Stockgrowers Continue Tradition, Host Mid Year in Miles City

MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City

MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City

The 2014 Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Mid-Year Meeting drew over 300 ranchers from across the state for policy meetings and MSGA’s annual Ranch Tour. The meeting also hosted several events for the community, including a concert with the Bellamy Brothers, an All-Horse/Livestock Parade through downtown, and the Miles City Ranch Rodeo.

Here are some of the highlights from the 2014 MSGA Mid-Year Meeting:

-Opening General Session featured Bob McCan, Texas Cattleman and President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. McCan discussed several issues affecting Montana ranchers today. The NCBA continues working on rancher’s behalf including the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. proposed ruling, and foreign trade opportunities.

-The 2014 MSGA Ranch Tour began at the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Center where ranchers learned more about the Center’s research work with forage establishment, cow longevity and grazing recovery following range fires. MSGA then traveled to the Range Riders Museum and WaterWorks Art Museum. Finally, the tour traveled to OptiBlend Industries to learn about work in the oil and gas fields, which has a large impact on the economy in Eastern Montana.

The Stockgrowers Ford at Mac's Ford in Miles City

The Stockgrowers Ford at Mac’s Ford in Miles City

-Following the Ranch Tour, a delicious dinner was served at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds. MSGA’s Research and Education Endowment Foundation (REEF) awarded Ariel Overstreet-Adkins of Helena the 2014 MSGA Educational Heritage Scholarship and held a fund-raiser auction to benefit education programs. The auction included a commissioned painting by local artist David Graham and a saddle donated in memory of the late-Shawn Pilster. The saddle garnered over $10,000 for REEF programs in a rollover auction.

-The community of Miles City also joined in on the Mid Year festivities. On Friday night, the Bellamy Brothers came to the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds for a well-attended concert opened by Copper Mountain Band. On Saturday morning, prior to the Miles City Ranch Rodeo, Stockgrowers hosted an All-Horse/Livestock parade through downtown.

-Two interim policies were passed through during committee meetings on Friday and Saturday mornings. The Beef Production & Marketing Committee passed interim policy in opposition of proposed importation of beef products from Brazil due to concerns of Foot and Mouth Disease being brought to the U.S. The Land Use & Environment Committee passed interim policy regarding the Montana Water Court, encouraging the completion of adjudication.

Ranchers in Policy Meetings at Miles Community College

Ranchers in Policy Meetings at Miles Community College

-The Membership Development & Services Committee passed a new dues structure that will allow Montana’s small ranchers to join MSGA through a fair-share dues structure. Rancher dues for those owning 1-60 head of cattle are now set at $75. Higher due levels are set for those ranchers owning larger numbers of cattle as a part of the dues structure.

-The Young Stockgrowers held a meeting on Thursday afternoon with five featured speakers. Topics ranged from changes in antibiotic use in livestock, soil management, land appraisals, market outlooks and advocacy.

-Mid-Year photos can be seen on MSGA’s Flickr page –

-Plans are already underway for MSGA’s Annual Convention and Trade Show, which will be held Dec. 11-13 in Billings at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana. Watch for more information to be announced at

Preview to the Young Cattlemen’s Conference with Montana’s Delegate – Ryan Hughes

Ryan Hughes Montana Young Cattlemens ConferenceEach year, the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation sends one Young Stockgrowers member on a trip of a lifetime. The Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC), hosted by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, takes a group of bright and motivated young beef industry leaders on a cross-country exploration of the supply chain, ending with conversations of the nations representatives in Washington D.C.

This year, the Foundation selected Ryan Hughes of Stanford, Mont. to be the Montana representative for the trip in June. We wanted to share a brief introduction about Ryan before he departs:

Ryan grew up commercial cow ranch south of Stanford, Mont. and graduated from Montana State University with a degree in Agricultural Economics and a minor in Agricultural Business. He has lived in several western states including Colorado, Idaho and Arizona before settling in Dillon, Mont. to work for Westfeeds. He also owns a small herd of registered Angus cattle and does sales consulting and purchasing for purebred Angus breeders and commercial producers across the west.

