Montana and 12 Other States Challenge New EPA & Corps of Engineers Regulation

Montana water ranching updatesOn Monday (June 29), Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and 12 other states filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) over the new regulation broadly expanding the definition of “Waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act. The case was filed in the U.S. district court for the District of North Dakota.

In their complaint, the states contend the new definition of “Waters of the U.S.” violates provisions of the Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the United States Constitution.

“Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court have rejected the very regulatory expansion that the EPA and Corps of Engineers are implementing through this new rule,” Attorney General Fox said. “This is yet another example of a federal agency acting by decree to bypass Congress and violate rights of states reserved under the law and the U.S. Constitution.”

The states assert that the EPA’s and Corps’ new rule wrongly broadens federal authority by placing a majority of water and land resource management in the hands of the federal government. Congress and the courts have repeatedly affirmed that the states have primary responsibility for the protection of intrastate waters and land management. The states argue that the burdens created by these new regulations on waters and lands are harmful and will negatively affect farmers, ranchers, and landowners. As a result, landowners will have to seek additional federal permits or face substantial fines and federal criminal enforcement actions.

“Clean water is important to all of us, and we Montanans know how to protect our waters,” Fox said. “Through our state Constitution, the 1971 Water Quality Control Act, and other legislation, we have established strong water protections tailored to the unique needs of our communities. These new federal regulations add a complicated and unnecessary layer of rules.”

The states are asking the court to vacate the rule and enjoin the EPA and Corps from enforcing the new, significantly expanded definition of “Waters of the U.S.”

Senator Brad Hamlett (D-Cascade), chairman of the legislature’s Water Policy Interim Committee, spoke in support of the lawsuit. “Montana’s Constitution states that all of the water that falls and flows within the boundaries of Montana belongs to the state for the beneficial use of its citizens,” Sen. Hamlett said. “Now we have two federal executive branch agencies, the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers, attempting to assert control over Montana state waters by rule. This is, in my opinion, unconstitutional, a deliberate interference with our state’s most valuable resource, and must be stopped dead in its tracks. This is not about clean water, it is about jurisdiction, as Montana being a headwaters state cherishes and protects its waters and knowing the lay of the land and our waters best we definitely, constitutionally, and practically need to remain in control.”

Montana’s local governments and agricultural community also expressed their support of Attorney General Fox’s decision to challenge the new federal regulations.

“The Montana Association of Counties is pleased that Attorney General Fox is joining other states in challenging these new regulations,” said Harold Blattie, executive director of the Montana Association of Counties. “The EPA and Corps failed to consider concerns expressed by over 40 Montana counties about placing an undue burden on their ability to perform routine road maintenance. The final regulation lacks the clarity for counties to even be able to tell which roadside ditches are now under the EPA’s and Corps’ jurisdiction and which are not.”

“In our initial review of the finalized Waters of the U.S. regulation, it represents a significant expansion of federal jurisdiction beyond current practices and the limitations affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Errol Rice, Executive Vice President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association. “The final regulation ignores state and local efforts to protect these waters and will have major implications for all Montanans. As ranchers who already have practices in place to promote water quality, we see the final regulation as problematic to implement and causing more harm and confusion rather than clarifying the law.”

“Farmers and ranchers are still very concerned with the EPA’s new regulation,” said Nicole Rolf of the Montana Farm Bureau Federation. “It takes power away from state and local governments, while at the same time burdening farmers and ranchers with unnecessary and ridiculous rules. We very much appreciate that Attorney General Tim Fox recognizes these problems and is willing to defend Montanans who make their living raising food.”

The Montana Chamber of Commerce, Montana Building Industry Association, Montana Contractors Association, and the Montana Association of Realtors are also in support of the legal challenge.

Joining Montana in the suit are the states of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

–Press Release, Attorney General Tim Fox

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Monday, Senator Steve Daines released the following statement on Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and 12 other states’ lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) over the new regulation broadly expanding the definition of the Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS).

