Annual Convention and Trade Show 2014

Annual Convention to Feature Governor and Cattlemen’s Colleges

During next week’s 130th Annual Convention of the Montana Stockgrowers Association, ranchers will have the opportunity to attend several Cattlemen’s College education workshops, ranging from animal reproduction and nutrition, estate planning, and discussions on current markets and processing plant feasibility. Governor Steve Bullock is scheduled to be speak during Friday’s Opening General Session. All MSGA events will take place at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana, December 11-13 in Billings.

Be sure to register for Convention HERE!

“This year we are excited to host fourteen Cattlemen’s College sessions during the 3-day convention. With a great number of different subjects covered, there should be a workshop of interest for everyone in attendance” advised Katie Stokes, MSGA Associate Director of Member Services and Marketing.

The Cattlemen’s College courses are sponsored by several Allied Industry agricultural service companies, so that a variety of speakers may participate in the educational workshops. Topics covered will include estate planning, nutrition for the cowherd, antibiotic use, genetic selection, breeding program strategies, current cattle market trends, and biosecurity for the livestock herd.

In addition to Cattlemen’s College sessions, Matt Bitz, with One Montana, will lead a discussion on the feasibility of establishing a beef processing plant in Montana. The Bozeman-based nonprofit has been working to explore the possibility and will present the findings of marketing, location, labor and economic impacts during a session on Saturday morning.

2014 Annual ConventionGreg Hanes, U.S. Meat Export Federation, will highlight the President’s Luncheon on Saturday. With 96 percent of the world’s population outside the U.S. and improving economies worldwide, the international markets play a larger and more important role for the American beef producer. Hanes will discuss how Checkoff dollars contribute to these global beef marketing opportunities.

Working with multiple generations of managing ranch employees can often bring to light challenges in communication. Michelle Reines, Zoetis, will host a communication workshop on Friday morning to help ranchers better understand themselves and how to flex their leadership style with their teams, peers as well as in any other relationships.

Tyrrell Hibbard with Montana Grazing Land Conversation Initiative will discuss new web-based tools for pasture and grazing management during the Young Stockgrowers meeting on Thursday evening. Association Policy Committee meetings on Thursday and Friday will feature updates on several updates on water, wildlife, Department of Livestock, and livestock health topics.

Other featured speakers during general sessions will include Governor Steve Bullock on Friday morning; Montana’s Congressional representatives and a live broadcast with Northern Ag Network on Friday afternoon; and motivational speaker, Lois Olmstead, during Saturday’s Inspirational Breakfast.

All meetings are included in general event registration, which will be available on-site. For additional meeting information, a full agenda, or pre-registration, contact the Montana Stockgrowers office in Helena, (406) 442-3420, or visit our Event page.

EPA’s Waters of the U.S. Changes Impacts Ranchers and Water Quality

4 orgs logos

On Friday November 14th, the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA), Montana Association of State Grazing Districts (MASGD), Montana CattleWomen (MCW) and the Montana Public Lands Council (MPLC), submitted comments to EPA regarding the Proposed Rule regarding the definition of “Waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act .

Montana has long been known as an agricultural state. Farming and Ranching contribute billions to the state’s economy as Montana’s largest business sector. In fact, there are 2.5 cattle for every Montana resident. Over 28,000 farms and ranches are in Montana today, each working every day to conserve and sustain the environment we all call home.

One of the most pressing issues for our members in 2014 has been proposed changes to the Clean Water Act from the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA wants to broaden their definition of “Waters of the U.S.” which would increase their jurisdiction to regulate, not only more water, but also potentially, much of the land surrounding those waterways.

Ranchers rely on clean water for their crops and livestock and are often at the front line of maintaining and improving water quality to sustain and conserve our environment. Irrigation plays a critical role in farming and ranching in Montana, whether it is for growing forages or crops. EPA’s proposed rule could change the agency’s jurisdiction when it comes to regulating both land and water that Montana farmers and ranchers depend on for a living.

