What Lauren learned while spending time with ranchers in South Phillips Co. Montana
Written by media intern Lauren Chase
MALTA—After spending one week in South Phillips County Montana, I’ve come away with a lot of things, but there’s one that is the most important: the importance of agriculture producers to this country.
I grew up in Iowa, a state known for corn and pigs, but could I tell you the basics of farming? No. And when I started talking with ranchers in Montana, I realized just how embarrassing it is that I knew nothing about where my food comes from and especially how much work it is to make that food.
Back in Iowa, we have roughly seven high schools in the metro area and one that is in the outskirts of town. That one is known as “cow pie high” because farmer’s kids go there. I’m sure they know about the work farmers and their families dedicate to the production, but the rest of us, just fifteen minutes away aren’t taught even the basics and therefore, make fun of it. I think that is ridiculous now.
Starting at a young age, every child in this country needs to know why we have farms, why we raise livestock, and why individuals do back-breaking labor from sunrise to sunset. It is to keep their families, communities and the world from going hungry and I think they need more appreciation for what they do.
MSGA to hold Mid-Year meeting in Dillon, June 10-12
The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) will hold its Mid-Year meeting, June 10-12 in Dillon. Mid-Year is one of the two major meetings MSGA holds each year. MSGA will be looking “Beyond the Barbwire” as it meets to discuss the issues facing Montana ranching families and set interim policy to guide the association through the rest of the year. MSGA will also celebrate ranching in Montana with a parade, ranch tour and its popular Cow Pasture Golf Scramble.
This year, Mid-Year will kick off on Thursday, June 10 with meetings of the MSGA Board of Directors, the Montana Grass Conservation Commission, the Montana Public Lands Council and Montana Association of State Grazing Districts Joint Directors, and MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation. Thursday night will feature a Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Twilight Training Session at the Beaverhead County Fairgrounds with a stockmanship clinic presented by Ed and David Fryer from the Castle Mountain Ranch, chute-side demonstrations, BQA certification, and dinner sponsored by Northwest Farm Credit Services. This event is free and open to the public. The Young Stockgrowers will hold their meeting with a free dinner and drinks Thursday night at the Barrett’s Park Pavilion south of Dillon.
Friday will begin with the Opening General Session where the MSGA staff will provide an issues update and a discussion of MSGA’s use of social media to tell the story of Montana’s family ranchers. Meetings of MSGA’s Beef Production & Marketing, Land Use & Environment, Membership Development & Services, and Tax, Finance & Ag Policy committees will get underway at 10 a.m., break for brown bag lunches, and conclude at 3 p.m. After the committee meetings, members will convene for a business session to finalize interim policy to guide MSGA through the rest of the year. Friday afternoon will also feature a Workers Comp Safety seminar. Friday night, Mid-Year attendees will gather at the Beaverhead County Fairgrounds to enjoy the “Beyond the Corral” steak dinner catered by the Blacktail Station with live music provided by the Dillon Junior Fiddlers. The night will feature an auction of Saturday’s golf teams to benefit MSGA’s Advocacy Fund and a “bull race” fundraiser for MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation. Western Ranch Supply, Rocky Mountain Supply and Quality Supply will also demonstrate their different cattle chutes.
Saturday, Mid-Year participants will have the opportunity to partake in three great events during the day, a parade, ranch tour, and the Cow Pasture Golf Scramble. The parade will run through downtown Dillon beginning at 9 a.m. The theme is “Ride ‘em and Drive ‘em” and entries are restricted to horseback and horse drawn teams. The ranch tour will begin at noon, featuring Hagenbarth Livestock of Dillon, Smith 6-S Livestock of Glen, Sitz Angus of Dillon and La Cense Montana of Dillon. The Cow Pasture Golf Scramble will take place at the Sleepy Hollow Golf Course. For more information regarding the Mid-Year meeting, visit www.mtbeef.org or contact the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420.
Young Cattlemen’s Conference tour details announced; Applications due Feb. 15
This year, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) will hold its 31st Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC) for a limited number of young industry leaders, June 2-11, 2010. This year’s tour is sponsored by Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc., Five Rivers Cattle Feeding and John Deere.
MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation (REEF) will nominate one person between the ages of 25 and 50 from Montana to attend the conference. REEF will pay the full cost of the program and provide $500 for travel costs.