“I applaud Attorney General Tim Fox for standing up for Montana farmers, ranchers and small businesses against another egregious power grab by the Obama administration. This rule has the capability to cripple Montana agriculture and natural resources, hurt Montana jobs and threaten Montanans’ property rights.  As this lawsuit moves through the judicial system, I will continue to fight tirelessly against the EPA’s overreach to protect Montana jobs, agriculture and natural resources.”

Daines is a cosponsor of S. 1140, the Federal Water Quality Protection Act that would direct the EPA and Corps to issue a revised WOTUS rule that protects traditional navigable water from water pollution, while also protecting farmers, ranchers and private landowners.

The full text of S.1140 is available here.

Drought Moves East, Ranchers Retaining Heifers | June 27 Montana Markets

Drought Monitor Update June 23

montana drought monitor june 23 2015Little precipitation fell from the Rockies westward to the Pacific Coast last week. Overall, there was little change in conditions except along the northern tier of states from Montana westward through Washington and Oregon. Continued dryness and exceptionally hot weather kept dryness and drought increasing most significantly across eastern Washington, central and northern Idaho, and western Montana. These areas recorded generally 6 to 12 inches less precipitation than normal in the last 6 months, and less than half of normal amounts in the last 60 days.

View the most current Montana conditions from the U.S. Drought Monitor.

National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary – Week Ending June 27, 2015

Receipts This Week: 254,800 Total – 130,100 (Auctions); 65,500 (Direct); 59,200 (Video/Internet)

Compared to last week: yearling feeder cattle sold mostly steady with spots 2.00 higher to 2.00 lower.  Steer and heifer calves traded steady to 5.00 lower throughout auctions in the Midwest and the Southeast.

The Northern Livestock Video’s Early Summer Special featured over 40,000 head of some of the fanciest cattle that walk the outdoors on Monday and Tuesday.  Many high-country ranchers are adding value by preserving their cattle’s all-natural or NHTC status with near 1300 head of value added steer calves weighing between 500-550 lbs averaging 519 lbs sold with a weighted average price of 307.03 for November delivery. In addition, three loads of value added current delivery steers averaging 825 lbs sold for 243.00. It was also noted that Montana and Wyoming ranchers are aggressively rebuilding their herds with only 26 percent of sales being heifers. Strings of yearlings will soon be moving off double-stocked pastures in the major grazing regions and the dog days of summer will soon be upon us right as consumer beef demand usually suffers its post July 4th hangover.

Last Friday’s Cattle on Feed report was viewed as neutral to slightly bullish as placements were down near 10 percent compared to year ago levels. Feedlots in most cases continue to face stiff competition from farmer/feeders with plenty of corn on hand, backgrounders and grass operations.

  • Auction Receipts: 130,100; Last Week: 118,900; Last Year: 151,000
    • Montana Not enough feeder cattle sales to report
    • Northern Livestock Video: 40,400. 48 pct over 600 lbs. 26 pct heifers.

Read more from the USDA’s June 27 National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary.

Weekly Montana Hay Report – June 27, 2015

Compared to last week: Trade activity is slow on light demand. Scattered showers across the region are adding to difficulty in 1st cutting production. Improved demand on Dairy quality and export hay. Light demand on cow hay due to Moderate to Heavy supply in the country. This week the US drought monitor again increased the land area in abnormally dry and moderate drought status. Most of this land is in the northwest and southwest corners of the state, where the western drought has inched its way east.

  • Alfalfa:
    • Good: Large squares, 140.00; Round bales, 120.00
    • Fair: Large squares, 90.00-130.00
  • Grass:
    • Premium: Small squares, 180.00
    • Good: Large squares, 120.00
    • Fair: Round bales, 110.00

Read more from the USDA’s June 27 Weekly Montana Hay Report.