Ryan is excited about being selected as the YCC participant: “I’ve heard a lot of good things about the trip, especially its focus on leadership and the preservation of agriculture across the US.” With this comprehensive look at the entire cattle business, Ryan is hopeful to meet other industry leaders and gain from their shared experience, “Life and business evolve around who you know and there will be many influential people on the trip with me.”

The experience of the trip will not only help Ryan, but in return, will help benefit his future life in Montana. “I have always wanted to ranch in Montana. You either inherit the family ranch or manage one for someone who has been successful in other endeavors. As all young people in agriculture know, it is near impossible to start your own ranch from scratch in Montana.”

“As I work toward that goal, I am lucky enough to be involved in many operations from a nutritional, genetic, and marketing standpoint. I want to be the best resource for those people on the ranch that I can be.”

Be sure to check back in the July newsletter to read a re-cap of Ryan’s trip. To help support future YCC participants and other educational programs for Montana’s youth, please consider a donation to the MSGA Foundation. You can make donations online at

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Are You a Young Rancher in Montana?

Join the Montana Young Stockgrowers Association!

If you are a young rancher in the state of Montana, consider a membership to the Young Stockgrowers Association. It’s a great way to meet your peers from across the state, learn from veteran MSGA leadership, and take part in several priceless opportunities during the year…from events to conferences. This group is made up of young ranchers, folks involved in the cattle business, students, and those who just want to meet new friends.

The Young Stockgrowers Association meets at both the Annual Convention in Billings and at the Mid-Year Meeting. Throughout the year, there are local YSG meetings, YSG-hosted events like the Cattle Crawl and Legislative Conference. Lacey Sutherlin – Stevensville – is the chair of the YSG during 2014 and Travis Brown – Sand Springs – is vice chair. Both would be more than happy to answer any questions or help you to get involved in YSG.

Travis had the opportunity to attend the 2014 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville last month as was mentioned earlier this week in his KRIRM Leadership feature. Today he’ll share with us a few more highlights from the trip.

Cattle Convention Perspective from Young Stockgrowers

Travis BrownIn February, at the CIC, I had the opportunity to attend on behalf of the Young Stockgrower Committee, and what a convention it was.  There was tremendous excitement for the beef business as cattlemen from across the country gathered in the midst of the highest market we have ever seen.  My personal favorite part of the convention is the trade show, the industry’s largest, and is all held within the massive Gaylord Opryland Hotel.  Businesses from across the country come to display the newest technologies in the industry, meanwhile there are live cattle demonstrations going on in the background, it is truly a sight to see.

Another highlight of the convention, and of particular interest to Young Stockgrowers are the Cattlemen’s Colleges, sponsored by Zoetis.  There are several different speakers brought in from all over the United States to discuss issues facing all parts of the beef business from the ranch gate, to the grocery store, and even around the Washington DC Beltway.  It is truly interesting to see what Millennials, consumers age 20-30, are interested in as they develop their tastes and preferences and how beef can meet their demands for the future.  Millennials are the largest generation, even bigger than the Baby Boomers, and making sure that they choose beef as their go to source for high quality, delicious, and nutritious protein will make a big difference.

Lastly the speakers and the cattle industry convention are absolutely incredible. From speakers about leadership like Capitan Phillips and Archie Manning to in-depth perspective from the true experts in the industry during the CattleFax Update there is great information to be heard.  There are some unique challenges and exciting opportunities facing the beef business as this winter draws to a close and everyone is looking forward to calving.

Find out more about the MSGA Young Stockgrowers program at

Registration Open for the 2013 Young Ag Leadership Conference

Register now for the Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC), set to take place October 11-13 at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort.

The YALC is a collaborative effort between nine of Montana’s agricultural organizations, offering attendees a chance to discuss current ag issues, take part in various workshops, meet with industry leaders and network with fellow young people who live Montana agriculture.