As organizations representing farmers and ranchers, who have cared for the land for many generations, we believe our members do a great job of conserving and sustaining a clean water supply, not only for their land, but also for everyone downstream, including water supplies for many wildlife and Montana communities.

Due to the complexity of the issue, there has been a large degree of confusion and uncertainty from the people directly affected by this proposed rule change. In our comments, we requested EPA to drop the proposed rule changes to the Clean Water Act. If the proposed rule cannot be dropped, we provided specific concerns and recommendations for EPA to address.

Our comments included the following:

  1. Remove the expansion of the Clean Water Act to intermittent and ephemeral non-navigable streams, which are defined as tributaries and per se jurisdictional under the proposed rule.
  2. Remove the inclusion of ditches in the definition of tributary.
  3. Remove the provision that would make isolated wetlands, ponds and other open waters per se jurisdictional if they are located within a riparian area or floodplain.
  4. The exclusions and exemptions provided under the proposed rule are unclear and too narrow to provide protections for landowners. Clarification is needed prior to moving forward with a rule.
  5. Due to inadequate input from landowners, we request the agency to immediately withdraw the Interpretive Rule that limits the Sec. 404 “normal farming, silviculture and ranching” exemption to 56 NRCS practices.
  6. The proposed rule usurps states’ rights to manage waters and land use activity. This proposed rule is an overreach that makes all waters federal, violating the Commerce Clause of the Constitution and the plain language of the Clean Water Act.
  7. Due to the proposed rule ambiguities and uncertainty, we request the agencies withdraw the rule.
  8. We would encourage the agencies to engage in meaningful discussions with the states to better define the areas, if there are any, that states feel are deficient in meeting water quality standards.

Montana’s water laws are very comprehensive, do a good job of regulating the quantity of water used by agriculture, and ensure that water quality remains a priority when it comes to impacts on our environment, wildlife and surrounding communities.

The EPA’s proposed actions on this rule making process are a strong reminder to ranchers and members of the agriculture community of the need to remain actively involved in the policymaking processes, working to keep state and federal agencies aware of the continual improvements taking place, so that we may continue being good stewards of our environment and resources.

Montana Stockgrowers Association encourages, you as members, to remain active in your communities, and be engaged in conversations surrounding these critical issues that affect our ability to produce food, fiber and fuel products for Montanans and a growing global population.  As this rule making process moves forward, MSGA will provide any updates as they become available.  We would also like to thank the members who provided additional comments on this very important issue.For further questions, please contact Jay Bodner at the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420. A complete copy of the comments submitted can be viewed by visiting

Fall Update for Northeast Montana Ranching

jim steinbeisser, sidney montanaWhat a year we are having in the cattle business with prices never seen before!  Many of us have wondered just how much our consumers will be willing to pay for beef.  Well, apparently a healthy amount!  With this increase in prices comes an increase in pressure to produce a better, more consistent product.  We in Montana and the Northern Plains in general, lead the industry in producing high quality beef but there is always room for improvement.  Now is not the time to rest on our laurels but a time to invest in better genetics and improve our management practices overall.

We have some challenges before us especially in the area of government encroachment of our private property rights.  Case in point is the EPA’s attempt to expand the types of water and land that would be subject to federal permit requirements as well as expanding the regulations on farming and ranching practices on our own land! The comment period has been extended to Nov. 14th (today).  Go to to register your comments to this rule.  Feel free to contact me or the MSGA office if you have any questions.

Another challenge to our private property rights is the sage grouse issue and the potential of it being listed as an endangered species.  It has been said that the sage grouse could have a major impact on ranching in the western U.S.  We have anti-grazing folks using this issue to get cattle off of federal lands.  Don’t be fooled.  This could have serious impacts on private lands as well.  MSGA has been engaged with this issue from the beginning and will continue to be.

This fall is sure looking good in eastern Montana.  We’ve had some late summer and early fall rains and now some early snow.  Our weaning weights should be good.

I wish you all a great fall and I look forward to visiting with you at our affiliate meetings and convention in December.

