Montana Cattle Markets Week Ending June 13

Montana Weekly Auction Summary for Week Ending June 13, 2015

Market: Billings Livestock Commission, Miles City, Public Auction Yards

Receipts: 2,924; Last Week 3,312; Last Year NA

Compared to last week: Feeder cattle were all too lightly tested for an accurate market trend. Feeder cattle were of mostly average quality, with mostly plain made offerings. Demand for feeder cattle was good on all offerings. CME futures contract prices higher for the week with the August contract up 3.40 closing at 226.25 and September up 3.00 closing at 224.35 as of Thursday night’s settlement. The 7 day running average CME feeder cattle index closed at 225.74 as of Wednesday’s sales (the latest available settlement).

Weigh-up cows sold with light to moderate demand this week on moderate to heavy offerings. Slaughter cows were too lightly tested again this week to develop an accurate market trend, however lower undertones abounded throughout the week. Feeding cow buyers helped sustain the market this week as demand for feeding and breeding cows helped hold prices fully steady. Feeding and breeding buyers sustained prices above where packers showed interest to purchase cows. This pushed packers to purchase older, lower yielding cows to complete their orders. Quality this week was mostly average to attractive with a few long strings of very attractive cows.

Buyers searching for breeding stock purchased 2 year olds to young age cows on very good demand this week. Heiferettes and young age cows sold sharply higher with many buyers looking for replacement cows to both ship to the southern plains as well as to rebreed and fill local pastures. Many of these fancy offerings sold for over 2,100.00 per head. Cow/calf pairs saw strong demand again this week. Notably, most offerings were of better quality this week than last.

Read more from USDA’s June 12 Montana Weekly Auction Summary.

National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary – Week Ending June 13, 2015

Receipts This Week: 162,400 Total – 104,000 (Auctions); 36,700 (Direct); 21,700 (Video/Internet)

Compared to last week: a good test of yearling feeder cattle sold steady to 3.00 higher with instances 5.00-7.00 higher from mid-week on.  Feeder cattle buyers continue to battle in the ultra-competitive yearling market; especially in the Southern Plains. Northern buyers continue to help drive the yearling market as last Friday, Fort Pierre Livestock Auction in Fort Pierre, SD sold near 11,000 head with almost 600 head of steers weighing 600-650 lbs sold with a weighted average weight of 615 lbs averaged 288.10 and over 1000 head of 900-950 lb steers averaging 929 lbs sold with a weighted average price of 215.01.

CME cattle futures rallied higher on Monday despite last week’s very limited to lower cash trade and again closed with strong gains on Tuesday as Boxed-beef values surged.  This week’s auction volume included 56 percent over 600 lbs and 39 percent heifers.

  • Auction Receipts: 168,500; Last Week: 153,900; Last Year: 154,8000
    • Montana 2,900. 45 pct over 600 lbs. 78 pct heifers.

Read more from the USDA’s June 12 National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary.

Weekly Montana Hay Report – June 12, 2015

Compared to last week: Very little has changed this week as many farmers are in the fields cutting first cutting. Scattered rain showers on Wednesday rained on many fields of cut hay in the Yellowstone river valley, however much of the rest of the state was spared.

Contracts for dairy quality hay have yet to be made as many of the western diaries are waiting on first cutting to get a better feel of supplies. Demand for Alfalfa hay continues to be light. Scattered rain showers helped much of the state improve moisture conditions. This week the US drought monitor shrank the land area in Montana that was in “abnormally dry” status from 34 percent to 26 percent. Light demand was seen for grass hay marketed within the state as steady prices move hay on an as need basis. Good demand was seen for hay to ship to other areas of the country, particularly drier regions, both east and west.

  • Alfalfa:
    • Supreme: Small squares, 200.00
    • Premium: Large squares, 150.00-155.00
    • Good: Large squares, 120.00-130.00; Small squares, 138.00-150.00
    • Fair: Large squares, 90.00-130.00
  • Grass:
    • Good: Large Rounds, 90.00-100.00; New crop contract, 110.00-120.00; Large Squares, 100.00
  • Timothy Grass:
    • Premium: Small Squares, 240.00.
    • Good: Small Squares, 160.00-180.00.
  • Straw:
    • Large Squares and Rounds, 35.00-40.00

Read more from the USDA’s June 12 Weekly Montana Hay Report.