The primary objective of the YCC is to develop leadership qualities in young cattlemen and expose them to all aspects of the beef industry. The tour helps young leaders understand all areas of our industry ranging from industry structure to issues management, from production research to marketing.
This year’s tour will begin in Denver with a comprehensive overview of the industry. The group will take an in-depth look at many of the issues affecting our industry and what NCBA is doing to address these issues on behalf of its members, plus receive a comprehensive view of market information from Cattle-Fax. The group will then travel to western Kansas to visit various cattle producing operations in the area. From there, the group will travel to Sioux City, Nebraska to tour Tyson Fresh Meats, one of the largest beef packing and processing plants in the world. Tyson will host the group and will be sharing with them their views of the beef industry from a processor standpoint. Chicago is the next destination. Here the group will visit the Chicago Board of Trade and the Bruss Company- a large meat purveyor. The participants will then travel to the nation’s Capitol. Here they will get a chance to meet with their respective congressmen and senators. In addition, the group will visit with a number of regulatory agencies that make decisions affecting agriculture.
The 2010 tour will be from June 3-10, 2010. Participants will need to arrive in Denver on June 2nd and may depart from Washington DC on June 11th. Participants are asked to commit to staying the entire trip.
Application forms are available on the MSGA website, http://www.mtbeef.org/, or by calling (406) 442-3420. Applications are due February 15. You must be a member of MSGA and NCBA to attend.
MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show kicks off today!
MSGA’s 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show begins today with board meetings at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Tomorrow we move to the MetraPark. See the full schedule below. If you haven’t registered yet, you can register on site. We hope you’ll join us to “Celebrate the Ranching Spirit!”
Schedule of Events
Subject to change
Thursday, December 10
All meetings and functions to be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Trade
Show Big Equipment Move-In to be held at the Expo Center building at
7:00 a.m. Coffee Break
7:00 a.m. MSGA Executive Committee Meeting
8:00 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Grass Conservation Commission Meeting
9:00 a.m. MSGA Board of Directors Meeting
10:00 a.m. Montana Hereford Assoc. Annual Meeting
10:20 a.m. MPLC/MASGD Joint Board Meeting
12:00 p.m. REEF Trustee Meeting
2:00 p.m. MPLC Annual Meeting
2:00 p.m. Trade Show Big Equipment Move-In
3:30 p.m. Steer of Merit Committee Meeting
5:00 p.m. Focus Group Meeting
5:00 p.m. MSGA Committee Leadership Orientation
6:00 p.m. MCW Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 p.m. MSU College of Agriculture & MSU Alumni Social
6:30 p.m. “Has Beens” Dinner
7:00 p.m. Montana Cattle Feeders Annual Meeting
7:00 p.m. Montana Simmental Association Meeting
Friday, December 11
All meetings and functions to be held at the MetraPark unless otherwise
6:30 a.m. Registration
7:00 a.m. Billings Chamber of Commerce Breakfast
7:00 a.m. Coffee Break
7:00 a.m. Trade Show Move-In
8:00 a.m. MCW Past Presidents Breakfast (Crowne Plaza hotel)
8:00 a.m. MSGA Committee Meetings
9:00 a.m. MCW Annual Meeting & Instillation
12:00 p.m. Northern Ag Network Lunch
1:30 p.m. Montana Ag Safety Recertification Program
1:30 p.m. MCW New Board of Directors Meeting
1:30 p.m. Trade Show Sneak Peek
1:30 p.m. Young Stockgrowers Caucus
2:00 p.m. Montana Range Days Steering Committee
3:00 p.m. MSGA & MCW Opening General Session
4:00 p.m. Second Reading of Resolutions
5:30 p.m. MCW Officer Reception
6:00 p.m. Trade Show Grand Opening
6:00 p.m. Young Stockgrowers Social
Saturday, December 12
All meetings and functions to be held at the MetraPark.
6:30 a.m. Registration
7:30 a.m. Inspirational Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Coffee Break
9:00 a.m. MSGA Business Meeting
9:00 a.m. Trade Show Opens
9:00 a.m. Women of the West Fair
10:00 a.m. Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges
12:00 p.m. President’s Lunch
2:00 p.m. Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges
5:00 p.m. Trade Show Finale
5:00 p.m. MSGA Membership Top Hand Club Reception
7:00 p.m. Grand Finale Banquet
Sunday, December 13
MSGA Board of Directors Meeting to be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel.
Trade Show Move-Out to be held at the Expo Center building at MetraPark.
