservations on a single day for around 150 hunters to spread over the entire season. Bev meets ten or twelve of those hunters at the ranch office an hour before sunrise every day during the season, collects their personal and vehicle identification, conducts a short orientation, assigns maps and hunting areas, and doles out a few tips along the way. Most hunters are amazed at her detailed knowledge of both the country and elk. Most hunters have success, with 50-75% of them getting elk exactly where Bev says they will be.

Taking Care of Friends and Community

Bev Fryer Ranching Woman of the Year Meagher County CattleWomenAccording to her husband Ed, one of the things Bev always does well is cook for large groups of guests and ranch crews with few supplies and hardly an extra trip to town. She may be short an ingredient, but it never seems to matter much as everyone will be fed. Ed describes one such event:

“Years ago, after dark one night before a big shipping, Bev discovered I had no lunch plans for the crew the next day, in an area 50 miles out from any kind of services. With a bit of bustling around, Bev had hot stew and coffee for a dozen of us, plus 25 truckers. All this was prepared on a camp stove, while she helped weigh cattle on what turned out to be a very squally day.”

For several years, Bev has hosted prime rib Christmas parties for 25 people at a time, and served up lunches for the crew at brandings, while pitching in herself, and feeding a family of growing boys and all the challenges ranch life may bring.

Through the years, Bev has been heavily involved in the local and state CattleWomen organizations. In White Sulphur Springs, she leads a group feeding two-day breakfasts for over 1,000 attendees of the annual Red Ants Pants music festival. However, Bev’s love for sharing food, beef in particular, does not stop at the kitchen. She has worked through the CattleWomen to participate in several beef education programs and has served terms as local and state President. She has participated in the National Beef Cook-off several years and works hard to help others learn the importance of beef as part of a healthy diet.

Somehow, Bev also finds time to participate in several community events, including several local ranch rodeo teams through the years. Putting those ranch skills to good use, Bev has contributed to winning teams and helps to host a local ranch rodeo for the past several years.

Importance of Family

Bev Fryer Ranching Woman of the Year GrandchildrenFamily is incredibly important to Bev, as she has raised her two sons, and now enjoys taking care of five grandchildren. Both her sons were raised as a big part of the ranches where the family worked, and each now works on cattle operations in Montana. Bev makes sure to nurture her extended family with equal energy.

Jim’s wife, Heather, remembers wondering when she first met Bev, “Where does all this energy come from?” and now, Heather says she’s never met a harder working woman. Bev asked Heather to help on a three-day project once and they worked every day, non-stop. At the end, Heather was exhausted, but Bev, on the other hand, was fine and even wanted to go to the Hot Springs for a soak at the end of the day.

Bev continually supports her family as Ed’s right hand man for more than 40 years of working together. She has helped her family through several projects, adventures, long-distance moves, and several newborn babies. Bev’s mother is 93 years old and still lives alone. Bev frequently makes the trip to Fishtail to help her mother to doctor appointments, with spring and fall cleaning, and the occasional exploration trip.

Bev Fryer is described time and again by family and friends as a true example of a woman who is the backbone of the ranching operation and her family, a true positive role model in her communities and a complete inspiration to be around. As a woman who exemplifies all the characteristics of a person who makes a truly positive contribution to ranching, Montana Stockgrowers is proud to recognize Bev Fryer as this year’s Ranching Woman of the Year recipient.

To nominate a role model in your life for next year’s Ranching Woman of the Year award, contact the Montana Stockgrowers Association in Helena at (406) 442-3420 or email [email protected]. The nomination process will begin in September 2015.

Sidney rancher, Bozeman NRCS employee honored with Range Leader awards

MSGA member and rancher from Sidney, Duane Ullman

MSGA member and rancher from Sidney, Duane Ullman

By Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

The Governor’s Rangeland Resources Executive Committee (RREC) announced today that rancher Duane Ullman of Sidney and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) employee Matt Ricketts of Bozeman have been chosen as recipients of the 2014 Range Leader of the Year awards.

“Duane Ullman and Matt Ricketts are genuine leaders in the field of range management,” said Les Gilman, Rangeland Resources Executive Committee Chairman from Alder, Mont. “Their commitment to education and the principles of stewardship represents the best of Montana agriculture.”

Mr. Ullman was a supervisor on the Richland County Conservation District board for 15 years and was nominated to this award for his progressive style of managing his family farm and ranch near Sidney, Mont.