Montana Ag Community Applauds Zinke’s Vote to Repeal Mandatory COOL Regulations

(WASHINGTON) June 11, 2015 – Today Montana agriculture leaders applauded Congressman Ryan Zinke for voting in favor of repealing mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) for agriculture products by voting YES on H.R. 2393, the Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015. The measure passed with overwhelming bipartisan support by a vote of 300-131. Montana Stockgrowers, Wool Growers and Pork Producers applauded Zinke’s vote.

COOL regulations were implemented on beef, pork and lamb in 2002; however earlier this year the World Trade Organization ruled in favor of a Canadian complaint that the U.S. labeling law was in violation of WTO code.  This prompted the House of Representatives to act in order to prevent retaliatory tariffs against U.S. producers. Under H.R. 2393, producers are still allowed to label their meat as made in the U.S.A., however it is not required.

“I’ve listened to Montana farmers and ranchers, and it’s clear: Maintaining strong trade relationships with our top trade partner Canada, and our other allies, is critical to the success of Montana’s entire agriculture community,” said Rep. Zinke.  “In Montana we export more agriculture goods globally than every other industry combined. Repealing COOL regulations while still allowing beef, pork and lamb producers to maintain ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ labels will return certainty to our agriculture industry and allow Montana farmers, ranchers and related trades to compete globally for years to come.”

“The Montana Stock Growers Association thanks Congressman Zinke for voting to repeal the mandatory labeling regulations,” said Errol Rice, Executive Vice President, Montana Stockgrowers Association Inc.” This is critical in order to bring us up to date with WTO ordinances and prevent billions of dollars in retaliatory action from Canada and Mexico that would harm Montana’s entire agriculture industry. As Congress moves forward with a new plan for beef labeling the MSGA looks forward to working with Congressman Zinke and others to craft an industry-led labeling program that works for Montana’s stock growers and our customers around the globe.”

“Congressman Zinke’s vote in favor of the COOL reform bill is a vote in favor of Montana Wool Growers and the entire agriculture industry,” said Jim Brown, President, Montana Wool Growers Association. “The bill strikes a delicate balance between implementing the WTO’s rules against the U.S. and avoiding retaliatory trade measures by Canada and Mexico, while still allowing livestock producers, such as Montana’s sheep producers, to advertise that our products are grown right here in the U.S.A.  We thank Congressman Zinke for being a steadfast defender of Montana’s agriculture industry and the thousands of jobs it supports in our state.”

“Montana Pork Producers applaud Congressman Zinke for his vote to roll back COOL regulations and put American agriculture more in line with our global competitors,” said John Rauser, President, Montana Pork Producers Council. “Agriculture is Montana’s largest export and repealing the COOL requirement while still giving producers the option of labeling our products as Montana made or made in the U.S.A. helps all of us compete in a global industry.  Montana Pork Producers and all pork producers cannot afford to pay a $3 billion retaliation tariff imposed by Canada and Mexico against U.S. pork and beef.”

“Retaliation from COOL will have a major impact on our economy and our trading relationships,” said Dusty Hahn, Rancher, Townsend, MT. “Trade accounts for over $300 of value for every head sold, and jeopardizing our relationships with two of our largest trading partners will only continue to hurt the bottom line of cattle producers like myself. The economic analysis mandated by Congress reported that COOL has already cost our industry 8.07 billion over 10 years. COOL is simply a failed marketing program and I appreciate Rep. Zinke’s support to repeal COOL before retaliation from two of our largest trading partners takes place.”

Press Release, Congressman Ryan Zinke

MidYear Meeting 2015

Stockgrowers Meet in Bozeman for MidYear

The 2015 Montana Stockgrowers Association’s (MSGA) Mid-Year Meeting, held in Bozeman on June 4-6, drew over 150 ranchers and members of the cattle industry from across the state for policy meetings, a leadership-training workshop, the annual Ranch Tour and a concert with Ringling 5. Special guests in attendance included Dr. Gary Brester and Senator Steve Daines.

“Stockgrowers is very thankful to the Bozeman community and Montana State University for welcoming our MidYear event into town,” said MSGA President, Gene Curry from Valier. “Our ranchers enjoyed the opportunity to visit and learn more about the economy and businesses in the Gallatin Valley during this year’s meetings and tour.”

IMG_1668 Ranchers in attendance kicked off the event by taking part in a workshop with leadership coach, Sarah Bohnenkamp. Ranchers of all ages participated in the engaging workshop, learning how to develop individual strengths to be better leaders on family operations and in ranching communities across the state.

A Welcome Reception was held on Thursday evening to benefit the Stockgrowers’ Research and Education Endowment Foundation. The reception included a live auction and recognition of Foundation programs, including scholarship recipients, Young Cattlemen’s Conference Attendees, Environmental Stewardship Award Program honorees and introduction of the Foundation’s new specialty license plates.

