Importance of Being Involved at the National Meetings | Podcast
Each year, leaders from across the cattle industry meet for a summer meeting in Denver, Colorado as another opportunity to discuss important issues and to vote on policy guiding the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and Cattlemen’s Beef Board. This year, Montana ranchers had a strong showing as several members of MSGA leadership made the trip to represent our members and voice our concerns during the meetings. For the next few days, we will hear from some of those Montana ranchers and their perspectives on the meetings.
Today, we hear from MSGA’s President, Tucker Hughes on the importance of being involved and present at the national meetings. “The whole officer team attended several meetings up so we share what we learn with staff and leadership,” describes Tucker. “Being involved in these discussions lets us answer questions and be informed, accurate, and articulate when we talk with our congressional delegations about the issues with the facts in front of us.”
We also hear from a Past President of MSGA and current NCBA Region V Vice President, Tom Hougen of Melstone. “Summer conference gives us a real opportunity to discuss issues that affect not only Montana, but also the western states I represent. I have learned over the last 2.5 years that issues affecting Montana also affect all of the Western states. Issues at the forefront seem to be driven by environmental groups, the government with EPA and the Endangered Species Act. Those organizations or agencies are, whether they mean it or not, affecting our ability to ranch. Involvement with NCBA gives us a stronger, more unified voice in Washington D.C. and the ability to work together to try to save our ranches for our children and our grandchildren.
Listen to the podcast below for more from these Montana ranchers. This is just the first portion of our podcast covering the recent summer industry meetings in Denver. Stay tuned for our next podcast where we’ll discuss important policy issues discussed during, including EPA’s proposed changes to the Waters of the U.S. Rule, industry-wide efforts to improve sustainability beef checkoff increases, and cattle health issues including disease concerns surround the import of foreign beef and changes to the FDA’s antibiotic labeling rules.