Duane has made many improvements to his ranch including seeding farmland to pasture, cross fencing, stockwater pipelines and stock tanks, and a prescribed grazing plan. He has worked with both the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks to make improvements on his ranch. Those improvements are beneficial to the cattle, land and wildlife.

Duane has also opened up his ranch to public tours, pasture walks and demonstrations. He has showcased his grazing plan, rangeland chiseling project, equipment and monitoring sites.

Matt Ricketts is currently the Rangeland Management Specialist in the Bozeman Area Office and has over 32 years of service with the NRCS and is a life member of the Society for Range Management. He was nominated for his dedication to rangeland across Montana.

NRCS employee Matt Rickets of Bozeman

NRCS employee Matt Rickets of Bozeman

Matt has many accomplishments in the field of range science and has worked with multiple ranchers in the state. He has worked on many range inventories and other data collections. He has done extensive work on grazing management in sage grouse habitat areas and assists producers with the Nutrient Balance program.  He has also assisted in ecological site descriptions.

Matt is also very passionate about teaching. He has taught at the Wheatland County Range Ride and Montana Range Days for many years. He has conducted many workshops for producers and also teaches at NRCS personnel courses. Matt continues to improve himself by continually researching and publishing papers.

Duane Ullman and Matt Ricketts received their awards last week in Billings during the 2015 Winter Grazing Seminar sponsored by the Yellowstone Conservation District, Rangeland Resources Executive Committee and the Montana DNRC.

For more information on the Rangeland Resources Program, the Range Leader of the Year Award, or other grazing and range management efforts sponsored by DNRC, contact Heidi Crum at (406) 444-6619, or visit the DNRC Web site.

Stockgrowers Joins Montana Agriculture Organizations in Support of Compact

(Helena, Mont.)— The Montana Stockgrowers Association, representing the business interests of Montana’s cattle ranching sector, and the foremost organization representing Montana’s water users, the Montana Water Resources Association, have joined forces with the Montana Farm Bureau Federation to support the state of Montana’s proposed Water Compact with the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes (CSKT).

“The Stockgrowers Association conducted a thorough legal analysis of the current CSKT Water Compact and through that analysis, our organization is supporting this Compact,” said Gene Curry, President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. “It is important to protect historic water uses on and off the reservation and provide some certainty for all water right holders in Montana.”

The support of the Stockgrowers comes after the Montana Farm Bureau Federation declared their support of the Compact during the January 12th meeting of the Montana Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission and the Commission’s unanimous vote to move the Compact to the Montana State Legislature for further approval.

“We were very diligent in our review of the Compact and the impact it would have on our members if passed,” said Montana Farm Bureau Federation spokeswoman Chelcie Cremer. “Montana’s farmers and ranchers depend on reliable access to water to preserve their livelihoods.  The Compact will protect Montana’s agricultural industries and ensure water rights certainty for future generations.”

The Montana Water Resources Association also joined in supporting the Compact, citing the protection of private property and water rights that the Compact provides.

“If the Compact fails irrigators and water users will be forced to shoulder the costs of the litigation that will result,” said Mike Murphy of the Montana Water Resources Association. “Specifically, the Compact provides provisions that protect irrigators both on and off the reservation and ensure they are able to obtain access to the water resources they need. Protection of water and other property rights is of utmost importance to our organization and is an important aspect of why we support passing the Compact.”

“We are excited that the Montana Stockgrowers Association and the Montana Water Resources Association have joined FARM and the Montana Farm Bureau Federation in supporting the CSKT Water Compact,” said FARM Co-Chair and long-time Stockgrowers member, Lorents Grosfield. “These groups uniting shows that passing the Compact is truly for the benefit of all Montanans and will protect the interests of Montana’s farmers and ranchers.”

The support of the Montana Stockgrowers Association and the Montana Water Resources Association for the Compact shows the continued growth of support for the Compact among the agriculture community, irrigators, and water users across the state.

Farmers and Ranchers for Montana (FARM) is a grassroots coalition of farmers and ranchers, united with local leaders, Indian tribes, businesses and other Montanans committed to fair water policies and the approval of a Water Compact that quantifies and secures water access to the benefit of all Montanans. For more information visit

(Joint Press Release with Farmers and Ranchers for Montana)

Applications for Young Cattlemen’s Conference Due March 1

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the structure of the U.S. cattle industry and gain insight on the legislative process that guides our business. Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Research and Education Endowment Foundation will send one Montana delegate on this year’s Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC), held May 27 – June 5, 2015. Applications, due March 1, are available on the Young Stockgrowers Page.