7:00 a.m. MSGA Board of Directors Meeting
8:00 a.m. Trade Show Move-Out
MSGA to “Celebrate the Ranching Spirit” for 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show, Dec. 10-12
MSGA is gearing up for its 125th Annual Convention and Trade Show, Dec. 10-12 at the Crowne Plaza hotel and MetraPark in Billings. To continue the celebratory mood of MSGA’s 125th Anniversary this past June, the theme of convention is “Celebrating the Ranching Spirit!”
MSGA’s convention will feature a great lineup of speakers, entertainment, educational seminars, policy discussions and business meetings.
“This year’s convention is a ‘can’t miss’ for anyone involved in Montana’s livestock industry,” said Tom Hougen, MSGA President. “We have a lot of important issues to address in our business meetings, but we also have some great entertainment lined up so we can relax a little and enjoy ourselves. We’re especially excited about our lineup of speakers and Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges this year. There will be plenty of opportunities for all of us to learn things that we can take home and implement on our own operations.”
Cattle rancher and Montana’s Governor, Brian Schweitzer, will address the Stockgrowers during the Northern Ag Network Lunch on Friday, Dec. 11 at the MetraPark Expo Center. Trent Loos, radio and TV personality and sixth generation farmer, will speak during the Opening General Session on Friday afternoon. Montana’s Congressional delegation, Senator Max Baucus, Senator Jon Tester and Congressman Rehberg, have been invited to address the Stockgrowers during Saturday’s President’s Lunch. Tester will send a video message and Congressman Denny Rehberg is planning to make a personal appearance. The Von Trapp Children singers, great-grandchildren of Captain Von Trapp, father of the famous singing family whose story captivated the world in the musical “The Sound of Music,” will provide entertainment during Friday’s Inspirational Breakfast and Saturday, Dec. 12’s Grand Finale Banquet.
Pfizer Cattlemen’s Colleges scheduled for Saturday morning and afternoon at the MetraPark Expo Center will include: “Effective Stockmanship” with renowned Montana horseman, rancher and stockmanship instructor, Curt Pate, and Texas A&M livestock specialist and beef nutritionist, Ron Gill. Effective Stockmanship is an innovative hands-on training session using live cattle demonstrations to inform cattlemen about the importance and benefits of proper cattle handling—and its critical role in increasing the consumers’ confidence in beef; “Searching for the cows that will consistently make money for my ranch” with John Paterson, PhD, Extension Beef Specialist for Montana State University, focusing on research to better understand ruminant nutrition; “Animal husbandry, science & health in beef production” and “Doing your best, does it still pay?” by Gerald L. Stokka, DVM, MS, of the Pfizer Animal Health Veterinary Operations team; “Benefits of and tips to achieve a short calving season” by Rick Funston, PhD, the reproductive physiologist for the University of Nebraska, concentrating on reproduction advancement in cattle; “Getting to know your estate plan…before you die,” a panel discussion featuring speakers Curt Barnekoff, Bill Honzel, and Max L. Erickson who will answer questions like, how do I determine if my estate will owe a tax? How much will it be? Who will pay the tax and how will it get paid? And, who will assume operating and management responsibilities when I’m gone?
The expanded Trade Show on Friday and Saturday at the MetraPark Expo Center will feature cattle industry exhibitors, including indoor equipment displays, complimentary silk scarves, the First Annual Cattle Pen Display, beef dinner stations and complimentary “watering holes.”
The Grand Finale Banquet on Saturday evening will feature the Von Trapp Children singers, auctions of the last Brett Badgett bronze to commemorate MSGA’s 125th Anniversary and priority pages for the 2010-2011 Montana Seedstock and Commercial Cattle Directory, a saddle give-away by NutraLix and the MSGA/Montana Ford Dealers 2009 Ford F-150 XLT Truck give-away.
Business meetings will take place throughout convention with meetings of MSGA’s executive committee, board of directors, and the trustees of MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation being held at the Crowne Plaza hotel on Thursday, Dec. 10. The Grass Conservation Commission, the Montana Hereford Association, the Joint Montana Public Lands Council and Montana Association of Grazing Districts Board, the Montana CattleWomen, the Montana CattleFeeders and the Montana Simmental Association will also meet Thursday at the Crowne Plaza. Committee meetings will take place Friday, Dec. 11 at the MetraPark Arena to begin developing new policy for the year. The second reading of resolutions will follow the Opening General Session at 4 p.m. on Friday, along with reports from the committee chairs. The final reading of resolutions will take place at the MSGA business meeting on Saturday, Dec. 12. MSGA members will also vote on two new Board of Director members during convention and the winners will be announced on Saturday evening’s Grand Finale Banquet.
