MSU Steer-A-Year program returns for 2013-14
Montana ranchers can once again donate steers to Montana State University. The Steer-A-Year program is back for the 2013-14 school year.
–MSU News Service
BOZEMAN – Montana State University has resumed its Steer-A-Year program after a one-year hiatus.
Montana ranchers who want to donate a steer to benefit students in MSU’s College of Agriculture should contact Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Rachel Endecott. Steers will be accepted Oct. 14 through 18. They will be housed and fed to finish at the Bozeman Agriculture Research and Teaching Farm west of Bozeman.
Donors will be honored at MSU’s Celebrate Agriculture!! on Oct. 25 and 26, Endecott said. Performance data (28-day gains and carcass performance) from the steers will be collected throughout the school year. The top feeder steer and donor will be announced at Celebrate Agriculture!! The top carcass and donor will be announced in the spring.
Donated steers make a direct impact on students, particularly those participating in the livestock judging program, Endecott said. The steers also contribute to the educational experiences of dozens of students in the College of Agriculture since the steers are used in animal science courses throughout the school year. Those courses include “Beef Cattle Management,” “Livestock Management – Beef Cattle,” “Meat Science,” and “Livestock Evaluation.”
For more information about the Steer-A-Year program or how to donate a steer, contact Endecott at (406) 994-3747 or [email protected]
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