Centennial Cowgirl Harriet Gates

Harriet Gates is a 92-year old rancher from Deer Lodge, Montana. She is living in a house that her grandfather built in 1856 and remembers what ranch life was like back in the early part of 1900s. Harriet loves being raised on the ranch and is still one, tough cowgirl.To see photos from from the visit, click here.

MSGA nominates Keystone Ranches of Ismay for Environmental Stewardship Award

Helena – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) recently nominated Keystone Ranches, Inc. and the Bill Almy family of Ismay, Mont. for the 2011 regional and national Environmental Stewardship Award sponsored by Dow AgroSciences, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. This annual award recognizes the outstanding stewardship practices and conservation achievements of cattle ranchers across the nation. Keystone Ranches was the winner of MSGA’s 2011 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award, presented at MSGA’s Annual Convention in December 2010.

“Bill Almy has been a member of MSGA since 1950 and has been the driving force behind the improved environment on Keystone Ranches since 1960,” said Ariel Overstreet, MSGA’s manager of communications. “The long history of Keystone Ranches under the care of the Almy family demonstrates the positive impact that environmental stewardship can play in the profitability and sustainability of a ranching operation, as well as the health and well-being of the landscape, wildlife populations and local communities.”

Over the past 50 years, the Almys have made the best use of available resources. In partnership with various groups and agencies, they have implemented water and grazing management innovations on Keystone Ranches that have raised the carrying capacity of the land by almost 50 percent, cut their debt-to-asset ratio from 55 percent to under 15 percent, improved wildlife habitat, maintained long-term relationships with employees, and supported their eastern Montana community.

“The Almys have been great leaders in our state industry and in their local communities,” Overstreet said. “MSGA was proud to nominate the Almys for the regional and national award.”

Regional winners of the Environmental Stewardship Award will be notified in May with a public announcement to follow in July. The national winner will be announced at the 2012 Cattle Industry Annual Convention in Nashville, Tenn. To learn more about the Montana Environmental Stewardship Award and see MSGA’s nomination submission for the national award, click here. For more information on the national Environmental Stewardship Award Program, click here.

MSGA is seeking applications for the 2012 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award. Initial applications are due June 1, 2011 and final submissions are due Sept. 1. To learn more, visit the link above, or call Ariel Overstreet at (406) 442-3420. The Montana Environmental Stewardship Award is sponsored by MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation brought to you by Montana Beef Producers and Checkoff Dollars.

Montana Stockgrowers Association offers two scholarships to member students

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is offering two great scholarships for MSGA member students. For graduating high school seniors, MSGA is offering the Swede Schlesinger Scholarship worth $2,500. To be eligible for this scholarship students must be graduating from a Montana high school this year, be a member of MSGA, or have at least one parent who is a member, and demonstrate a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Applicants must complete the application form, include a copy of their current high school transcript, include three sealed letters of recommendation, and answer a series of essay questions. Applications are due March 31. (more…)

Stevenson Angus Bull Sale 2011

Stevenson Angus Ranch held its spring production sale on March 10, 2011 in Hobson, MT. Darrell Stevenson was back from Russia, where he took cattle herds to establish American-style ranching. MSGA’s executive vice president, Errol Rice, attended the sale and was interviewed by Bloomberg TV about Montana beef and the future of international markets. To see photos from the Stevenson Angus Ranch, check out MSGA’s Facebook page: click here. 

Sitz Angus Ranch Bull Sale 2011

Sitz Angus Ranch in Dillon & Harrison, Montana had their 9th annual bull sale on March 9, 2011. It was the ranch’s best sale on record, with the top bull selling for more than $50,000. Check out the Montana Stockgrowers Association‘s Facebook page for photos: click here.

Reminisce Angus Ranch Production Sale 2011

AUDIO SLIDE SHOW: Watch and hear Angus bulls being sold at the Mussard Family sale in Dillon, Montana. There is also a speech from NCBA president, Bill Donald and some dancing at the end of the night, after a great sale. To see photos from the sale, head over to the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Facebook page: click here.

Bill Donald, NCBA President

Montana Stockgrowers Association past president, Bill Donald became NCBA’s president this week in Denver. You can watch his speech from the annual membership meeting where he officially grabbed the presidential reins.

Young Farmers and Ranchers Call on the Capitol

Young Farmers and Ranchers at the Capitol Montana MFBF – Twenty young farmers and ranchers from across the state had the opportunity to sit in on hearings, have breakfast with legislators and meet with various state agencies during the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers (MFBF YF&R) and/Montana Young Stockgrower’s Calling on the Capitol Feb. 24-25 in Helena.

“The legislative breakfast provided a great opportunity to sit down and visit with your local legislator about any concerns,” noted Aaron Phipps, who sits on the MFBF YF&R Committee. He and his wife, Mollie, attended the event. “You really see how important agriculture is to Montana when you travel to Helena for the session. The legislators are very interested in what we have to say.”