–Jim Steinbeisser, Sidney, MSGA Northeast District Director

Seeking Applications and Nominations for Young Ag Couples Conference

young montana ranchersWe are looking for Young Stockgrowers interested in attending the 35th Annual Young Ag Couples Conference in Helena, January 21-24, 2015 at the Red Lion Colonial Hotel. Hosted by the Montana Department of Agriculture, the conference will explore contemporary issues facing family operated agri-business as well as development of leadership skills needed to survive in the cyclical economic climate of agriculture.

Montana Stockgrowers is able to nominate young ag couples to attend the conference each year. Couples selected to participate in the conference will have lodging and meal costs paid while in attendance. There will be a conference registration fee of $25 per couple.

To be eligible, couples should demonstrate leadership abilities and earn their primary living from farming, ranching, agribusiness, or other agricultural enterprises. Our age preference is 25-45 years of age. Due to funding restrictions, couples may only attend the conference once. If you have attended in the past, please let us know about your experience and nominate another young ag couple to attend.

To apply for the MSGA nomination, please submit a brief explanation of the following for you or a young ag couple you wish to nominate:

  • Description of the couple’s ag business/operation
  • Experience and educational background, community involvement, interest, hobbies, etc.
  • The couple’s vision for being leaders in the Montana agriculture community

Nominations and/or applications are due to the Montana Stockgrowers Association office no later than November 21, 2014, via mail to 420 N. California, Helena, MT  59601. Submissions may also be emailed to [email protected]. For more information, contact the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420.

Public Meetings on Brucellosis Vaccination Set for Billings, Three Forks

Montana Department of Livestock DOLThe Montana Department of Livestock will hold public meetings in Billings and Three Forks on a proposed rule that would remove brucellosis vaccination requirements for cattle imported into Montana from states, provinces and territories that have been brucellosis-free for at least 10 years.

The proposal, said state veterinarian Dr. Marty Zaluski, is based on negligible risk of importing the disease from brucellosis-free areas.

“While this would be a change from the way we’ve done things in the past, the simple fact is that 46 states have been brucellosis-free for at least 10 years or more, and there is negligible risk of importing the disease from those states,” Zaluski said.

Zaluski said the proposal will benefit producers, who imported 151,690 head of cattle into Montana in 2013, by reducing regulation and vaccination costs, and eliminating the need for upon-arrival quarantines.

“The proposed rule will not impact our efforts on brucellosis surveillance and science-based prevention in areas of known risk in southwestern Montana,” Zaluski said.

Vaccination requirements for the four counties (Beaverhead, Gallatin, Madison and Park) within the state’s Designated Surveillance Area, where all female cattle and bison over four months of age must be vaccinated, would remain unchanged.

The meetings are scheduled for 1 p.m. on November 13 at Public Auction Yards (PAYS) in Billings, and for 10 a.m. on November 14 at Headwaters Livestock Auction in Three Forks.

Public comment on the proposed rule, which closes at 5 p.m. on November 19, may be submitted at the meetings, or via email at [email protected], U.S. postal mail at Montana Department of Livestock, P.O. Box 202001, Helena, MT 59610-2001, or fax at 406/444-1929.

The proposed rule can be viewed here.

2014 Election Results for Montana

The votes are in and final ballots are being counted for the 2014 election. Across the country, Republicans gained several seats over Democrats, even in traditionally Blue states. Republicans will now have the majority in both Senate and House, with Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell expected to take on the role of Senate Majority Leader.

Locally in Montana, Republican Party candidates did well in the election, gaining the Senate and House seats. Daines will be the first Republican to serve as U.S. Senator from Montana in 101 years. Below are results from the Secretary of State’s office with 692 of 693 precincts fully reported this morning. To view complete local results, go to Results are not considered complete and final until final canvass is certified by the Secretary of State.

Congratulations to our winners-elect. MSGA looks forward to working with newly elected officials on issues important to Montana’s ranching communities.