Anyone aged 18-40 and interested or involved in any facet of agriculture is encouraged to attend. The conference is put together by a committee of representatives from each of the following: Montana Agri-Business Association, Montana Cattlemen’s Association, Montana 4-H Foundation, Montana FFA Foundation, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, Montana Farmers Union, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana State University College of Agriculture, and the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

“Ag Venture 2013,” a day camp for children ages 3 & up, will be offered for the first time this year. Ag Ed students from Montana State University will engage kids in a fun and positive environment to promote agriculture. This camp will take place all day Saturday, allowing parents to fully participate in the jam-packed agenda while knowing their youngsters are enjoying a fun day of activities and learning.

Registration will open at 4PM on Friday, October 11 with the social beginning at 6 PM. The weekend’s festivities will kick off with dinner and an entertaining program. Saturday’s schedule is full of workshops, discussion groups and networking opportunities. Participants can choose between six workshop topics and two discussion group themes. The topics included in this year’s workshop sessions range from drought management to bioethics, improving soil health to risk management for beginning farmers and ranchers. Saturday’s luncheon will feature an insightful and entertaining talk by Cort Jensen of the Montana Department of Agriculture. The discussion group topics offered are “America & The World”: A look at U.S. commodities, trade and the current issues affecting them and “Montana Ag Business: Getting a Job and Making it Last.”

After a day full of information and networking, Saturday will wrap up with dinner and an evening of relaxation in the many pools and tubs offered at Fairmont Hot Springs. The weekend will be capped off with Amanda Radke of BEEF Magazine’s “5 Simple Ways to be a Better Agvocate Now.” Register now so you don’t miss this exciting, one-of-a-kind weekend!

Cost of registration for the YALC is only $25, with all meals provided and enrollment costs for the “Ag Venture Day Camp” is $10 per child. After the pre-registration date of October 4, fees increase to $35.

To register for YALC go to the Montana Farm Bureau Federation website or contact Mariah Baumann Shammel at (406) 462-5639 or [email protected].


Montana Stockgrowers Mentorship program

Mentorship Program Applications

Montana Stockgrowers Mentorship programAs the average age of our ranching community grows older, opportunities for younger generations to learn valuable skills become increasingly important. One of the best avenues for younger ranchers to gain insight is through mentorship experiences. To facilitate this, MSGA is launching a Mentorship Program to pair a member of the Collegiate and Young Stockgrowers with a mentor in a similar field within the Montana beef industry. Mentor groups will be expected to communicate periodically and meet in person throughout the year. The hope is to build informal relationships where young producers can develop life skills and learning opportunities through one-on-one interactions with mentors.

Program Expectations

Participants in the program will interact and grow through meeting a series of expectations:

**Communicate though social media, telephone, or email
**CSG/YSG member should have a list of goals and discuss them with the mentor
**Meet in person at an event (MSGA convention, industry event in the area, etc)
**Organize one visit during the year — on the mentor’s ranch or business
**Answer survey questions every three months as a progress report
**Complete a reflection at the end of the year discussing what each other learned, how having a mentor/mentee benefits the beef industry, and a brief overview of interactions

Participants in the Mentorship program will be recognized at the annual convention upon completion.

To learn more about the program. contact Lauren Chase at the MSGA office, or by email ([email protected]). Complete the application below or download by clicking hereApplications are due by November 1, 2013.

Applications can be filled out here.

Ranch Tour to highlight MSGA Mid-Year Meeting, June 9-10 in Bozeman

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) will hold its Mid-Year Meeting, June 9-10 in Bozeman, Mont. at the Animal BioScience Building on the Montana State University (MSU) campus. The highlight of this year’s meeting will be the Ranch Tour on Thursday afternoon, June 9.