MSU’s Northern Agricultural Research Center in Havre to celebrate centennial on July 1

MSU Northern Ag Research CenterWe hope to see you at this year’s Northern Ag Research Center Field Day in Havre on July 1! MSGA will be on site all day with our Ford Truck, John Deere Gator and Massey Ferguson Tractor. A big congratulations to the crew at NARC and a Thank You for all their work contributing to our state’s farming and ranching communities through research and education for the past 100 years.

MSU News Service – One hundred years ago, as the dust settled on the American Indian Wars near northern Montana’s border with Canada, the Fort Assiniboine military post south of Havre sold 2,000 acres to Montana State University. The university turned that land into its Northern Agricultural Research Center, or NARC, which is one of seven agricultural research centers across the state that comprise the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, or MAES. MAES is charged with delivering cutting-edge agricultural research for the state’s public.

Now, NARC will celebrate its 100-year legacy of agriculture research for thousands of Montana’s farmers and ranchers along the Hi-Line during its annual field day, set for Wednesday, July 1. The day will include field tours, presentations and demonstrations of current research. In addition, the Montana Board of Regents will rename the center’s office/lab building the Gregg R. Carlson Agricultural Science Center in honor of retired NARC Superintendent and Agronomist Gregg Carlson’s significant contributions to agriculture. The Havre Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Ag Appreciation celebration will take place, as well. All are invited to attend the day’s events, which will be held from noon to 5 p.m.

The day is intended to celebrate the center as a trusted source of agricultural science and support that has greatly changed agriculture for a significant portion of the state’s farmers and ranchers, according to Darrin Boss, NARC superintendent.

The land on which NARC now sits is steeped in history. According to Boss, before being sold to MSU, the land was a bustling military fort housing more than 700 enlisted United States military officers and their families on 704,000 acres. The fort included a hospital, ice house and living quarters. Today, bullet cartridges and arrowheads can still be found scattered around the center’s 7,000 acres. Summer student workers and ranch hands still live in the historic officers’ quarters built in the early 19th century. The building’s architecture is modeled after colonial civil war military barracks. A brick turret still sits on top of the officer’s barracks, and the old agronomy lab housed Havre’s first jail.

Through a collaborative effort, the Fort Assiniboine Preservation Society aids MAES and NARC in restoration and preservation of the historic fort. Though the research center has since moved to modern facilities, Boss considers the center’s unique history an integral part of the center’s identity.

“You can’t talk about this place without talking about its history,” said Boss. “We started with an initial 2,000 acres, added a few leases along the way, and in 1992 purchased the 3,000-acre Thackeray Ranch from Webster and Charlotte Thackeray to solidify our legacy as a 7,000-acre world-class agronomic and livestock research facility. I am not bragging, since I stand on the shoulders of all who have worked or been involved with the station before me, but when I say I have been to a very large number of research facilities from the Midwest to the West Coast, I would stack MSU agronomic and livestock facilities, research support staff and faculty with any in the nation.”

The center is credited with making many agricultural advancements through the years and has influenced a majority of current agricultural practices in the region, according to Barry Jacobsen, associate director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Some of these include adoption of no-till farming, GPS use in crop rotation, seeding and fertilizing, increasing calf weaning weights, increase of yields in drought years, irrigation practices, nutrient application techniques, range renovation, grazing practices, breeding and genetic development of heterosis in cattle and soil physics research. NARC is the only statewide research center that conducts both agronomy and livestock research.

“NARC has been immensely successful in the manner in which the center’s years of science and research has changed the way many Montanans operate in agriculture,” Jacobsen said. “Not only does the center have an important historical legacy for the state, but it is also a place of 21st century, cutting-edge livestock and crop research that I know we will see more advancements from in the next 100 years.”

Boss credits the legacy of NARC with those that conducted both technical science research, as well as the hard labor required of farm and ranch work.

