T-Bone Classic Golf Tournament & Gala at Big Sky, Sept. 12
By John Grande, Martinsdale, Research & Education Endowment Foundation Chair.
Planning for the Montana Stockgrowers’ Foundation T-Bone Classic is off and running in a new location. After several years of the Montana Stockgrowers holding the T-Bone Classic Golf Tournament in Billings, the tournament is now being hosted by the Research, Education and Endowment Foundation (REEF) and has been moved to Big Sky. A full itinerary is planned with the golf tournament being held at the Arnold Palmer –designed Big Sky Golf Course on Friday, September 12, followed by the T-Bone Classic Gala that evening at the Huntley Lodge.
In addition to the new host and new location, another new feature is the expanded T-Bone Classic Gala banquet. Anyone is welcome, non-golfers as well as those in the tournament. We are particularly reaching out to the business community to get others outside of the beef industry to attend so we can all get acquainted and work together.
The MSGA board and the REEF trustees will both be meeting at Big Sky prior to the T-Bone Classic. The REEF trustees will be using this as an opportunity to do some goal-setting and long-term planning in addition to our normal business, so if anyone has input as to where our foundation should be headed, please provide your input to any of the trustees. As always, we appreciate any support you can give to help us in our educational efforts on behalf of the Montana Stockgrowers Association.
Sponsorship opportunities for the T-Bone Classic are almost filled up and as of this writing we have sixteen golf teams confirmed and about ten more in the works so if you’re interested in golfing, sign up now before the field is full. For more information, contact the MSGA office or any REEF trustee. Details and registration are listed on the website at mtbeef.org/tboneclassic.