The Young Cattlemen’s Conference is an opportunity for cattlemen and cattlewomen between the ages of 25 and 50 to visit segments of the beef industry in other parts of our nation with young ranchers from other states. Facilitated by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), participants will travel with national attendees to Denver, Chicago and Washington D.C., visiting JBS Five Rivers facilities, Chicago Board of Trade and Capitol Hill.

Last year’s Montana delegate was Ryan Hughes from Dillon. “We are all dedicated to the same goal of being the best and providing the best product, whether we sell beef, promote beef, package beef, and feed or raise beef,” said Hughes, following the 2014 YCC trip. “There wasn’t one person that I met on the trip, that doesn’t love and have a huge passion for their role in our industry.”

The primary objective is to develop leadership qualities in young cattlemen and expose them to all aspects of the beef industry. The tour helps these young leaders understand all areas of our industry ranging from industry structure to issues management, from production research to marketing.

The MSGA Research and Education Endowment Foundation will ensure funding for one participant for the full cost of the tour along with travel expenses. Remaining expenses are the responsibility of the participant, who will be chosen from those who apply. Participants must be a member of Montana Stockgrowers Association and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

To learn more about the Young Cattlemen’s Conference and to complete an electronic application, visit the MSGA website, In addition to the form questions, two letters of reference are required to complete the application process. All applications must be complete and postmarked or received by March 1, 2015. Please mail or fax to MSGA/REEF at the following address: Montana Stockgrowers Association | Attn: REEF YCC, 420 N. California St.  Helena, MT  59601.

If you have any questions about the application process or YCC trip, please call the MSGA Office at (406) 442-3420 or e-mail [email protected].

Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame to honor inductees at Circle the Wagons Gathering and Cowboy Ball in Helena, Feb. 7

The Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (MCHF & WHC) extends an invitation to all to attend the 9th Annual Circle the Wagons Convention in Helena, Feb. 6 & 7 at the Great Northern Best Western Premier.

“This is an exciting time for the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame,” said MCHF &WHC President Bill Galt of White Sulphur Springs. “In this world focused on celebrity, fame and fortune, we are so glad to be able to honor those who set a positive example in their communities through their everyday deeds and hard work. We hope to see anyone and everyone who cares about Montana’s Western heritage at this fun event in Helena.”

The weekend will kick off Friday evening, Feb. 6 with a free Cowboy Social featuring entertainment by the Dillon Junior Fiddlers. The Inductee Recognition Ceremony Brunch will be held on Saturday, Feb. 7 at 10:30 a.m. to celebrate the notable accomplishments and lasting legacies of the inductees to the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame Class of 2014. Tickets are $30 per person. Early registration is recommended as this event sells out well in advance each year!

The 9th Annual Cowboy Ball and Benefit Auction will kick off at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday with a social hour and auction preview. This event will feature great Western music by World Livestock Auctioneer Champion Kyle Shobe and his band The Walk ‘Em Boys. There will be both a silent and live auction featuring unique and Western items. Tickets to the Cowboy Ball are $50 per person or $450 for a 10-person table.

Register online at, by calling (406) 653-3800, or email [email protected]. Rooms may be reserved at the Great Northern Best Western Premier in Helena by calling (406) 457-5500.

The mission of the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center is to “honor our cowboy way of life, American Indian cultures and collective Montana Western heritage.” We exist to serve as a resource to all who wish to see this way of life passed forward to the next generation. Our vision is “to be the state’s premier destination attraction that celebrates and passes forward Montana’s unique western culture and heritage.” To learn more, visit

$1,000 Educational Heritage Scholarship Application Due April 1

reefLogoMontana Stockgrowers Association’s Research & Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) is offering an Educational Heritage Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. This annual scholarship is awarded to a MSGA student member.

Last year’s scholarship recipient was Ariel Overstreet Adkins of Big Timber, MT. Upon receiving the 2014 award, Ariel, a student at the University of Montana School of Law said, “this scholarship means a tremendous amount to my family and I as we work to pay for school. Scholarships allow students like me to graduate with less debt, which is significant because it means that I am going to be able to work on issues for the people I care about.”