“There is no way a research center could survive and generate pertinent producer-driven research without the dedicated service of every employee who has worked at the station,” Boss said. “Nobody chose agricultural research to get rich and retire wealthy; most chose a profession at the center because of their ties to the land, cattle or family. The scientists conducting and publishing the research get national attention, as they should, but I think back to the young men who broke the plot field with both teams of horses and one of the very first steam engines on the hi-line, every plot worker who has spent the day counting newly germinated wheat plants, to the cowboys who are out in the -30 (degree) weather saving that newborn calf. It truly was, is and will always be a team environment at NARC, and we could not survive the first 100 years and will not be here for another 100 years without that attitude.”

Contact: Darrin Boss, [email protected] or 406-265-6115

Stockgrowers Supports Senate Passage of Trade Promotion Authority

On Wednesday, June 24, the U.S. Senate passed Trade Promotion Authority Act, sending H.R. 2146 to the President’s desk by a vote of 60-38. Montana Stockgrowers is supportive of this legislation, which will allow the President greater authority to negotiate international trade agreements, which is important to many of our state’s agricultural products.

“There was a time when the largest part of our economic activity was domestic, but now our future depends on our ability to be globally competitive,” says Errol Rice, MSGA Executive Vice President. “TPA is key to accessing the additional demand from the 96% of consumers that live outside the United States.”

According to Michael Froman, U.S. Trade Ambassador in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the average tariff in TPP countries is three to four times as high as in the U.S, which equates to 70% on autos, 50% on machinery, 35% on chemical and 50% on beef. A successful TPP agreement will reduce these tariffs, which in turn creates more economic opportunity for our U.S. cattle market.

Since 1974, Congress has enacted TPA legislation that gives the President guidelines on negotiating trade agreements while giving Congress the final up or down vote. MSGA has been working very hard to ensure that agriculture and business has the balance of power to get TPA reauthorized.

Phillip Ellis, President of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), hails the final passage, noting the importance of trade and export markets to the value of U.S. cattle.

“Cattlemen and women have seen tremendous value in trade, exporting over $7.1 billion worth of U.S. beef in 2014, which alone accounts for over $350 in added value per head of cattle in the United States,” says Ellis. “This value is not just from increased demand, but also from adding value to variety meats that have very limited value here at home.”

Ellis continues, “As the demand for U.S. beef continues to grow around the world, the future success of the beef industry rests in our ability to meet foreign demand without inference of tariff and non-tariff trade barriers. With TPA passed, the U.S. can focus on finalizing trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership that will give us greater access to consumers throughout the Pacific Rim.”

Montana Stockgrowers appreciates the support of Senator Daines and Congressman Zinke in supporting greater access to international trade markets, which improves demand and support for products grown and raised on farms and ranches across Montana and the United States.

Veterinary Technician Programs to be Offered at Montana Western

New Collaboration with the University of Montana Western Makes Courses Possible

Pima Medical Institute veterinary technician students learn how to X-ray a horse’s leg during class.

Pima Medical Institute veterinary technician students learn how to X-ray a horse’s leg during class.

DILLON – Pima Medical Institute is proud to announce the introduction of a veterinary technician associate degree and veterinary assistant certificate in collaboration with the University of Montana Western. Classes begin in November.

Pima Medical Institute – founded in 1972 in Tucson, Ariz. – offers both the degree and certificate at several of its campuses, including in Arizona, Colorado, California, Colorado, Texas, Nevada and Washington State. Pima Medical also offers other certificate, associate and bachelor’s degrees in multiple healthcare-related specialties at its many campuses and through its online education.

No other educational institutions in Montana offer a veterinary technician associate degree or a veterinary assistant certificate.

“Students will come from all over the state and beyond to attend these programs,” said Pima Medical Institute Chief Executive Officer and President, Fred Freedman. “This new partnership with the University of Montana Western is strategic in that all parties benefit from the relationship, especially the students.”

Students who enroll in the veterinary technician associate degree or veterinary assistant certificate program will have access to a state-of-the art learning facility, study under instructors with years of professional experience and have access to the university’s facilities, such as housing, dining and recreation.