Senator Steve Daines joined ranchers in discussions during interim-policy meetings on Friday morning. Daines expressed support for the state’s ranchers and provided an update on important legislation debated this year on Capitol Hill. Contentious topics of discussion included passage of the Trade Promotion Authority, limiting of EPA’s proposed Waters of the U.S. rule and keeping sage grouse off the Endangered Species list.

Other topics discussed during interim-policy meetings included repeal of mandatory Country of Origin Labeling, proposed EIS for bison management in the Greater Yellowstone Area, changes in the Department of Livestock and the state’s Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory along with updates on programs from MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Opening General Session featured MSU agriculture economics professor, Dr. Gary Brester with insight on current cattle market trends. Brester was optimistic on the cattle market outlook, confident that high quality will continue to support strong international demand for U.S. cattle genetics and beef.

IMG_1647MidYear attendees had the opportunity to learn about businesses and the rural economy of the Gallatin Valley during the annual Ranch Tour and Dinner. Tour stops included Simms Fishing Products at Four Corners where ranchers learned about the company’s international business in fishing gear and clothing products. The tour then visited Copper Spring Ranch to learn more about the performance quarter horse operation and the ranch’s investments in holding benefit events to help those in the ranching communities across the state.

Ranchers wrapped up the event with a dinner at Broken Hart Ranch near Gallatin Gateway and live entertainment by Ringling 5.

Plans are in the works for Stockgrowers’ Annual Convention and Trade Show, taking place December 3-5 at the MetraPark in Billings. To learn more about Montana Stockgrowers membership, programs and events, visit or contact the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420.

For more photos from the event, visit our Facebook page.

Young Montana Ranchers Participate in National Leadership Conference

Two young Montana ranchers recently joined over 50 cattle producers from across the country and across the industry to participate in the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s 2015 Young Cattlemen’s Conference. Representing Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) were Dusty Hahn of Townsend and Lacey Sutherlin of Stevensville.

The aim of the NCBA’s YCC program is to give these young leaders an understanding of all aspects of the beef industry from grass to plate, and showcase issues management, research, education and marketing. Beginning in Colorado, the group got an inside look at many of the issues affecting the beef industry and the work being done on both the state and national level to address these issues on behalf of our membership.

While in Denver, CattleFax provided a comprehensive overview of the current cattle market and emerging trends. At Safeway, the participants received a first-hand account of the retail perspective of the beef business and then toured the JBS Five Rivers’ Kuner feedyard, one of the largest in the nation, and the JBS Greeley packing and processing plant.

From Denver, the group traveled to Chicago where they were able to visit the Chicago Board of Trade, learning about risk-management and mitigation tools available to the cattle industry. In Chicago, they also visited McDonald’s Campus and OSI, one of the nation’s premiere beef patty producers.

After the brief stop in Chicago, the group concluded their trip in Washington D.C. for an issue briefing on current policy priorities; including trade and Country-of-Origin Labeling and ample opportunity to visit with Montana’s congressional representatives.

Dusty Hahn of Townsend, Montana.

Dusty Hahn of Townsend, Montana.

Dusty Hahn is a fifth generation cattle rancher from Townsend, MT, which is located near the headwaters of the Missouri River in beautiful southwestern Montana. After attending college at Montana State University in Bozeman and earning a degree in Agricultural Operations Technology, he returned to the family ranch, where he works with his father, brother, cousin, uncle, and grandmother to ensure the ranch’s continuing success.

Hahn Ranch is a diversified agricultural operation that strives for high volume, high quality production. A predominantly Angus based 500 head cow/calf herd ranges on a mix of private land and private, state, and federal grazing leases. The farm grows a mix of alfalfa hay, small grains, silage corn, and forage crops on 1,000 acres, most of which is irrigated by center pivots. A trucking company that hauls general flatbed freight, grain, and livestock, and a small cattle feeding enterprise round out Hahn Ranch’s business entities.

Dusty has been actively involved with the Montana Stockgrowers Association for 15 years. He has served as a committee vice-chair and chairperson. He recently complete a 9 year term on the MSGA Foundation’s Trustee board, where he served as vice-chair and chairperson. Dusty is an advocate for agriculture, and has hosted an international trade delegation, a Congressman, and school children so that they have a better understanding of agriculture. He has testified on ag related policy at the state legislature. He strives develop leadership skills that will guide the beef industry through pitfalls such as managing infectious diseases that threaten our livelihood, negotiating international trade, and creating favorable policy on the local, state, and federal level.