Other convention events include meetings of the Montana CattleWomen, Young Stockgrowers caucus and social, a Montana Ag Safety Recertification four wheeler safety demonstration, the Women of the West Fair, and the announcement of the 2010 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award winner. For more details, or to register, visit www.mtbeef.org or call (406) 442-3420.
Registration now open for the 6th Annual Young Ag Leadership Conference
Register now for the 2009 Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC) October 2-4 at the Red Lion Colonial Inn in Helena. This unique conference—a partnership between eight of Montana’s primary agricultural groups—allows young producers from throughout the state to come together across organization and commodity lines for hands-on workshops, discussion groups and networking.
The conference is designed for anyone ages 18-40 who is involved with or concerned about Montana’s agricultural industry. Conference hosts include Montana Cattlemen’s Association, Montana 4-H Foundation, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, Montana FFA Foundation, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana State University College of Agriculture, Montana Stockgrowers Association and the Montana Wool Growers Association.
“This conference is a great opportunity to showcase agricultural groups in Montana working toward the same goal of developing the industry’s next generation of leaders,” said Peter Taylor, YALC planning committee chair. “We hope attendees walk away with a greater understanding of how important it is to get involved – for their industry and their future.”
The conference begins Friday, October 2 with registration beginning at 4 p.m. at the Red Lion, followed by a social, dinner and dance at the Kleffner Ranch just outside of Helena. Saturday will offer participants a selection of six different workshops, featuring guest presenters from the University of Wyoming, the National Carbon Offset Coalition, MSU Extension, and professional speaker Bob Treadway, along with other state and national businesses and organizations. Workshop topics include estate planning, beginning producer lending options, wind energy opportunities for landowners, climate change, and leadership development, to name a few. In addition, discussion groups led by organizational staff plus leadership from Montana’s legislature, agri-business and Congressional offices will allow attendees to ask the tough questions about issues facing their industry. Dinner and entertainment will round out Saturday’s events. Attendees are in for a real treat on Sunday morning as Bruce Vincent, a Libby, Montana native and Provider Pals founder, will wrap up the conference with a can’t-miss keynote on the importance of being apart of the vision for agriculture’s future.
Cost of registration for the YALC is only $25, with all meals provided. The registration deadline is September 25. To register for the YALC go to www.mfbf.org or contact Sue Ann Streufert at (406) 587-3153 or [email protected] to receive a registration form.
Young Stockgrowers announce third annual “Cattle Crawl” dinner tour in Billings
Helena – The Third Annual Cattle Crawl, a progressive beef dinner tour of the Windmill, Bistro Enzo, Rex and the Montana Rib and Chop House restaurants in Billings, Mont. will take place Sept. 13 this year. The Cattle Crawl is a project of the Young Stockgrowers committee of the Montana Stockgrowers Association to acquaint urban consumers with producers and to encourage foodservice establishments to feature beef in a creative way.
Tours will begin at 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. at the Windmill, where diners will kick off the evening with a tenderloin kabob appetizer on a bed of parmesan mashed potatoes topped with a roasted red pepper sauce. The group will then board the bus to Bistro Enzo, where the chef will serve a traditional Greek salad with flank steak, roasted peppers, local feta, cucumber, and a lemon and oregano vinaigrette. The historic Rex restaurant will present a hanging tenderloin with a peppercorn sauce accompanied by au gratin potatoes and asparagus with a Hollandaise sauce. The second entrée from the Montana Rib and Chop House will feature a Southwestern skirt steak with grilled vegetables. The Cattle Crawl will then return to the Windmill for a chocolate mousse and berry parfait dessert and coffee. Wine will be available at each stop and participants will receive a commemorative wine glass.
The Cattle Crawl is made possible by Montana beef producers and their Checkoff dollars. Tickets are $75 per person or $140 per couple. For more information or to join the herd, please contact Rose Malisani at MSGA at (406) 442-3420. To learn more about Montana beef, please visit the Montana Beef Council website. To learn more about the Young Stockgrowers click here.
