Wilsall Cattlewoman Receives National Educator Award

suze bohleen ancw educator award presentation(Listen to the podcast at the end of this post!)

Suze Bohleen of Wilsall was recently recognized for her volunteer efforts and dedication to beef education by the American National CattleWomen (ANCW) as recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Educator of the Year award at a meeting recently held in Denver, Colorado.

The Educator of the Year award recognizes a member of ANCW who has initiated and participated in innovative and high quality programs in their local units or states in beef promotion and/or beef education. CattleWomen who receive this distinguished honor demonstrate skills in reaching a variety of audiences with creative and timely messages about beef, and show evidence of having made significant impact by telling the beef story. Fellow Montana CattleWomen nominated Bohleen for the annual award.

Across the state of Montana, Suze focuses on classroom beef education for grades 7 through 12. She works with teachers to incorporate materials and demonstrations into curriculum that teaches students how to prepare beef for their family and to make wise, healthy beef choices on a budget.

Bohleen great enjoys working with junior and high school students who, as she describes, are eager for new information and become excited about learning to cook beef. “Dealing with Junior High kids, a guy gave me a new word,” recalled Suze. “We empower them because we don’t treat them like little kids. We tell them what they can do. They can cook and they can help their families.”

Montana CattleWomen President, Wanda Pinnow of Baker, is excited to recognize Suze for her hard work and efforts in beef education. Pinnow commends Suze on her efforts saying, “She has taken our beef education programs leaps and bounds above what they once were due to her teaching background, connections and her love and passion for it.”

Many of the beef education programs conducted by the Montana CattleWomen are supported through grants and funding from the Montana Beef Council and ANCW. “Many Montana ranchers may not realize that 50 cents of their Checkoff dollar stays in the state,” says Pinnow. “Portions of those funds go to educate over 8,000 kids in the state each year, including schools like Missoula, Kalispell, Great Falls and Billings. Suze has played a large role in getting materials into these schools and providing beef education opportunities in many communities.”

When asked why she is committed to CattleWomen programs and beef education, Bohleen said, “I enjoy being a part of the beef community. As a teacher and an educator, I want to make a difference and if I can do that while doing something I believe in passionately then it’s a win-win.”

To learn more about beef promotion and education programs conducted by the Montana CattleWomen, visit their website, MontanaCattleWomen.org, or contact their office in Helena at (406) 442-3420.

Calling All Montana CattleWomen to Mid-Year

Montana CattleWomen LogoWanda Pinnow, Baker, Montana CattleWomen President

I would like to take this time to invite you and your members to come to Montana CattleWomen’s Mid-Year meeting to be held in wonderful Livingston. Park County CattleWomen will be our host for this year’s event on June 20-21 at the Yellowstone Inn and Convention Center.

We have several items available for each affiliate who attends this year’s Mid-Year meetings. To guide you in presenting to local classrooms, we will have DVDs on the Cheeseburger and “Wow the Cow” programs. There will be Beef Checkoff signs available as well. With the help of Bayer and American National Cattlewomen, each Affiliate that attends Mid-Year will receive the book, “Our Star Goes West” by the Chaney Twins. This book will be provided for you to take into local classrooms and read to the class or to donate to donate to the library of your choice.

We will close out the meeting with a few speakers this year including the new Montana Beef Ambassador, Landra Lucas and Park County’s own Lois Olmstead. You might think you have heard Lois before, but she has promised something new and entertaining. Montana Stockgrowers’ Ryan Goodman will wrap up the day with a discussion on how we can be advocates for the ranching and beef communities across Montana.

We always have learning experiences at our Mid-Year and Winter conferences and we encourage more Montana CattleWomen to take advantage of these workshops. We learn by sharing ideas and discussing our dilemmas that we run into.

Registration is $60 and includes dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch and snacks on Saturday; along with speakers and materials. Rooms are available at $79.99 per night plus taxes if reserved by June 1. Contact Suze Bohleen of the Park County CattleWomen for more information and registration details. We hope to see you in Livingston!

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American National CattleWomen, President Barbara Jackson


The Montana Stockgrowers Association was happy to have the American National CattleWomen president, Barbara Jackson, at our annual convention this past December. She gave us an inspirational talk about the need to advocate for the beef industry and why it’s important for women to get involved at our local, state, and national levels. Watch the video below to hear Barbara’s story and the goals of ANCW for 2014.

Would you like to join the ANCW? Visit www.ancw.org. Also, be sure to check out the Montana CattleWomen’s website for ways to be involved at the state level.


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American National Cattlewomen Beef Promotion

What Is Leadership Within the Beef Industry?

Are you attending the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville next month? Montana Stockgrowers will be at the Trade Show! Stop by and see us while your there. Also catch up with MSGA’s Lauren Chase as she participates in the ANCW Roundtable discussion on Thursday.

American National Cattlewomen Beef Promotion Cattle Industry ConventionWe all know that there are many ways to get involved in the beef industry. You could own a farm and raise cattle; or be a salesman for a livestock health company; or become a large animal veterinarian; or even serve as leadership on your local, state, and national cattlemen and women’s boards. Your path in life is what you make it, but it doesn’t hurt to have some help and advice along the way.

Help is here!

At the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show, the American National CattleWomen are hosting several wonderful events for young people including a Roundtable discussion for Collegiate members to learn about leadership within the beef industry. This hour-long session will cover topics like effective leadership skills, pitfalls to avoid, ways you can better the beef industry and many more.  You may even recognize a few of the discussion leaders… like yours truly!

The event will be Thursday, Feb. 6 from 11:00 am – 12:00 and is sponsored by SelectForce, Inc.

Please feel free to contact ANCW or me if you have questions regarding this event: Contact ANCWAmerican National Cattlewomen logo

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Montana Beef Ambassadors

Montana Beef Ambassadors compete at national level

The Montana Beef Ambassadors traveled to Springdale, Arkansas to compete for the 2014 National Beef Ambassador team on September 27-28. Allie Nelson (Senior) and Elizabeth Armstrong (Junior) both competed and represented Montana well. Contestants from 23 different states, including 22 Seniors and 12 Juniors, joined together at the competition which included events in Issues Response, Media Interview, Consumer Promotion, and Youth Presentation. The 2014 National Beef Ambassador team was announced Saturday evening and includes Justana Von Tate, Texas; Emma Morris, California; Rachael Wolters, Tennessee; Tori Summey, Arizona and Sierra Jepsen, Ohio.

Participants began the weekend of events on Friday with a tour of the Tyson Innovations Center and Jac’s Ranch. The event was highlighted with great insights shared by American National Cattlewomen President Barbara Jackson, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Scott George, Cattlemen’s Beef Board Chairman Weldon Wynn and Arkansas Beef Council Executive Director Travis Justice, followed by keynote speakers Butch Calhoun, the Arkansas Secretary of Agriculture, and Yvonne Thaxton. Archived video footage of the event can be viewed at www.ihigh.com/nbap.

Congratulations to Allie and Elizabeth and all of the Montana Cattlewomen who have worked hard preparing for the competition. Montana Stockgrowers Association thanks you and encourages your continued work to advocate for the beef community. Follow the MT Beef Ambassadors on Facebook and Twitter.

National Beef Ambassador Competition 2013 2014

The NBAP competition, hosted by Arkansas Cattlewomen and the American National Cattlewomen, is funded in part by The Beef Checkoff Program (www.MyBeefCheckoff.com). Learn more about the program at www.NationalBeefAmbassador.org.