Lacey Sutherlin Stevensville Young Stockgrowers

Lacey Sutherlin of Stevensville, MT

Lacey Sutherlin from Stevensville, MT has served as the Marketing & Sales Director for ORIgen Inc., a beef cattle genetics company based Billings, MT. The company was founded to provide an avenue for seedstock producers to market their own genetics.

In addition to working at ORIgen, Lacey and her husband Chad Sutherlin own and operate 3C Cattle LLC together in Stevensville, located in the Bitterroot Valley in western Montana. They raise both Angus and Red Angus registered cows. They also grow some small grains and hay.

Lacey graduated from Northwest College in Powell, WY and from Montana State University with a degree in both Animal Science & Agriculture communications. Lacey was member of Livestock Judging Team at both NWC and MSU.

The cattle business is Lacey’s true passion and she enjoys helping today’s youth strive to reach their goals in agriculture, as well as working with her husband Chad to build and improve 3C Cattle. Lacey has served MSGA as a Young Stockgrowers Chair and as part of the Association’s Seedstock Committee.

With the beef industry changing rapidly, identifying and educating leaders has never been so important. Over 1,000 cattlemen and women have graduated from the YCC program since its inception in 1980. Many of these alumni have gone to serve in state and national committees, councils and boards. YCC is the cornerstone of leadership training in the cattle industry.

The Montana YCC delegates were supported on their trip by scholarships from the Montana Stockgrowers’ Research and Education Endowment Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established to ensure the future of Montana’s cattle industry through producer and public education, and promotion of Montana Stockgrowers Association programs. For more information, contact MSGA at (406) 442-3420 or go to our REEF page.

Montana Association of State Grazing Districts Annual Meeting June 17

masgdThe Montana Association of State Grazing Districts (MASGD) will be holding their annual meeting on June 17th, in Miles City. This year’s meeting will be held at the Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Laboratory. The day’s events will include a joint board meeting between the MASGD and Public Lands Council board of directors, Grazing District Secretary Appreciation Lunch and the annual meeting starting at 1:00 p.m.

The meeting will include a great line up of speakers, with Dustin Van Liew, National Public Lands Council Executive, Richard Stuker, Commissioner on the FWP Commission, Mark Petersen, range leader for Fort Keogh and the Montana Stockgrowers Association. MASGD has also invited Jamie Connell, the Director the State Director of BLM and the Department of Livestock to provide presentations to the members.

The MASGD would like to invite those interested in learning more about these important topics to attend or contact Jay Bodner at the office for more information by emailing [email protected] or calling (406) 442-3420. Learn more about MASGD by clicking here.

Cattlemen Highlight BQA at White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship

Antibiotics Use Livestock ResistanceWASHINGTON  – Yesterday, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association participated in the White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship in Washington D.C. Chief Veterinarian, Dr. Kathy Simmons and Dr. Mike Apley, a cattle producer and veterinarian from Kansas attended and participated in the meeting on behalf of NCBA. NCBA President and Chugwater, Wyoming, cattleman Philip Ellis said this was a great opportunity to highlight what the cattle industry is doing to support the judicious use of these technologies.

“NCBA takes our commitment for antimicrobial stewardship very seriously and seeks to educate our members, consumers, regulators, legislators and the general public on the merits of appropriate antimicrobial drug use within the diversified sectors of the beef industry,” said Ellis. “The NCBA Cattle Health and Well-being Committee works to educate members at conferences and conventions on the latest information regarding antimicrobial drug use and the complex problem of increasing numbers of antibiotic resistant bacteria in both human and veterinary medicine.”

A significant part of the Beef Quality Assurance program involves antimicrobial stewardship training on the appropriate use and administration of these technologies. BQA stresses the need for good stewardship, including: honoring withdrawal times, prevention of environmental contamination, the need for good record-keeping and a strong veterinarian-client-patient relationship.

“NCBA supports actions based on sound, peer-reviewed science and risk assessment relative to the use of antibiotics or other drugs,” said Ellis. “We encourage the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs through the guidance offered in the BQA program. Antimicrobial resistance is a complex and multi-faceted problem that is best addressed in a One Health approach that brings together stakeholders from human medicine, veterinary medicine and environmental science.”

While NCBA has been focused on stewardship for decades, last year NCBA organized research advisory groups composed of a wide range of researchers within the agricultural community to direct the planning for future antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance research activities. The Administration also released the final rule for the Veterinary Feed Directive, aiming to place antibiotic stewardship in the hands of veterinarians.