The group met with the deputy director of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, with Montana State Veterinarian Marty Zaluski and Dept. of Livestock Executive Officer Christian MacKay, as well as with President of the Senate Jim Peterson and Speaker of the House Mike Milburn.

“I can’t stress enough that you must become an advocate, if you are going to protect your rights as a property owner and ag producer,” advised Milburn. “There are a lot of tough issues out there, like the current eminent domain one. There is a real need for transmission lines, but at the same time, the rights of the property owner need to be met.”

Peterson said as he looked around the room of young producers, he was very optimistic about agriculture, the state’s largest industry. “It seems agriculture is what’s going to lead this state out of its economic depression,” Peterson said. “This is the first time in a long time that agriculture is leading this show and you young people are the ones who are going to lead.”

In addition, they learned about working with the media and legislators in a session conducted by Ariel Overstreet, MSGA and Nicole Rolf, MFBF.

Overstreet encouraged the group to accept media interviews, gave them tips on getting their message across, and how to put a positive face on a story. Rolf told the group that before they testified, “Read the bill, make sure your comments are relevant, be factual, and tell your story in a concise manner.”

“This was an amazing opportunity to sit in on the hearings and see the legislative process in actions. Several of our group testified on a predator bill,” noted Charlie Rein, chair of the Montana Young Stockgrowers’ from Big Timber. “We were able to sit in the gallery and watch the Senate floor session, another really good experience. I feel privileged to have been able to meet one-on-one with our legislators, talk directly to agency leaders, and even have a guided tour the Capitol during this excellent event.”

Applications to attend Young Cattlemen’s Conference due Feb. 15

Montana Young Cattlemens ConferenceMSGA’s Research, Education, and Endowment Foundation (REEF) is accepting applications to send one participant to the Young Cattlemen’s Conference tour, held June 2-9. The tour exposes young cattlemen to all areas of the cattle industry ranging from industry structure to issues management, from production research to marketing, and is designed to develop leadership qualities. Many past attendees from Montana have described this tour as a “once-in-a-lifetime experience.” (Including last year’s participant, Tater Erickson who is pictured at right with Melville, MT rancher and NCBA President-elect, Bill Donald, left, and John Goggins with the Western Ag Reporter out of Billings, MT, center.) REEF will pay the full cost of the tuition (approximately $2,700) and will provide $500 for travel costs.

The tour will host 45 participants from across the country and will begin in Denver with a comprehensive overview of the industry. The group will take an in-depth look at many of the issues affecting the cattle industry and what NCBA is doing to address these issues on behalf of its members, plus receive a comprehensive view of market information from Cattle-Fax. The group will then travel to JBS Five Rivers’ Kuner Feedyard, one of the nation’s largest cattle feeding operations, a one-time capacity of over 100,000 head located in Northern Colorado. The group will then tour the JBS Greeley facility, one of the nation’s largest beef packing and processing plants. JBS will host the group and will share their views of the beef industry from a processor standpoint. Chicago is the next destination where the group will visit the Chicago Board of Trade & OSI, Inc. one of the nation’s premiere beef patty manufacturers. The participants will then travel to the nation’s Capitol where they will get a chance to meet with their respective congressmen and senators. In addition, the group will visit with a number of regulatory agencies that make decisions affecting agriculture.

2011 will be the 32nd year the Young Cattlemen’s Conference tour has been conducted. Over 1,000 cattlemen and women have graduated from the YCC program since its inception in 1980. For an individual to participate in the YCC, he or she must be nominated by one of NCBA’s affiliate members, be between the ages of 25 to 50 and be an NCBA member. Participants will need to arrive in Denver on June 1 and may depart from Washington, D.C. on June 10. To apply, visit MSGA’s website and download the application form. If you have any questions, please contact Ariel at [email protected] or at the MSGA office, (406) 442-3420.

Montana Stockgrowers and Farm Bureau to hold joint legislative conference for young farmers and ranchers

Helena – The Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Young Stockgrowers and Montana Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers and Ranchers will meet in Helena, Jan. 24-25, for the 2011 “Calling on the Capitol.” This year’s event is the first joint conference for the associations.

“MSGA and MFBF are looking forward to bringing young farmers and ranchers to Helena to see the 62nd session of the Montana Legislature,” said Peter Taylor, chair of MFBF’s Young Farmers and Ranchers.

“Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with the leaders of both associations, the legislature and our state agencies,” said Charlie Rein, chair of MSGA’s Young Stockgrowers.

The “Calling on the Capitol” will feature visits with President of the Senate, Senator Jim Peterson (R-Buffalo); Speaker of the House, Representative Mike Milburn (R-Cascade); a tour of the Capitol; meetings with Montana Department of Livestock and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials; media training; and an opportunity to attend legislative hearings.

The conference will be headquartered at the Red Lion Colonial Inn in Helena. Registration and hotel rooms are free for attendees. The conference is limited to the first 30 registrants and registrations close Jan. 21, 2011. Registration forms are available at www.mtbeef.org or www.mfbf.org, or by calling MSGA at (406) 442-3420 or MFBF at (406) 587-3153.