Montana Beef Checkoff Directors Set Work Plan for Upcoming Fiscal Year
BILLINGS – The Montana Beef Council will invest about $1.8 million into programs of beef promotion, education, research, consumer information, industry information, foreign marketing and producer communications in fiscal year 2016, which begins Oct. 1 2015. Programs approved are funded through Montana’s 50 cent in-state portion of the $1 per head checkoff.
In action concluding its Sept. 9-11 meeting in Billings, the MBC Board of Directors—all volunteers, including members from nearly all segments of the beef supply chain—approved checkoff funding for a total of 27 project funding requests, or proposals for checkoff funding, in the fiscal year.
“I was so impressed with the engagement between contractors and our board members at this year’s meeting, said Kristin Larson, Montana Beef Council president, a producer and livestock auction market partner from Sidney. “As a producer it is exciting to be part of all the great work and programs happening on our behalf to promote our product.”
As a result of its deliberations, the board of directors approved requests from 13 different organizations that will meet the mission of protecting and increasing demand for beef and beef products. The Fiscal Year 2016 Work Plan for the Montana Beef Council includes:
- $47,750 for in-state education programs, including health professionals, athletes, classroom education, farm fairs, environmental stewardship award program and tradeshows across the state;
- $86,465 for in-state promotional programs, focusing on tradeshows, international meat buyer tour of Montana, consumer radio and print advertising, innovative beef contest, barbecue cook-off and statewide retail and foodservice partnerships;
- $21,000 for in-state beef safety and issues management comprised of disseminating accurate information about the beef community to counter misinformation as well as the beef quality assurance program;
- $33,450 for in-state producer communications, which includes producer outreach using digital and radio communication as well direct communications to producers about checkoff results;
- $279,000 for domestic consumer marketing to continue consumer outreach, digital advertising, beef safety research, nutrition research, quality research, issues management, retail support, influencer engagement and foodservice support; and
- $113,600 for foreign marketing and education in over 80 countries including Japan, Hong Kong, Mexico and many more.

Board members interviewing potential contractors. (L to R: Bill Cok, Richard Anderson, Linda Swanz, Kathy Creighton-Smith)
Other expenses funded through the budget include $318,200 for administration, which includes insurance, office lease, equipment, office supplies, postage, telephone, Department of Livestock administration expenses, collection administration expenses, board expenses, travel and administrative staff compensation.
The Montana Beef Council is active throughout the year on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and can be found at