Masters of Beef Advocacy Informs Producers | Beef Briefs
Did you know …
… the checkoff’s Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) program equips beef producers across the country to tell their stories in presentations to schools and church/civic groups, through local media, at the local coffee shop, and in the “virtual” world of the Internet? The MBA program is a self-directed online training program designed to equip beef producers and industry allies with the information they need to be everyday advocates for the beef industry.
Five years after its launch, the MBA boasts more than 5,000 graduates in 48 states and around the globe, in countries including Australia, Canada and Mexico! Locally, Montana State University College of Agriculture students studying agriculture communication will be participating in an intense training to enhance their agriculture advocacy as they pursue careers far and wide. Join the thousands who have dedicated themselves to becoming everyday advocates. Earn your MBA today!
Learn more at
Beef Briefs is your monthly snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the beef and dairy industries.
Provided by the great folks at the Montana Beef Council.