“There’s already huge interest in these programs,” said University of Montana Western Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Karl Ulrich. “Many of our equine studies students are interested in the programs our collaboration will create as a way to enhance their education.”

With more than 2.5 million head of cattle and an estimated $1.4 billion in annual livestock sales, it only makes sense to increase the number of highly trained veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants within the state of Montana.

“Currently I have to go out of state to recruit vet techs,” said Dr. Rick Scherr, chairman for the Montana Veterinary Medical Association’s Vet Tech Board and founder of Big Sky Animal Medical Center in Great, Falls, Mont. “I often fly to Denver to recruit techs because there aren’t any in Montana. It’s a problem for veterinarians across the state. Adding these programs will really help to fill that gap.”

The veterinary technician associate degree is an 18-month program that teaches students how to become veterinary nurses. The curriculum focuses on animal behavior and care, surgical assisting, laboratory testing and nursing procedures.

The veterinary assistant certificate is a nine-month program that trains students to be skilled in providing post-operative animal care, surgical assistance, teeth cleaning, medication administration, blood draws, lab work and much more.

“We need highly trained people in these roles,” Ulrich said. “Pima Medical has played a vital role in making these programs a reality.”

Both programs will allow students to work with small and large animals in a newly equipped facility on the University of Montana Western’s campus. Students who enroll will be eligible to live on campus, use the university’s facilities, such as the library and gym, and get meals on campus.

In addition, Pima Medical students will work with the Beaverhead Animal Shelter in Dillon to provide animals with services such as spaying and neutering, dental cleanings and lab work. Pima Medical often works with a city’s shelters and humane societies, resulting in a greater level of animal care and increased adoption rates.

Beaverhead Animal Shelter’s director, Susie Brown, is excited to start the partnership with Pima Medical students. The shelter has on average 150 animals a day that are brought in from four counties and beyond.

“It doesn’t matter what it is – a dog, cat, horse, pig, hamster – we take it. We provide a lot of care for these animals, but naturally it takes funding. This partnership with Pima Medical will really help,” Brown said. “Students will get hands-on experience working with animals, and the animals will get the care they need.”

To learn more about Pima Medical Institute, visit The University of Montana Western can be found online at To speak to someone about enrolling, call 1888-442-5998.

Montana Youth Range Camp Applications Available

DUPUYER, Mont. – Applications are now available for the 2015 Montana Youth Range Camp. This year’s camp will be held the week of July 27-31 at Frank Brattin Middle School in Colstrip, Mont., and is open to all youth ages 12 -18.

“Range camp is an opportunity for kids to connect with Montana’s great outdoors in a setting that offers fun, friendship and learning,” said Heidi Crum, DNRC Rangeland Program Coordinator.

Students will attend outdoor classes covering four major subjects: water and riparian areas; soils and geology; rangeland monitoring; and wildlife and livestock grazing management. Students also receive instruction in plant identification and anatomy, and work in teams to solve a natural resource or range management problem, presenting their solutions to a panel of judges at the end of the week.

Along with coursework, Youth Range Camp offers opportunities for fun and recreation. Campers have the opportunity to participate in a wildlife presentation, hiking and visiting the medicine rocks. The fun day includes swimming and fishing. A dance takes place on the last night of the week.

Scholarships may be available by contacting your local conservation district for more information. Additional assistance and help to run the camp is being provided by Montana DNRC and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Cost for the camp is $175 and includes meals, lodging and all scheduled activities. Registration is due by July 3.