“While we will continue to review the final rule, NCBA supports the judicious use of antimicrobial technologies and sound peer-reviewed scientific principals as outlined in the BQA program,” said Ellis. “Our policy supports ensuring that producers have access to the technologies needed to maintain a safe and healthy herd, as herd health is critical to our top priority, ensuring a safe food supply. NCBA will continue to work with FDA and our membership to support the implementation of FDA Guidance 209/213 to bring the medically-important antibiotics used in feed and water under veterinary oversight and to eliminate the use of these drugs for feed efficiency and growth promotion by December 2016.”

Press Release, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Elanco Announces Comprehensive Antibiotic Stewardship Plan, Significant Research Effort

Antibiotics Use Livestock ResistanceThe use of antibiotics in raising livestock has been a concerned raised by many consumers in recent months as a result of rising occurrence of antibiotic resistance bacteria. Many companies, food processors and retailers have made announcements in recent months regarding changes to their practices in an effort to curb the use of antibiotics in livestock. Most of these announcements pertain to the use of antibiotics that are medically important for human use.

As we have discussed in earlier podcasts with Dr. Bruce Hoffman of Elanco, changes are coming to the way livestock producers are allowed to use feed-grade antibiotics and changes in FDA guidelines will end the use of antibiotics for growth-promotion. This will be a topic in our Cattle Health Committee meeting on Thursday during our MidYear meeting. Listen to our previous podcast for more information.

Montana Stockgrowers has been working with Elanco Animal Health to share information for veterinarians and cattle ranchers in preparation for these changes in antibiotic use. Today, Elanco announced initiatives to further curb the use of antibiotics that are medically important for human use, and to identify alternative products to treat illnesses in livestock. Below is a press release with more information.

To learn more about Elanco and their programs to address concerns of growing global food demand, visit

Elanco President Jeff Simmons participates in White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship; outlines company’s aggressive eight-step plan to help safeguard animal and human health and deliver 10 new alternatives to the most challenging diseases

Jeff Simmons Elanco Animal HealthGREENFIELD, Ind., June 2, 2015 – Today, Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY), will participate in the White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship where Elanco President Jeff Simmons will participate in a panel discussion. Concurrently, Simmons is unveiling the company’s multi-faceted approach to combat the growing concern about antibiotic resistance.  A summary of Simmons’ remarks follows:

In the next few decades, demand for animal protein will climb 60 percent(1) as population increases and the global middle class expands by three billion people(2). These numbers are important, because we’re already overusing the Earth’s resources, consuming about 1.5 times the natural resources we should use in a year(3). Delivering safe, sufficient, affordable protein to feed the growing population has never been at greater risk.

The welfare of animals we rely upon to provide protein is also at risk. Today, we have emerging diseases on every continent, including the extreme of avian influenza right here in the United States. Beyond that – nearly 3 in 4 cattle experience symptoms of respiratory disease(4) at some point in their life and 1 in 6 dairy cattle experience mastitis(5) in their productive life. It is our industry’s responsibility to keep animals healthy and treat the ones that get sick while safeguarding antibiotics for future generations through responsible use. Ultimately, this is about One Health – not just animal health, but this work creates healthy food, ensures the health of people and protects the planet.

Elanco has committed to an eight-step antibiotic stewardship plan that ensures the responsible use of antibiotics, reduces shared-class antibiotic use and replaces antibiotics with alternatives.

Elanco’s Eight-Step Antibiotic Stewardship Plan

  1. Act with responsibility globally – not just according to U.S. regulation – by working with food producers and retailers to provide training and encourage policies that reduce shared-class antibiotic use and increase veterinarian oversight.
  2. Cease marketing of growth promotion uses for shared-class antibiotics and complete full regulatory change to end growth promotion use of shared-class antibiotics globally by the end of 2016.
  3. Help customers eliminate continuous use of shared-class antibiotics for therapy purposes by providing an alternative.
  4. Eliminate over-the-counter sales of shared-class antibiotics globally – including injectable products – where veterinarian oversight exists.
  5. Eliminate concurrent use of shared-class antibiotics to treat the same disease.
  6. Support veterinary oversight and responsible use, including helping build infrastructure globally.
  7. Develop new animal-only antibiotics. No animal should ever be treated with a shared-class antibiotic if an animal-only option exists. Animal-only antibiotics optimize animal welfare without compromising human use antibiotics.
  8. Create alternatives. Elanco commits to invest two-thirds of our food animal research budget to quickly evaluate 25 candidates and deliver 10 viable non-antibiotic development projects that address diseases where there are few, or no, alternatives to shared-class antibiotics. (Respiratory disease and enteric disease in cattle, swine and poultry and mastitis in cattle.)