The Ranch Tour will begin at 12:45 p.m. departing from the Animal BioScience Building. The tour will feature stops at the MSU’s Bozeman Agricultural Research and Teaching Farm, where participants can view MSU’s current research projects; the 2001 Montana and Regional Environmental Stewardship Award winners, MZ Bar Cattle Co. in Belgrade, to learn about how the Milesnick family has protected riparian areas; Schutter Farms in Manhattan, where local implement dealers will be on hand to demonstrate the features of various tractors and equipment; and the KG Ranch in Three Forks where the group will enjoy dinner, view cattle from priority page buyers of MSGA’s Montana Seedstock and Commercial Cattle Directory, and be entertained by a stick horse race fundraiser for MSGA’s Research Education and Endowment Foundation (REEF).

This year, one lucky Ranch Tour participant will win a D110 Lawn Tractor generously donated by Moodie Implement Company with locations in Belgrade, Chester, Great Falls, Havre, Lewistown, and Livingston. The D110 Lawn Tractor features a 19.5 Horsepower Briggs & Stratton® Anti-Vibration System, The Edge™ Cutting System, CargO Mount™ System for attachments, hydro/automatic drive transmission, electronic ignition and a full-length welded steel frame.

Other events from this year’s Mid-Year meeting will include addresses from Bill Donald, Melville, Mont. rancher, past president of MSGA and current president of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and MSU President, Waded Cruzado during the Opening General Session Thursday morning, June 9. MSGA’s Beef Production & Marketing Committee and the Membership Development & Services Committee will meet Thursday while the Land Use & Environment Committee and Tax, Finance & Ag Policy Committee will meet, followed by the Business Session, Friday, June 10. The Young Stockgrowers will host an informal social media workshop on Friday morning. Friday afternoon the MSGA Board of Directors, Montana Grass Conservation Commission, MSGA’s REEF and the joint Board of Directors of the Montana Public Lands Council and the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts will hold meetings.

For more information regarding the Mid-Year Meeting, contact the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420 or visit

MSGA Mid-Year Meeting to be held at MSU Animal BioScience Building, June 9-10

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) will hold its Mid-Year Meeting, June 9-10 in Bozeman, Mont. at the Animal BioScience Building on the Montana State University (MSU) campus. Mid-Year is one of the two major meetings MSGA holds each year. MSGA members will gather to discuss the issues facing Montana ranching families and set interim policy to guide the association through the rest of the year. The highlight of this year’s meeting will be the Ranch Tour on Thursday afternoon, June 9. (more…)

Young Farmers and Ranchers Call on the Capitol

Young Farmers and Ranchers at the Capitol Montana MFBF – Twenty young farmers and ranchers from across the state had the opportunity to sit in on hearings, have breakfast with legislators and meet with various state agencies during the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers (MFBF YF&R) and/Montana Young Stockgrower’s Calling on the Capitol Feb. 24-25 in Helena.

“The legislative breakfast provided a great opportunity to sit down and visit with your local legislator about any concerns,” noted Aaron Phipps, who sits on the MFBF YF&R Committee. He and his wife, Mollie, attended the event. “You really see how important agriculture is to Montana when you travel to Helena for the session. The legislators are very interested in what we have to say.”

The group met with the deputy director of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, with Montana State Veterinarian Marty Zaluski and Dept. of Livestock Executive Officer Christian MacKay, as well as with President of the Senate Jim Peterson and Speaker of the House Mike Milburn.

“I can’t stress enough that you must become an advocate, if you are going to protect your rights as a property owner and ag producer,” advised Milburn. “There are a lot of tough issues out there, like the current eminent domain one. There is a real need for transmission lines, but at the same time, the rights of the property owner need to be met.”

Peterson said as he looked around the room of young producers, he was very optimistic about agriculture, the state’s largest industry. “It seems agriculture is what’s going to lead this state out of its economic depression,” Peterson said. “This is the first time in a long time that agriculture is leading this show and you young people are the ones who are going to lead.”

In addition, they learned about working with the media and legislators in a session conducted by Ariel Overstreet, MSGA and Nicole Rolf, MFBF.

Overstreet encouraged the group to accept media interviews, gave them tips on getting their message across, and how to put a positive face on a story. Rolf told the group that before they testified, “Read the bill, make sure your comments are relevant, be factual, and tell your story in a concise manner.”