The 2015 Montana Youth Range Camp is hosted by the Rosebud Conservation District. For more information, contact Scott Kaiser, DNRC Program Specialist at (406) 232-6359, or Bobbi Vannattan with the Rosebud Conservation District at (406) 346-7333, ext. 101. For more information, including an application form, visit the DNRC Web site at

Updates on Montana Youth Range Camp and other events can be found on the Facebook page:

Wheatland County Hosts 2015 Montana Range Days

Wheatland Co. Stockgrowers cooking beef at the Range Days Dinner. Image via @lanecoynordland Twitter

Wheatland Co. Stockgrowers cooking beef at the Range Days Dinner. Image via @lanecoynordland Twitter

The 2015 Montana Range Days competition was held in Wheatland County on June 15-17, with events taking place at Chief Joseph Park, Winnecook Ranch and several locations in Harlowton. The annual event celebrates “the importance of range and provides opportunities for learning about range and range management” through studying and competition. On Tuesday night, the Wheatland County Stockgrowers hosted the Beef Banquet for participants.

Three scholarships in the amount of $1,000 are offered to youth based on involvement in range activities, leadership in school and community, academic achievement and financial need. This year’s winners included Amanda Williams of Miles City, Brandon Gould of Ulm, and Dianna Ball of Harlem.

Several participants were recognized for their achievement during Range Days activities. A few of the top winners included:

  • Top Individuals
    • Open Adult – Jason Holt, Hinsdale
    • Rancher – Lisbeth Paige, Judith Gap
    • Youth-FFA – John Power, Wheatland
    • Youth-Open – Grace Holzer, Moccasin
    • Wrangler – Melanie Power, Harlowton
    • Superstarter – Laura Power, Harlowton
  • Top Teams
    • Youth-FFA – Wheatland FFA, John Power, Taylor Berg, Lauren Glennie, Hattie Cavill
    • Youth-Open – Sweet & Salty, Grace Holzer, Andrew Helland, Nolan Ostendorf
    • Wrangler – Candy Crushers, Hannah Butler, Reace Lannen, Joleen Frost, Kodie Booth
    • Superstarter – Sasafras, Angus Glennie, Hunter Pertrosky, Caroline Wright, Kade Lannen
  • Range Display – John Power, Wheatland
  • Greenhand – Isabel Reh, Missoula
  • Range Plant Collections – Jean Blackman, Cascade
  • Rangehand – John Power, Wheatland
  • Illustrated Talks – John Power, Wheatland
  • High Point Plant ID
    • Superstarter – Laura Power, Wheatland
    • Wrangler – Melanie Power, Wheatland
    • Youth-Open – Graze Holzer, Moccasin
    • Youth-FFA – John Power, Wheatland

Congratulations to all the winners and participants taking an interest in learning more about Montana range management! We’re glad to have you as a part of Montana’s ranching communities!

MSU to host Twitter town hall with agriculture faculty on agricultural production topics #BigSkyAgChat

montana state extension logoMontana State University’s College of AgricultureMontana Agricultural Experiment Station and MSU Extension will host a Twitter town hall on Monday, June 22, from 11 a.m. to noon. College of Agriculture faculty will participate in the town hall and answer questions regarding soil science, water security, agricultural production and the importance of youth in agriculture. Statewide agriculture-related organizations, industry leaders, and friends and supporters of agriculture are encouraged to join the discussion using the hashtag #bigskyagchat.

A Twitter town hall is similar to a public meeting or seminar, where participants engage in a discussion to raise awareness or ask questions. Instead of a physical meeting, the conversation takes place on Twitter in a question and answer format, in 140 characters or less.

The town hall is an outreach event in conjunction with Agriculture Is America, a national communications initiative aimed at highlighting the myriad teaching, research and extension accomplishments by the nation’s land-grant institutions.

Public Lands Council Logo

Federal Spending Bill Includes Important Provisions for Producers

WASHINGTON – The House Interior appropriations bill passed through committee on Tuesday, June 16, 30 to 21. The Public Lands Council and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association strongly support the bill, which allocates how federal dollars are spent for the Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and related agencies during fiscal year 2016. The bill included language that would help provide relief from the regulatory burdens that continue to hamper the productivity and profitability of farmers and ranchers across the country.

