Affiliate Highlight: Wheatland County Stockgrowers

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Wheatland County Stockgrowers have been busy as bees. They kicked off the year by sponsoring a Donkey Basketball Tournament. The Stockgrower team defeated the FFA team for bragging rights for the year. However, it was a fundraiser for both the FFA and the Stockgrowers.

June had the MT RANGE DAYS come to Wheatland Co. and the Stockgrowers cooked a prime rib dinner with all the trimmings for their evening banquet. They served 254 people.

August was the annual Wheatland Co. Youth Fair. The Stockgrowers proudly sponsor the Breeding Beef Contest, the Senior and Intermediate Round Robin Champions and the Carcass Contest. The carcass contest is in its 2nd year. All the steers are entered and the kids are taken to see the end product and how it grades. We award a Grand and Reserve Champions coats.

Currently planning their Pasture and Plate seminars. We did this last year with four series of seminars that pertained to the cattle industry, hence Pasture. The Plate seminars had a series of four, which showed different ways to prepare beef. Last year’s finale was a “Christmas Cook-off”, featuring appetizers for the season and was held in conjunction with the Harlo High School Christmas Concert. It was a people’s choice award.  This is still in the planning stage with seminars to be announced.

Our annual banquet is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5 at the Moose Lodge in Harlowton

South Central Stockgrowers Host Meetings, Support Scholarships

Jed EvjeneBy Jed Evjene, Two Dot, MSGA South Central District Director

It looks like winter is coming to a close or at least on the downhill slide into spring. Although we can still see some spring storms that remind us, Mother Nature is still in charge. Some folks in the area have started calving while others do not get started until March & April.

To report on some of the Local Affiliates in the South Central District, they have been very busy.

Beartooth Stockgrowers held their membership meeting in January with a great turnout. MSGA President, Gene Curry, was invited to speak on the issues. One of their members, Lynda Grande Myers, was elected as the new Montana CattleWomen’s President at the convention in Billings last December.

Crazy Mountain Stockgrowers is holding Rancher Round Table Workshops on different issues and educational programs for ranchers in the area February through March. These workshops were started last year and are very well attended. Some of the topics covered will be mineral nutrition and cattle markets. If anyone would like more information, contact CMSGA President, Matt Cremer, (406) 537-4481.

Gallatin Beef Producers held their banquet and meeting in January that was very well attended. Ryan Goodman attended the business meeting and gave an update on behalf of MSGA staff. Longtime President, Brent Sinnema, completed his service this year and we would like to thank him for all his hard work and commitment.

Wheatland County Stockgrowers hosted an adult education course in October and November on ultrasounding cattle, injection sites, carcass quality and grading for their members and ranchers in the surrounding area. They are currently working on an April 17th fundraiser with a donkey basketball game for their scholarships. In June, they will host the banquet for the Montana Range Days. They continue to build and improve the carcass contest for the Wheatland County Youth Fair in August. If you would like additional information, contact WCSGA President, Ron Fischer, (406) 632-5598.

Fergus County Stockgrowers held their banquet in November and were able to raise $5,000 for their scholarships. Applications for these scholarships can be found at the Central Montana Foundation or by contacting any board member. The scholarships are open to anyone graduating high school or currently in college from the Fergus County area. The applications are due by April 10. They just finished the Montana Winter Fair in January and had great attendance at their Farm Forum. For additional information, please contact FCSGA President, Todd Olsen, (406) 350-0025.

Once again, the AMP program, held in Helena this month, was a success, very well attended and educational. Local Affiliates from across the state were able to meet and discuss issues that are affecting them in their areas and learn about issues that are affecting ranchers in other regions of the state. I would strongly encourage every Local Affiliate to send representatives next year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (406) 537-4405. I hope you all have a great spring and calving season!