To be eligible for the Educational Heritage Scholarship, students must currently be enrolled in college and have completed at least one semester of coursework, be a member of Montana Stockgrowers Association, and demonstrate a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

Applicants must complete the application form (, include a copy of their current transcript, write a 500-word essay discussing their educational pursuits and what they hope to do with their education, and include two letters of recommendation.

Applications must be completed and postmarked or mailed no later than April 1, 2015.

For more information on these scholarships and to apply online, visit the MSGA website at For questions, please email Jesse Gill at [email protected]. If you are interested in these scholarships but are not currently a member of MSGA, join today. Student memberships start at just $20.

The Research and Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established to provide resources for education and research that supports the Montana Stockgrowers Association in enhancing the Montana ranching community, as excellent environmental stewards, in their production of healthy beef for the world.


Public Lands Council Logo

Public Lands Council Offers Scholarships for Legislative Conference in D.C.

The Public Lands Council is once again offering two Nick Theos scholarships of $250, complimentary hotel accommodations on Capitol Hill, and complimentary conference registration to attend the annual Spring Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, March 23-26, 2015.

PLC represents public lands ranchers in Washington, DC. Since 1968, PLC has worked with Congress and the federal land management agencies to maintain a stable business environment in which livestock producers can conserve the West and feed the nation and world.

Nick Theos, a founding member of PLC and great supporter of the livestock industry, passed away on April 11th, 2013 at the age of 92. It is because of the Theos family and the Nick Theos PLC Scholarship Program that young people are able to attend our annual Legislative Conference in Washington, DC.

In an effort to get more college students involved with PLC issues and provide them with an unforgettable learning experience, we are offering this chance to meet members of Congress and their staff; attend meetings with agency officials; and hear from the leading experts and influencers in the industry. Scholars will be able to actively participate in our efforts to promote and support public lands grazing at our Nation’s Capital.

Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in public lands ranching. We ask that they complete the attached form and include a letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor, FFA mentor, livestock association, or other leader that can attest to the professionalism and interest of the applicant. If selected, applicants should be prepared to give short remarks to meeting attendees during lunch on Tuesday, March 24th.  PLC will provide hotel rooms and registration fees. Sponsorships to help cover travel costs are encouraged.

Application forms and letters of recommendation are due by COB Friday, February 6, 2015. The PLC Executive Committee will select the two recipients and PLC staff will notify them by Friday, February 13th.

The 2015 PLC Nick Theos Scholarship Application is available by clicking here.

Montana’s Next Generation Conference January 30 and 31 in Shelby

Mark your calendar for Friday and Saturday, January 30 and 31, 2015, for Montana’s Next Generation Conference in Shelby, Montana! Hosted by the Glacier and Toole County Farm Service Agency, local MSU Extension, Marias River Livestock Association and the Front Range Counties Farm Bureau, this comprehensive conference including succession planning and production workshops is one you won’t want to miss.

Events kick off Friday morning at 9 a.m. at the Shelby Civic Center with Kevin Spafford of Legacy by Design, LLC. Spafford will lead participants through the succession planning process with hands-on activities for all generations as they learn how to make a successful transition of the farming or ranching operation. The morning session will be a great refresher for those who attended last year or were unable to make it. Following lunch, Spafford will lead an Advanced Succession Planning session to build upon the morning session’s foundation or for those who attended last year.

Friday evening will include a no-host social and trade show, a roast beef dinner and a keynote address from Sandra Hare, “Understanding the Personalities of the Generations.” Hare, a talented human resources executive, has provided expertise to companies such as Wheat Montana and Kalispell Regional Healthcare and comes with a wealth of experience. The evening will conclude with entertainment by the talented Halladay Quist. Halladay, the daughter of musician Rob Quist and a rising performer herself, performs Bluegrass Country, electric folk, and country rock music.

Saturday’s events feature an outstanding lineup of industry speakers and professionals offering a total of 36 workshops for attendees to select from. Each hour will have workshops for crop and livestock producers with a portion of workshops aimed each towards beginning producers and for those who have been involved in agriculture for many years and want to learn about what’s new in the industry.

Crop topics will include crop insurance, Crop Scouting 101 and 201, Strategic fertilizer and chemical programs, Precision Ag, 2014 Farm Bill, CSP and EQUIP for farmers, Grain Marketing 101, Grain Marketing 2015 outlook, and seed updates.

Livestock related topics will feature presentations on Beef Cattle Nutrition 101 and 201, Beginning and Advanced livestock marketing, Beginning and Advanced animal health topics, Genetics and bull selection, forage management, reproductive success in the beef cowherd, CSP and EQUIP for cattlemen, and grazing management.

