Greenhouse Gas COW TAX
Recently I have been traveling Montana to many of MSGA’s local Stockgrowers Affiliate meetings. One question that was consistently posed to me time and time again was the issue about the Evironmenatl Protection Agency (EPA) imposing a tax on Green House Gas emmissions from cattle. I am posting a statement that came out of EPA just yesterday regarding this issue.
EPA’s Statement on “taxing” livestock GHG emissions:
“It is unfortunate that recent media articles have incorrectly reported that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decided to tax emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from livestock.
EPA welcomes public comments from all interested parties on this important issue.
EPA’s greenhouse gas advance notice of proposed rulemaking (GHG ANPR) does not recommend the use of any particular Clean Air Act (CAA) authority, make judgments about a preferred pathway, regulate any emissions or commit to specific next steps to address GHGs.
The GHG ANPR represents EPA’s next step in responding to the Supreme Court case finding that GHGs are air pollutants under the CAA. It examines the interconnections among CAA provisions and implications of applying particular CAA authorities to reducing GHGs. The ANPR also provides a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of the opportunities and challenges application of CAA authorities would present.
More information about the GHG ANPR and how to comment is available online at:”
MSGA continues to monitor this issue and respond accordingly to whatever EPA’s intentions may be.