In one year, Elanco will host an animal health accountability summit to provide a progress report on our effort to deliver non-antibiotic alternatives. Along the way, we will collaborate with customers, academics and appropriate regulatory authorities, which will include establishing an expert advisory panel. Finally, Elanco will collaborate with our industry association and other technology companies to advance this effort as quickly as possible.

It is important that we don’t enact regulations or policies that move faster than available science, which could jeopardize animal health as well as food safety and food security. Setting timelines without solutions could be dangerous, compromising animal welfare. Policies that require complete elimination of all antibiotics in animal production aren’t right for the animal and they aren’t right for the consumer either. We must take a pragmatic approach that doesn’t put animals at risk.

This is a challenging endeavor not without risk, but with intentional focus, dedicated investment and collaboration from an event like today, we believe we can make a difference, shaping a positive future with better health outcomes for people and animals.


1 Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO). “World Livestock 2011: Livestock in Food Security.” Rome, 2011

2 Kharas, Homi. “The Emerging Middle Class in Developing Countries.” Global Development Outlook. OECD Development Center. Working Paper No. 285. January 2010

3 World Wildlife Fund (WWF). “Living Planet Report 2012: Biodiversity, biocapacity and better choices.”

4 Wittum, T. E.,  N. E. Woolen,  L. J. Perino, and E. T. Littledike 1996. “Relationships among treatment for respiratory tract disease, pulmonary lesions evident at slaughter and rate of weight gain in feedlot cattle.” J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 209:814–818.8756886

5 Ruegg, Pamela L.” New Perspectives in Udder Health Management.” Vet Clin Food Anim 28 (2012) 149–163

Limited Cattle Offerings in Holiday Week – Montana Markets Week Ending May 30

Montana Weekly Auction Summary for Week Ending May 30, 2015

Market: Billings Livestock Commission, Miles City, Public Auction Yards

Receipts: 4,247; Last Week 2,606; Last Year NA

Compared to last week: Feeder cattle were all too lightly tested last week for an accurate market trend, however higher undertones abounded. Feeder cattle were of average to attractive quality this week, with a few consignments of very attractive cattle. Demand for feeder cattle this week was good to very good at times.

CME futures contract prices have gained every day since last Thursday. Starting Tuesday August contracts gained 5.35 to close at 224.95 and September gained 4.725 to close at 223.25 as of Thursday nights close. The 7 day running average CME feeder cattle index closed at 222.45 as of Wednesday’s sales (the latest available settlement). The CME index has trended higher all week as CME futures prices give support to buyers bidding in sale rings across the 12 state region.

Limited offerings of feeder cattle in recent weeks have buyers worried of the volume of cattle left in the country side and many bid accordingly pushing all feeders higher this week. Of note, some buyers this week were particularly aggressive in purchasing 600-750 lbs heifers and in many cases were willing to pay replacement price or even above replacement price in order to fill feedlot orders.

Weigh-up cows sold with good to very good demand this week on mostly moderate offerings. Slaughter cows sold generally steady to firm on all classes offered this week. Feeding cows sold mostly firm. Weight-up cows are seeing demand from slaughter, replacement, and feeding cow buyers which has yet again pushed all cow prices higher. Packer buyers continue to buy cows to put on feed again this week as many are hoping to help curb shorted summer supplies.

Young aged 2-3 year olds sold sharply higher with many buyers looking for replacement cows to both ship to the southern plains as well as rebreed and fill local pastures. With heavy rainfall at times this week many buyers were very aggressive in bidding as pasture and range conditions are in great shape in and around the Yellowstone river valley. Cow/calf pairs saw much of the same strong demand as many local ranchers were in the stands this week actively bidding. Middle age (solid mouth) and aged (broken mouth) cows sold on the best demand again this week with ranchers searching for short keep cows to run on grass this summer.

Read more from USDA’s May 29 Montana Weekly Auction Summary.

National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary – Week Ending May 29, 2015

Receipts This Week: 162,400 Total – 104,000 (Auctions); 36,700 (Direct); 21,700 (Video/Internet)

Compared to last week, a light holiday test of yearlings and calves sold fully steady to 5.00 higher. The official start to the summer grilling season was followed by continued good demand for all classes and in many cases no signs of top-side pressure. Many major early–week auctions were idle this week, but buyers picked up where they left off at mid-week sales, as demand remains very good for calves and yearlings. Calve markets continue to trade on limited supplies with enough localized demand to offset supplies. The best advance continues to be on the heavier yearlings over 800 lbs as demand remains very good on yearlings.

