MSGA’s President Tom Hougen – Melstone, MT
Last week, MSGA’s media intern, Lauren Chase, had the opportunity to travel NW of Helena to the tiny town of Potomac, MT.
I interviewed the Wills Family, of Wills Cattle Co. who own a ranch just outside of town. They shared with me their family’s history in the area and talked about what ranching means to them. Before this trip, I hadn’t been to a ranch in Montana where timber was one of the prominent features. The trees were beautiful and the cattle seemed to enjoy the shade and scattered sun rays, and I felt as if I was in a dream. This trip yet again establishes just how pretty Montana is, how nice the people are, and how important ranching is to the nation.
Check out some photos from my interview on Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Facebook page: click here.
Written by media intern Lauren Chase
MALTA—After spending one week in South Phillips County Montana, I’ve come away with a lot of things, but there’s one that is the most important: the importance of agriculture producers to this country.
I grew up in Iowa, a state known for corn and pigs, but could I tell you the basics of farming? No. And when I started talking with ranchers in Montana, I realized just how embarrassing it is that I knew nothing about where my food comes from and especially how much work it is to make that food.
Back in Iowa, we have roughly seven high schools in the metro area and one that is in the outskirts of town. That one is known as “cow pie high” because farmer’s kids go there. I’m sure they know about the work farmers and their families dedicate to the production, but the rest of us, just fifteen minutes away aren’t taught even the basics and therefore, make fun of it. I think that is ridiculous now.
Starting at a young age, every child in this country needs to know why we have farms, why we raise livestock, and why individuals do back-breaking labor from sunrise to sunset. It is to keep their families, communities and the world from going hungry and I think they need more appreciation for what they do.
Hi all! My name is Lauren Chase and I am from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I’m finishing up my final year at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. Go Hawks! I have a double major in journalism and anthropology and a minor in Spanish. This summer, I am the media intern for the Montana Stockgrowers Association.