Drought Relief Discount Announced by SweetPro & Agri-Best Feeds
SweetPro and Agri-Best Feeds have instituted a Drought Relief Discount of $80/ton on qualifying SweetPro orders delivered to ranches affected by the D2-D4 drought according to the U.S Drought Monitor – www.droughtmonitor.unl.edu . The Drought Relief Discount is effective immediately and will continue on qualifying orders through the month of August.
SweetPro is a complete supplement that not only fills in the gaps where the grass is lacking; it also helps cattle break their forage down better, resulting in cattle performing better on LESS grass. SweetPro’s nutritionist, Abe Scheaffer Ph. D., states, “The digestible fiber in SweetPro helps extend the use of a pasture, whereas the sugars in molasses or starches in grain increase forage consumption. We know that our customers are hurting, and we need to do what we can to keep them in business,” concluded Scheaffer.
For more information and qualifications of the Drought Relief Discount call Agri-Best Feeds at 866 601-6646.