Financial and management related topics will focus on financial recordkeeping, tax code updates, life insurance, workers compensation, lease options, farm insurance policies, payroll taxes and employee accounting, and entity structure and tax implications.

Saturday’s workshops will fulfill FSA’s Production and Financial Management training requirements. In addition, pesticide applicator credits will be available for those who attend the crop workshops covering pesticides.

The Saturday workshop portion will conclude with both a livestock and crop panel discussion. This feature was a highlight of the 2014 conference as it allows attendees to learn from the successes and challenges of local producers in their daily operations and succession planning. The conference will return to the Shelby Civic Center Saturday evening for a beef brisket dinner by Dr. Dick Kinyon, along with legislative updates, the trade show, and entertainment.

Registration forms are available online or by calling the Glacier County Extension office at 406-873-2239. Conference updates will be available via the Facebook page, Montana’s Next Generation Conference. Cost is $20/individual/day, or $30/couple/day, and registrations are due by January 23. Participants are encouraged to bring the entire family as daycare is available and additional family members will be eligible for the couple discount.

Discounted motel rates of $75/night are available at the Best Western Shelby Inn & Suites (406-424-4560) or the Comfort Inn (406-434-2212) at $70/night for a single room or $75/night for a double room if booked in advance of the conference.

“I’m really excited for our second year of this event,” Maggie Nutter, President of Marias River Livestock Association stated. Nutter continued, “Our first year was such a success and we listened to feedback and have added more breakout sessions that will be great for the young ranchers and farmers or the experienced guy who has been at it a while. Our team is really trying to make the Next Generation Conference fit the needs of our large diverse Montana community. I just think it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

If you have any questions, please contact Lacy Roberts at 406-873-5618 or Kari Lewis at 406-873-2239. Don’t miss this great opportunity to plan for the future and learn from some outstanding professionals!

Western Montana Ranchers Elected to Stockgrowers Board of Directors

Race King of Dillon joins the MSGA Board as Western District Director

Race King of Dillon joins the MSGA Board as Western District Director

At the 130th Annual Montana Stockgrowers Association Convention and Trade Show last month, members elected two new ranchers to the MSGA Board of Directors. Race King of Dillon will join the 13-member Board for a two-year term, representing the Western Montana district; a seat previously held by Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges. Bryan Mussard of Dillon was elected at 1st Vice President.

Race King manages the LaCense ranch near Dillon. He and his wife, Rochelle, have four children, Cache (22), Carly (20), Carson (18) and Coby (14).

“My wife and I were both raised on livestock operations and we desired the opportunity to raise our children in that same environment,” says Race. “We feel truly blessed to have been able to spend our entire lives working with livestock and the great people in our communities. I’m grateful to be able to work alongside my family and watch them develop a passion for this great business and the way of life it provides us all.”

When asked what are the major challenges the beef industry will face in the next 10 years, Race recognized the ranching community’s need to focus on federal regulations, resource management and employee development.

Bryan Mussard was elected as first Vice President on the Stockgrowers Board of Directors. Bryan and wife Marcia have raised six children and operate Reminisce Angus near Dillon. Bryan has been actively involved in the commercial feeding business for 40 years. Today, his operation weans, backgrounds, and develops cattle, collecting genetic data for customers through the Tracker marketing program. Bryan also manages ranches through the Big West Management Program.

Bryan Mussard, Second Vice President

Bryan Mussard of Dillon was elected as 1st Vice President on the MSGA Board

Ray Marxer of Twin Bridges is the outgoing representative for the Western District on the MSGA Board of Directors. Marxer was elected in 2010 and has represented ranchers in Western Montana for two consecutive terms. Ray, along with his wife Sue, worked on the Matador Ranch for 37 years, where he retired as manager in 2011. Ray remains active in the livestock community through consulting and involvement in area youth and fair programs.

Other changes to the Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors include Tucker Hughes of Stanford completing his term as President. Gene Curry of Valier was elected as President, while Fred Wacker of Miles City joins the MSGA officer team as second Vice President and Jess Drange of Ismay joins as Director, representing Southeastern Montana ranchers.

The Montana Stockgrowers Association meets annually to discuss and vote on policy measures, which guide the Association in representing its members on local, state and federal issues. To learn more about Stockgrowers programs or membership, visit or contact the office in Helena, (406) 442-3420.