  • Auction Receipts: 104,000 Last Week: 168,000 Last Year: 111,800
    • Montana 4,200. 78 pct over 600 lbs. 54 pct heifers.

Read more from the USDA’s May 29 National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary.


Weekly Montana Hay Report – May 29, 2015

Compared to last week:  No changes were seen this week as farmers continue to wait on first cutting. No new contracts have yet to been seen for western dairy hay. Demand for Alfalfa hay is light on very light supplies. Many parts of central Montana received between 1.0 to 3.0 inches of additional rain this week which helped improve both pasture and range conditions as well as hay crop conditions.

Many ranchers in the Central and Eastern parts of the state have turned cattle out for the summer which has further lightened demand for grass hay. Ranchers buying hay to stock has slowed to a near halt with rain curbing drought concerns. Light demand was seen for grass hay marketed within the state, however steady prices continue to move light supplies. Good demand was seen for hay to ship to other areas of the country, particularly drier regions, both east and west.

  • Alfalfa
    • Supreme: Small squares, 200.00
    • Premium: Large squares, 150.00-155.00
    • Good: Large squares, 120.00
    • Small squares, 138.00-150.00
    • Fair: Large squares, 90.00-130.00
  • Grass:
    • Good: Large Rounds, 90.00-100.00;
    • New crop contract, 110.00-120.00; Large Squares, 100.00
  • Timothy Grass:
    • Premium: Small Squares, 240.00.
    • Good: Small Squares, 160.00-180.00.
  • Straw:
    • Large Squares and Rounds, 35.00-40.00.

Read more from the USDA’s May 29 Weekly Montana Hay Report.

Montana Stockgrowers Announces Northwestern Energy Top Hand Partnership

Northwestern EnergyHelena, Mont. – Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is excited to announce its second year of partnership with NorthWestern Energy as an “Official Top Hand Club Sponsor.” Thanks to Northwestern Energy’s support, the top recruiting MSGA member this year will win a trip to the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention in San Diego, California.

The Top Hand Club is a part of Stockgrowers’ Affiliate Mentorship Program, a renewed effort to strengthen local affiliate groups and individual ranching members across the state. The Individual Top Hand recognition will be awarded to the Stockgrowers member that recruits the highest number of new memberships for MSGA within the current recruitment year, ending November 30.

Thanks to the partnership with NorthWestern Energy, the top prize for this year’s Individual Top Hand will be a trip to San Diego, California for the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention on January 27-30. This is a great opportunity for Montana ranchers to learn more about the cattle industry at the national level and to network with ranchers and industry members from all regions of the country.

Last year’s Individual Top Hand winner was Kyle Middlemist of Dixon, Montana. Kyle attended the 2015 Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio, Texas this past February.

The Top Hand Club is the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s “member-recruit-a-member” program, which has developed to recognize those Local Affiliate groups and individual members across the state who continually give their time and effort to help increase the strength of their state organization, the Montana Stockgrowers Association.

The 2015 winner will be announced at MSGA’s Annual Convention to be held Dec. 3-5 at the MetraPark in Billings. To learn more about MSGA’s 2015 Top Hand Club and to find information on membership programs and benefits, please visit the Top Hand Club page on our website.

Cattle on Feed Up 1 Percent, USDA Montana Reports Week Ending May 23

United States Cattle on Feed Up 1 Percent

Click image to view larger version.

Click image to view larger version.

Cattle and calves on feed for slaughter market in the United States for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 10.6 million head on May 1, 2015. The inventory was 1 percent above May 1, 2014.

Placements in feedlots during April totaled 1.55 million, 5 percent below 2014. Net placements were 1.48 million head.

During April, placements of cattle and calves weighing less than 600 pounds were 320,000, 600-699 pounds were 240,000, 700-799 pounds were 348,000, and 800 pounds and greater were 640,000.

Click image to view larger version.

Click image to view larger version.

Marketings of fed cattle during April totaled 1.64 million, 8 percent below 2014. April marketings are the lowest since the series began in 1996.

Other disappearance totaled 66,000 during April, 20 percent below 2014

Read more from the USDA’s May 22 Cattle on Feed report.



