Western Montana MSGA Director Reflects on Value of Involvement
Hello again from western Montana! What a summer and fall we have had. Pasture and hay production has been good and the markets for cattle never higher! We got a taste of reality in the last couple of days when we went from 60+ degrees to -15 with 20 Mph winds. These difficulties are quite common in the life and business of raising cattle.
Attitudes in general are quite good across the area but there are still many challenges facing us that can turn those attitudes south in a hurry. Those challenges are the reason we need all ranchers to be members of MSGA. While membership dues are very important to operate an organization like this, it is more important that we have everyone’s input and voice in making decisions that will affect us all.
It is essential that we know how issues affect each of us personally and have the facts about the issue before we make a decision as an organization that could affect us all and future generations as well. Many of the issues we are challenged with are quite large in scope and affect more folks than just us in Montana. So being involved is very important if you want to guide your destiny and protect your ability to ranch.
I have found two things to be quite sure: 1) Change is going to happen whether you like it or not and 2) It is a lot easier to accept change if it is your idea. So come to convention and let us hear from you. It is easier not to be involved and be just another victim, but you can be more effective by being part of the discussion prior to decisions being made. I for one would rather live with the choices I make than the chances I take.
One of the most valuable features of MSGA to all of us out on the ground is our leadership team and staff that have an understanding of issues that we may not. Many times the big picture effect on our industry is lost on us out in the country, and that is when it is important for leadership and staff to keep things in perspective for us. We are coming up on another legislative session in Helena that promises to be more challenging as the people of our state continue more toward urban lifestyles and less toward Agriculture.
This will be my last convention as a board member as I have fulfilled four years on the board. I have truly enjoyed the time spent and the great folks on the board and staff. I have had the pleasure of serving during two different presidencies: Watty Taylor and Tucker Hughes. Both are great guys who have done a great deal for our industry. I have also had the pleasure of serving on the executive board as well. This involves more budgets and nut and bolt issues that really affect the organization. The board and leadership have done some good things on behalf of MSGA membership throughout those years. One of the big tasks that was accomplished was helping Errol and staff operate without the aid of a huge grant. Another was divesting Stockgrowers’ shares of Verified Beef, a venture that had run its course. Still another was the additional membership level established for smaller producers.
We have an excellent staff and incoming leadership with very good candidates for the officer and board positions. They truly are the cream of the crop in our state. I want to thank you all for allowing me to serve on the board and represent you, and my family for supporting that service.
See you at the convention, Ray Marxer