“This was an amazing opportunity to sit in on the hearings and see the legislative process in actions. Several of our group testified on a predator bill,” noted Charlie Rein, chair of the Montana Young Stockgrowers’ from Big Timber. “We were able to sit in the gallery and watch the Senate floor session, another really good experience. I feel privileged to have been able to meet one-on-one with our legislators, talk directly to agency leaders, and even have a guided tour the Capitol during this excellent event.”

Applications to attend Young Cattlemen’s Conference due Feb. 15

Montana Young Cattlemens ConferenceMSGA’s Research, Education, and Endowment Foundation (REEF) is accepting applications to send one participant to the Young Cattlemen’s Conference tour, held June 2-9. The tour exposes young cattlemen to all areas of the cattle industry ranging from industry structure to issues management, from production research to marketing, and is designed to develop leadership qualities. Many past attendees from Montana have described this tour as a “once-in-a-lifetime experience.” (Including last year’s participant, Tater Erickson who is pictured at right with Melville, MT rancher and NCBA President-elect, Bill Donald, left, and John Goggins with the Western Ag Reporter out of Billings, MT, center.) REEF will pay the full cost of the tuition (approximately $2,700) and will provide $500 for travel costs.

The tour will host 45 participants from across the country and will begin in Denver with a comprehensive overview of the industry. The group will take an in-depth look at many of the issues affecting the cattle industry and what NCBA is doing to address these issues on behalf of its members, plus receive a comprehensive view of market information from Cattle-Fax. The group will then travel to JBS Five Rivers’ Kuner Feedyard, one of the nation’s largest cattle feeding operations, a one-time capacity of over 100,000 head located in Northern Colorado. The group will then tour the JBS Greeley facility, one of the nation’s largest beef packing and processing plants. JBS will host the group and will share their views of the beef industry from a processor standpoint. Chicago is the next destination where the group will visit the Chicago Board of Trade & OSI, Inc. one of the nation’s premiere beef patty manufacturers. The participants will then travel to the nation’s Capitol where they will get a chance to meet with their respective congressmen and senators. In addition, the group will visit with a number of regulatory agencies that make decisions affecting agriculture.

2011 will be the 32nd year the Young Cattlemen’s Conference tour has been conducted. Over 1,000 cattlemen and women have graduated from the YCC program since its inception in 1980. For an individual to participate in the YCC, he or she must be nominated by one of NCBA’s affiliate members, be between the ages of 25 to 50 and be an NCBA member. Participants will need to arrive in Denver on June 1 and may depart from Washington, D.C. on June 10. To apply, visit MSGA’s website and download the application form. If you have any questions, please contact Ariel at [email protected] or at the MSGA office, (406) 442-3420.

Montana Stockgrowers and Farm Bureau to hold joint legislative conference for young farmers and ranchers

Helena – The Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Young Stockgrowers and Montana Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers and Ranchers will meet in Helena, Jan. 24-25, for the 2011 “Calling on the Capitol.” This year’s event is the first joint conference for the associations.

“MSGA and MFBF are looking forward to bringing young farmers and ranchers to Helena to see the 62nd session of the Montana Legislature,” said Peter Taylor, chair of MFBF’s Young Farmers and Ranchers.

“Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with the leaders of both associations, the legislature and our state agencies,” said Charlie Rein, chair of MSGA’s Young Stockgrowers.

The “Calling on the Capitol” will feature visits with President of the Senate, Senator Jim Peterson (R-Buffalo); Speaker of the House, Representative Mike Milburn (R-Cascade); a tour of the Capitol; meetings with Montana Department of Livestock and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials; media training; and an opportunity to attend legislative hearings.

The conference will be headquartered at the Red Lion Colonial Inn in Helena. Registration and hotel rooms are free for attendees. The conference is limited to the first 30 registrants and registrations close Jan. 21, 2011. Registration forms are available at or, or by calling MSGA at (406) 442-3420 or MFBF at (406) 587-3153.