United States Senator

  • Steve Daines (R) – 57.89%
  • Amanda Curtis (D) – 39.97%

United States Representative

  • Ryan Zinke (R) – 55.47%
  • John Lewis (D) – 40.35%

State Supreme Court Justice #1

  • Jim Rice – 78.33%
  • David Herbert – 21.56%

State Supreme Court Justice #2

  • Mike Wheat – 59.07%
  • Lawrence Vandyke – 40.85%

Public Service Commissioner, District 5

  • Brad Johnson (R) – 61.06%
  • Galen Hollenbaugh (D) – 38.94%

Ballot Issues

  • Constitutional Amendment No. 45 (State Auditor)
    • No – 51.60%
    • Yes – 48.40%
  • Constitutional Amendment No. 126 (Voter Registration)
    • No – 56.82%
    • Yes – 43.18%

To see State House election results, click here.

Montana State House Results 2014

To see State Senate election results, click here.

Montana State Senate Results 2014

Defining Sustainability for Ranching and Beef | 10 Things To Know

Padlock ESAP Sustainable

Sustainability is one of the hottest topics in food and agriculture today. Whether it be used for food products on maintaining a business, many folks disagree on what sustainability looks like. There are as many ways to define sustainability as there are cattle operations in the U.S. Maybe even more.

Essentially, it boils down to managing the three pillars of sustainability – economic, ecological and social – with the long-term in mind. During a panel discussion at this year’s Young Ag Leadership Conference in Bozeman, three individuals from different sectors of agriculture, each defined sustainability in their own terms. While each definition was different, each was based on those three pillars mentioned above. None of them were wrong in their definition. Sustainability truly looks different for each operation.

In an effort to arrive at finding a common definition for sustainability for the beef industry, the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef has met this week in Sao Paulo, Brazil to identify priorities of sustainability in a beef system that is socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically viable.

  • Planet (relevant principles: Natural Resources, Efficiency and Innovation, People and the Community);
  • People (relevant principles: People and the Community and Food);
  • Animals (relevant principle: Animal Health and Welfare, Efficiency and Innovation);
  • Progress (relevant principles: Natural Resources, People and the Community, Animal Health and Welfare, Food, Efficiency and Innovation)

Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef The GRSB hopes their work to define sustainability can provide clarity on a complex issues that affects beef producers, retailers and consumers around the globe. It isn’t the intention of GRSB to create a standard or mandate for sustainable beef practices, but rather to provide a baseline when working with regional roundtables to identify opportunities for improvements and efficiencies on a local level.

What are the indicators of ranch sustainability in an area where cattle are grazing rangelands? The Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable lists 64 indicators of sustainability, We will cover 10 of them here. Do any of these apply to your operation? Maybe you can identify opportunities for improvement in areas of sustainability?

  1. Change in soil area erosion and ground cover
  2. Quality and flow of ground and surface water
  3. Condition of riparian and wetland areas
  4. Presence and availability of wildlife habitat
  5. Number of livestock on land relative to carrying capacity
  6. Return on investment for forage and livestock enterprises
  7. Suitability of animal and forage species for environment
  8. Social status and employment opportunities for workers
  9. Contributions and involvement with surrounding communities
  10. Longevity and effort to manage and maintain systems

Many farms and ranches across the country exhibit qualities of sustainability. The longevity of multi-generation operations that have been around for a century or more should be evidence of that. As long as it involves the three core principles mentioned above, sustainability looks different on each operation, but that difference shouldn’t mean one is good and the other is bad. They’re different, and that diversity should be celebrated.

The Environmental Stewardship Award Program recognizes ranches each year who are doing good work in the areas of sustainability. Be sure to read more about their stories of sustainability. Also, be sure to visit to learn more from the cooperative effort by the Society for Range Management, University of Wyoming, and several other organizations. To read more about indicators of successful ranching, check out the proceedings from the Range Beef Cow Symposium XIX.

What questions do you have about sustainability for beef or ranching? Leave a comment below or email [email protected]. This is part of a month-long series of 10 Things to Know about Cattle. To read other posts in the series, click the image below.

Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle

Click this image to view all posts in the 30-day blogging series, 10 Things to Know About Cattle

Stockgrowers 130th Annual Convention Planned for Dec. 11-13 in Billings

Do not miss your chance to attend Montana’s largest ranching industry Convention and Trade Show. The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) and Montana CattleWomen invites you to join us for our 130th Annual Convention at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, December 11-13. This year’s Convention will be bigger than ever with an extended line up of Cattlemen’s College courses and live entertainment from Wylie and the Wild West.

“2014 marks 130 years for the Montana Stockgrowers Association and we will be closing out the year in a big way,” says MSGA President, Tucker Hughes of Stanford. “We want to invite everyone to come participate in the fun, gain valuable insight from speakers from across the cattle industry, and participate in our policy meetings.”

This year’s Annual Convention will feature a great line up of speakers for the extended Cattlemen’s College. Topics covered will include fetal development, nutrition for the cowherd, health strategies for calf health, biosecurity, genetic selection for replacement animals, and hands-on workshop with reproductive technologies.

Several top speakers including Greg Hanes from US Meat Export Federation, Lois Olmstead, and a live broadcast with Northern Ag Network will highlight the agenda. Everything will wrap up on Saturday night with the Grand Finale Banquet featuring the annual live Cattle Directory auction and special entertainer, Wylie and the Wild West!

A major component of the convention is the setting of new policy and the review of past policies to guide the association through its day-to-day work. MSGA’s annual policy meetings will take place on Thursday and Friday, discussing topics in the areas of membership, land use, environment, agriculture policy, beef production and marketing.

This year has been active in several policy areas as Montana ranchers have dealt with sage grouse conservation, changes to EPA water jurisdiction, challenges for the national Beef Checkoff program structure, and Board of Livestock budget deficits. These issues, plus discussion leading up to Montana’s 2015 legislative session will be covered during the meeting.

MSGA and Montana Ford Stores have teamed up to give a Ford F-250 Super Duty truck to one lucky member who attends convention. The drawing will be held on Saturday during the Grand Finale Banquet. To be eligible for the truck drawing, you must attend convention, be a current Rancher, Stocker/Feeder or Young Stockgrower member, and fill out the truck entry form.

Other prizes to be awarded during the convention include a raffle drawing for an 8-month/200 hour lease on a 130-HP tractor and loader from Montana Massey Ferguson dealers, a John Deere Gator courtesy of Frontline Ag, and a trip to San Antonio, Texas for the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention sponsored by Northwestern Energy.

This year’s Trade Show will feature over 100 companies providing all types of products, services, and the latest technology to the cattle industry. The Trade Show is open to the public all three days during Convention until 9:00 p.m.

To learn more, please call the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420, or visit If you would like to reserve a trade show booth or sponsor part of the convention, please contact the MSGA office soon as there are limited spaces open at this time. Preregistration for attendees in currently open at a discounted price for those that register prior to December 1.

MSU to Host Annual Agricultural Economics Outlook Conference Nov. 7

montana state extension logoMontana State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics and MSU Extension will host an annual Agricultural Economics Outlook Conference Friday, Nov. 7.

This year’s conference, “Montana Agriculture: Current Issues and the Role of Agriculture Research,” will run from 8:30 a.m.-noon in the Procrastinator Theater in MSU’s Strand Union Building. The program will feature MSU faculty experts on agricultural policy, the Montana economy and livestock and grain markets.

The conference’s keynote speaker, Philip Pardey, will address the changing landscape of U.S. global research for food and agriculture.Pardey is professor of applied economics at the University of Minnesota and director of the International Science and Technology Practice and Policy Center.

“Dr. Philip Pardey is internationally recognized as the world’s leading expert on the economic effects of agriculture research and development,” said Vincent Smith, MSU professor of economics and event organizer. “His work has been funded by several international and national research institutions, and he is the go-to person on the global role of agricultural research that changes and improves lives.”

The conference, which is part of MSU’s Celebrate Agriculture weekend, is also designed to provide agricultural business leaders, agricultural bankers, producers and others in agriculture with quality, unbiased information about issues facing Montana agriculture.