Young Stockgrowers Conference to be held in Helena, Jan. 22 and 23
On Jan. 22 and 23, the Young Stockgrowers will gather in Helena for the 2009 Young Stockgrowers Conference. Held during every legislative session, the conference features a legislative training, tour of the Capitol building, interactive workshops, educational speakers, policy reviews, and meetings with legislators. On Thursday evening, Jan. 22, attendees will enjoy a social sponsored by Montana Livestock Ag Credit and participate in a dinner with some of Montana’s legislative leaders and leaders from the agricultural industry.
The price for the conference is $35/person and will be held at the Best Western Helena Great Northern Hotel. Applications are available at www.mtbeef.org and are due Jan. 19. The conference is sponsored by the Bank of the Rockies, Montana Livestock Ag Credit and the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Research Education and Endowment Fund. For more information, contact MSGA at 442-3420.
2008 MSGA Convention Highlights
This year, despite sub-zero temperatures and terrible road conditions, 644 people attended the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s 124th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, Dec. 11-13. Below, please find some highlights from the convention:
-Tom Hougen of Melstone was elected the 59th President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association.
-Walter “Watty” Taylor of Busby was elected 1st Vice President. He previously served as 2nd Vice President from 2006-2008.
-Tucker Hughes of Stanford was elected 2nd Vice President. He served on the Board of Directors from the South Central District from 2004-2008.
-New Board of Directors:
Northeast District – Jeff Pattison of Glasgow
Southeast District – Dean Wang of Baker
South Central – Larry Berg of Judith Gap
-Wesley Batista president and CEO of JBS Swift, a division of JBS S.A., currently the world’s largest beef producer and exporter, was unable to attend the convention as planned due to a death in his family. Chandler Keys, vice president of government affairs for JBS Swift, filled in as the keynote speaker at the Opening General Session. He discussed the history of the Batista family and how they built up JBS S.A. from humble roots to being a global meatpacking powerhouse. Keys also described JBS’s business model and explained how the company has made inroads in global markets for both Brazilian and U.S. beef. Chandler fielded many questions from the audience and met with the media after his speech.
-Policy to guide MSGA officers and staff through 2009 was set in a process that began with committee meetings, progressed to the second reading and finished at the third reading. Notable new policies address livestock theft awareness, livestock biosecurity education, horse slaughter, the promotion of U.S. beef, bison reintroduction to the Chares M. Russell Wildlife Refuge, carbon sequestration, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks wolf kill projections, and the Clean Air Act.
-Chances to win a 12-inch fully tooled kid’s saddle, sponsored by Nutra Lix, Basin State Bank, Ruby Valley National Bank, and MSGA, were auctioned off at the Grand Finale Banquet to benefit MSGA’s Advocacy Fund. Harrison Land and Livestock was the original winner, and Mark and Patti Harrison donated the saddle back for one last auction. Tucker Hughes was lured into a bidding war with Bill Donald and Gene Curry and ended up with the saddle with a high bid of $4,800. Overall, $27,300 was raised for the Advocacy Fund which goes toward MSGA’s legislative efforts.
-In addition to being elected 2nd Vice President, serving as emcee of the Grand Finale Banquet on Saturday night, Dec. 13, and being the highest bidder for the kid’s saddle, Tucker Hughes was named MSGA’s “Top Hand” for recruiting 15 new members and won an all-expense trip to Mexico sponsored by Valley Bank of Helena.
-The Cattle Directory Priority Page auction raised $42,000.
-Donna Sitz-Arthun of Billings was named “Ranch Woman of the Year” at the Grand Finale Banquet.
-Chelsea Phipps of Brussett won the Nutra Lix saddle giveaway.
-Rochelle Brownlee of Big Timber won the Torgerson’s LLC lawnmower giveaway.
-Rachel Endecott of Miles City won the WALCO Animal Heath and Intervet /Schering-Plough Animal Health Young Stockgrower membership drawing.
-The Trade Show offered 100 booths with various products and services for convention attendees. On Friday night, the “Night around the Campfire” Trade Show Grand Opening offered four beef dinner stations, entertainment by the Ringling 5, and a silk scarf giveaway. Saturday night’s Trade Show Finale featured a poker run that drew a huge crowd.
– Plans are already underway for MSGA’s 125th Anniversary Celebration to be held in conjunction with MSGA’s mid-year meetings in Miles City, June 10-14, 2009. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting milestone event!