Schweitzer vs. Brown: Livestock Industry Campaign Donations

Chuck Johnson wrote an article this morning comparing the campaign collections between Brian Schweitzer and Roy Brown. See the article at the following link.

It was interesting to see that Roy Brown’s second largest campaign contributing industry sector was the livestock industry whose contributions totaled $50,600. Schweitzer’s second largest industry contributors were lawyers and lobbyists who’s contributions totaled $251,000. Schweitzer did show $42,200 given to him by the livestock industry. Which is comparable to Brown’s amount. Although it didn’t show up as a top contributing industry sector.

What do people out in cattle country think about this?

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Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit membership organization, has worked on behalf of Montana’s cattle ranching families since 1884. Our mission is to protect and enhance Montana ranch families’ ability to grow and deliver safe, healthy, environmentally wholesome beef to the world.

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  • Anonymous

    Well I think it is not suprising for our bully of gov.! He claims to be a rancher, but does nothing to support the ag industry. He also claims to be anti-lobbyists, but here he is taking campaign money from them. I also find it amusing that his anti-Brown radio ads accuse Brown of being “big oil”, yet the oil companies didn’t give Brown as much money as the out of state lobbyists gave Schweitzer. Unfortunately, he is a great liar, and Montana ranchers will have to endure another 4 years with him.

    • 11:05 am - October 30, 2008

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