Letter from Taylor Brown: More good news for MSU Animal BioScience Complex
Dear Supporters of the MSU Animal BioScience Complex:
I have great news! Your work with our Montana Congressional Delegation, to help get the money appropriated for the federal USDA Ag Research Service building on the MSU campus is paying off.
Today we got word from Congressman Rehberg’s office that the final Ag Appropriations bill is now passed and on its way to President Obama for his signature. That Bill includes $3,654,000.00 to build the Research Building that will be built just a few yards from the Classroom Building that is presently under construction.
This is the fifth federal appropriation to this ARS federal research building over the past six years since Senator Conrad Burns started this ball rolling. The total cost is estimated at $24 million, so we still have a ways to go; but as you can see below, we have passed the half-way mark!
Appropriations to the USDA-ARS Animal BioScience Research Facility at MSU
FY 2005 $ 1,984,000
FY 2006 $ 3,960,000
FY 2007 $ 0 (Continuing Resolution)
FY 2008 $ 1,869,819
FY 2009 $ 2,192,000
FY 2010 $ 3,654,000
Total $ 13,659,819
From what I understand the USDA has spent about $603,975 so far for the 35% design of the building. It is being carefully created so that it will have a great fit in form and function to the nearby classroom building, to which so many Montana ranchers and ag businesses have contributed in the past couple of years.
Please voice your support to Senator Baucus, Senator Tester, and Congressman Rehberg when you have the opportunity. They have worked hard to keep this project on the priority list for funding. This new facility will make a huge difference in the Montana livestock industry for generations to come!
Don’t forget that the Search started just last week for a new Department Head for the MSU Animal and Range Sciences Department. Today’s news adds another level of excitement to that important step! Please help us pass the word to the top Range Animal Scientists in nation, and urge them to apply for this Department Head position!