“The outlook conference is an outstanding example of MSU’s commitment to the land-grant mission of bringing high-quality, relevant research findings to the citizens of Montana,” said Jeff Bader, director of MSU Extension. “The event brings important insights about the current standing and future of agriculture from a research perspective, which is always appreciated by our stakeholders.”

During the conference, MSU agricultural economics experts will present information as follows:

  • Kate Fuller will discuss the status of Montana agriculture.
  • Joe Janzen will discuss high frequency trading in agricultural futures markets.
  • Tim Fitzgerald will discuss the importance of oil and gas royalties for Montana agricultural producers.
  • Eric Belasco will discuss the livestock disaster aid program.
  • Gary Brester will discuss changes in the U.S. Fertilizer landscape.

Following lunch, MSU Extension Specialist Marsha Goetting will host a two-hour, in-depth workshop, “Transferring Your Farm or Ranch to the Next Generation.”

Registration for the conference is $25. Those who register by Wednesday, Oct. 29, will receive a free parking pass. For more information or to register please visit

A full schedule of events for the Celebrate Agriculture weekend event is available at:

Stockgrowers encourages industry to consider stakes of checkoff reform

beef checkoff logoIn response to beef industry stakeholder concerns about the structure and proposed reform of the national beef checkoff program, Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) encourages cattle producers to consider critically what is at stake for the industry research, education and promotion efforts.

On September 30th, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced intentions to implement a new supplemental beef checkoff program by January 2016. The new program would operate under the 1996 Commodity Promotion, Research and Information Act, separate from our current 1985 Beef Promotion and Research Act. A referendum on the new proposal would be held within three years of implementation. The proposal will be published by the end of 2014 or early 2015 in the Federal Register.

This approach is an alternative to the program enhancements being negotiated by the Beef Checkoff Enhancement Working Group*, which involved membership organizations representing industry stakeholders. In August, the group reviewed a draft memorandum of understanding that would serve as the negotiated enhancement. Soon after, the National Farmers Union withdrew from the effort, citing “the process is unlikely to result in necessary reform. It is time for the USDA to react to beef producers’ demand to reform this system.”

This outcome is unfortunate, especially during this time of strong cattle market fundamentals and an industry outlook that will require strategic investment in promotion and research. MSGA’s response and approach to this is two-fold.

First, MSGA sent a letter to Secretary Vilsack along with forty-four state cattlemen’s associations outlining our structural concerns between the 1996 Act and the 1985 Act. Two specific points are focused on governance and limited coordination between qualified state beef councils and their federation.

Secondly, despite our opposition, Secretary Vilsack has given no indication that he will withdraw the proposed rule. Therefore, MSGA will be working within the rulemaking process to offer design recommendations and comments. Our focus will be to influence decisions that yield the best outcome even with the working group’s inability to find a compromised solution.

The scope of MSGA’s input to the proposed rule will include the following:

  • MSGA supports an increase in the beef checkoff assessment, along with a petition and referendum model. Emphasis should be made on structuring the most efficient and effective process to increasing the checkoff.
  • MSGA also supports greater flexibility and competitive contract proposals by removing any reference to the charter date of an established national, non-profit, beef industry organization. MSGA will recommend that return on investment should be a key evaluation metric.
  • A balanced portion of checkoff revenues paid by U.S. producers should be allocated to promote U.S. beef within the context of federal country of origin regulations.
  • MSGA recognizes the importance of government oversight, but we do not want complete government control. It is critical to allow stakeholders who pay in to have decision-making authority.

Undoubtedly, USDA will likely have an effect on our industry’s investment program and its economic value. Our approach is simple. Focus resources on the ability to anticipate and affect the formation, enforcement and modification of the proposal and ensure that it has a positive outcome for the broader beef industry.

Feel free to contact the Montana Stockgrowers Association to provide your comments or input on Beef Checkoff reform by calling the Helena office, (406) 442-3420.

–Errol Rice, Executive Vice President, Montana Stockgrowers Association