From language that blocks the listing of the Sage Grouse, to requiring alternative allotments where ranchers are impacted by drought or wildfire without the need to complete extensive environmental analyses and many others, Dustin Van Liew, PLC and NCBA federal lands executive director, said the provisions are important to keeping livestock producers in business.

This bill would maintain the current grazing fee, fund the range budgets at the same levels as fiscal year 2015 and prohibit funding for the creation of de facto wilderness areas under Secretarial Order 3310. These are all critical in maintaining the viability of federal lands grazing and multiple use.

“This bill contained several priorities for public lands ranchers,” said Van Liew. “Our industry supports the current federal grazing fee formula, which is based on market criteria and accurately reflects the costs of operating on public lands. We also support maintaining range budgets so the agencies can retain staff and work to reduce backlogs, managing the additional burdens of red-tape and frivolous litigation.”

The bill also continues to block listing of the sage grouse under the Endangered Species Act through September 30, 2016.

“Due to a closed-door settlement between United States Fish and Wildlife Service and radical environmental groups, arbitrary deadlines have been set for making hundreds of decisions on species in all fifty states to be listed under the Endangered Species Act,” said Van Liew. “We encourage Congress to provide direction to the agencies to defer to state sage grouse management plans so that land management agencies cannot continue to make decisions that will negatively impact livestock grazing. Research shows that livestock grazing is one of the only tools available to benefit sage grouse habitat; reducing fuel loads and preserving open space.”

Scott Yager, NCBA environmental counsel, commended lawmakers for including language that would help reign in the EPA’s attempt to control even more land and water on private property.

“This committee took the much needed step of defunding the implementation of the EPA’s waters of the United States final rule,” said Yager. “The final rule released by the agency does not satisfy the concerns of cattle producers or land owners. The provisions contained in this legislation send a clear signal to the EPA that they need to start over, working with Congress, land owners, and the states to draft a rule that will work for everyone.”

The committee took a positive step, in line with last year’s bill, by including a provision to withhold funding to any rule that would require mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas emissions from manure management systems. The committee additionally continued to include language preventing EPA from requiring Clean Air Act permits from livestock operations based on greenhouse gas emissions.

PLC and NCBA encourage the full House to take up this bill without delay.

Montana Livestock Ag Credit President Gill Announces Retirement

MLACI montana livestock ag creditMontana Livestock Ag Credit Inc.’s Board Chair Steve Moore announced the pending retirement of long time President/CEO Tim Gill at the end of 2015.  “We are going to miss Tim’s leadership experience and we are very grateful for his thirty-six years of service.  Tim has been a friend and a mentor to many of us borrowers and his staff over the years.  He will be missed, but we are excited for the strong position he leaves the Company in!”

tim gill montana livestock ag creditMoore expanded that the Board of Directors has named Senior Vice President Ty Wells as Gill’s successor.  “Ty has been a great asset to the Company the last fourteen years and we expect him to continue our long history of Excellence in Agriculture Credit for Montana. “ “Wells says it’s an honor to be selected by the Board to serve as the 8th President in the Company’s history.  I look forward to working with our Board and Staff to continue building upon the solid foundation that Tim leaves us. I feel Tim and the Board have well prepared me for the job.  I wish Tim the best in his retirement.”

ty wells montana livestock ag creditGill’s career began working for the MT Department of Agriculture for four years and then thirty-six years with Montana Livestock, thirty as President.  He states “that if you work for a reputable Corporation doing a job you love, the years really do fly by”.  After forty plus years of office jobs, Gill plans to fill his future days with hands on projects, from fencing, cabin construction, horseback trips into the Rockies and maybe even a little horse trading, he says with a grin!

Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Inc. is a for profit Montana Corporation that is owned by its borrowers and managed by a Board of elected borrowers. The Company prides itself on over 80 years of consistent philosophy and strong agricultural lending relationships.    Through good times and bad, Gill is proud to state “Montana Livestock will be here long after we are all gone.”