Montana Weekly Auction Summary for the week ending May 23, 2015

Market: Billings Livestock Commission, Miles City, Public Auction Yards

Receipts: 2,606; Last Week 5,452; Last Year 2,671

Compared to last week: Feeder cattle were all too lightly tested this week for an accurate market trend. Feeder cattle were of mostly plain and average quality this week, with a few small packages of attractive cattle scattered throughout the sales. Demand for feeder cattle continues to be moderate to good, however demand for high quality feeders is good to very good on very light offerings.

Weigh-up cows sold with good to very good demand this week on mostly moderate offerings. Slaughter cows sold 1.00-2.00 higher on all classes of slaughtercows offered this week. Packer buyers continue to have to fight for offerings as buyers looking forcows to feed and breed push prices higher yet again this week. Quality this week was overall very good which gave buyers even more reason to fight over offerings.

Buyers searching for breeding stock purchased young aged cows on moderate to good demand this week. Young aged 2-3 year olds sold mostly higher with increased interest from all buyers. Feeding cows sold higher this week as well. Cow/calf pairs continue to be offered across the state. Most offerings sold with very good demand. Aged broken mouth cows sold on the best demand this week with many ranchers searching for short keep cows to run on grass this summer.

Read more from USDA’s May 23 Montana Weekly Auction Summary.

National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary – Week Ending May 22, 2015

Feeders this week total – 204,700; Included Auctions-168,000; Direct-29,900; Video/Internet-6,800.

Compared to last week, yearlings sold fully steady to 3.00 higher with instances 5.00 higher as advance continues to be on heavy yearlings over 800 lbs.  Demand remains very good on yearlings as the draw of steady fed cattle prices on light trade Wednesday in Kansas at 161.00 continues to bring additional interest back to feeder cattle.

Steer and heifer calves traded steady to instances 5.00 higher where tested (mostly throughout the Midwest).Production areas farther north and west simply don’t do enough fall calving to test the market this time of the year, and the old crop calves are long gone.

Friday’s Cattle on Feed Report had May 1 inventory at 101 percent; placements at 95 percent and marketings at 92 percent.  Inventory was close to expectations, with placements significantly smaller than expected and marketings close to expectations.  Corn and soybean planting have had one of the nicest planting starts in several seasons, as corn planting is now 85 percent complete ahead of the 5-year average of 75 percent. Soybeans are 45 percent planted ahead of the 5-year average of 36 percent.

Auction Receipts:  168,000   Last Week:  147,500   Last Year:  172,200

  • Montana 2,600.  89% over 600 lbs.  40% heifers.
    • Steers:  Medium and Large 1  700-750 lbs (736) 238.20; 750-800 lbs (778) 228.90.
    • Heifers:  Medium and Large 1  600-650 lbs (625) 236.91; 700-750 lbs (721) 216.21.
  • Video Internet Receipts:  6,800    Last Week:  29,600   Last Year:  38,000; (86% over 600 lbs, 20% heifers)
  • Western Video Market: 5,900.  86% over 600 lbs.  23% heifers.
    • Northcentral Region (CO-WY-NE-MT-ND-SD-IA)  Steers:  Medium and Large 1 Sep few loads 425 lbs 350.00.

Read more from the USDA’s May 22 National Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary.

Weekly Montana Hay Report

Compared to last week:  Very little change was seen in the hay market this week as farmers just wait on the new crop to come in. What little bit of hay moved was moved at steady money. Western dairies still have no new contract prices. Demand for Alfalfa hay is light on very light supplies.

Many parts of central Montana received between 1.5 to 3.0 inches of much needed rain last weekend, which was a welcomed sight for all hay farmers. This rain did help curb the worry of an all-out drought, as well as, curb some demand for ranchers buying hay to stock up in case of a drought.

In western Montana hay continues to be sold to cover needs until cows can be turned out. Central Montana range conditions improved drastically with the recent rainfall and many ranchers are busy turning out cows.

Additionally, new crop hay contracts continue to filter in with slightly lower prices since the last rain. Light demand was seen for grass hay marketed within the state. Good demand continues to be seen for hay to ship to other areas of the country.

  • Alfalfa:   Supreme:  Small squares, 200.00
    • Premium:  Large squares, 150.00-155.00
    • Good:     Large squares, 120.00
    • Small squares, 138.00-150.00
    • Fair:     Large squares, 90.00-130.00
  • Grass:  Good:  Large Rounds, 90.00-100.00; New crop contract, 110.00-120.00; Large Squares, 100.00
  • Timothy Grass:  Premium:  Small Squares, 240.00.  Good:  Small Squares,160.00-180.00.
  • Straw:  Large Squares and Rounds, 35.00-40.00.

Read more from the USDA’s May 22 Weekly Montana Hay Report.