Meet the Leadership Series – Trina Bradley
Trina Bradley
I grew up on a ranch west of Dupuyer, MT, lived in Wyoming for five years after high school, and came home and married a rancher. We have three beautiful daughters, and one adorable grandson. We run 350 mother cows on our ranch on Birch Creek.
Rancher/Professional Photographer/Mom
What sparked your interest in agriculture?
I was born into agriculture. My dad worked as a ranch hand for the better part of my childhood until the opportunity presented itself for him to lease his own place. I grew up on a horse, and I absolutely love this way of life, and I want my daughter to have the same opportunities to get to know the land and livestock.
What makes a great leader?
A leader is someone that can take charge of any situation and see what needs to be done, but to do it in a way that shows compassion and understanding to everyone involved.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I want to learn to play the fiddle. Seems silly, but I really think its cool.
Where do you hope to be in five years?
Right here, at home on the ranch. Hopefully we’ll own it by then, but if not, I hope we’re at least still making a living.
What do you hope to gain from the leadership series?
First and foremost, I hope to learn HOW to be a better leader – how to choose the right thing to say, how to react calmly to a situation, how to properly pick up the pieces when my best laid plans fall apart. Secondly, I’d like to make connections with other people – the people in the class with me, Stockgrowers directors, etc., so I have to system of support and information. We are all working toward a common goal – to make Agriculture viable, and we all need to learn to work together so we can guarantee our success.