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Chase Bids Farewell to Montana Stockgrowers

Before I was welcomed into the ranching world as the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s (MSGA) communication intern in 2010, I had no idea how much the beef industry would impact my life. Nearly five years later, I am extremely proud to be an advocate for beef and for Montana’s ranchers. However, it’s with bittersweet emotion I share my news with you all. [caption id="attachment_2472" align=blog-postRight width="300"] Lauren Chase visiting the Storey Hereford Ranch in Bozeman, Montana.[/caption]

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Young Stockgrower Visits King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management

By Travis Brown, Sand Springs, Young Stockgrowers Vice-Chair What an exciting time to be involved in this industry! Record high calf prices, strong demand, an expanding cow herd, and good moisture across much of the United States has made this an electrifying time in our business. I am also very encouraged by the young leaders who are looking at beef production as a great way to make a good living. I had the opportunity last w

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Introducing Dr. Megan Van Emon – Montana State Extension Beef Specialist

Dr. Megan Van Emon began as the MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist located at the USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City, MT on August 1. Megan grew up on a small farm in northeast Indiana, where they raised pigs and dairy steers. She was a 10-year 4-H member and showed rabbits, goats, and beef. She studied Animal Science at Purdue University and graduated with her BS in 2006. Megan continued her education at Purdue with Dr. Scott Lake, studying ruminant nutrition and graduating with her MS in 2008. Her research topic was the opt

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MSGA Comments Following Establishment of Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program

On Tuesday, September 9, Governor Steve Bullock signed an executive order establishing the Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program. The program has been in the works for some time with several Montana groups having opportunity to provide input on maintaining state management of the Sage Grouse species and its habitat in the state of Montana. The Montana Stockgrowers Association has been involved in this process from the earliest stages, representing the interests our ranching family members

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Registration Opens for 2014 Young Ag Leadership Conference!

Registration is now open for the eleventh annual Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC)! This exciting, one-of-a-kind conference is set to take place October 3-5 at the Holiday Inn in Bozeman, MT. YALC is a collaborative effort between nine of Montana’s agricultural organizations, offering attendees a chance to discuss current ag issues, take part in various workshops, meet with industry leaders and network with fellow young people who live Montana agriculture. Anyone aged 18-40 and interested or involved in agriculture is encouraged to attend. The conference is put togethe

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Sage Grouse Habitat Montana

Governor Bullock Signs Executive Order Establishing the Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program

Helena, Mont. – Today, Governor Steve Bullock was joined by representatives from natural resource industries, ranchers, wind power advocates, sportsmen, and conservationists, as he signed an executive order establishing the Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program. The Program, which was developed from the ground up, and has broad support from a diverse group of interests, seeks to maintain state management of the Sage Grouse by protecting its habitat, while respecting the private property rights of Montanans. “Montanans recognize that it is in the best interest of our state, its

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Affiliate Highlight: Fergus County Livestock Association

The Fergus County Livestock Association is striving diligently to accomplish its purpose to “provide a local, organized body to aid the individual livestock producer and to promote knowledge and information to the industry as a whole.” Both the quality and quantity of the information sources we have made available to our membership has improved as we have formed alliances and partnerships within our community. One of the best examples of our collaborative efforts was the Montana Winter Fair Farm Forum held in January. We sourced a $5,000 speaker through S

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T-Bone Classic Golf Tournament & Gala at Big Sky, Sept. 12

By John Grande, Martinsdale, Research & Education Endowment Foundation Chair. Planning for the Montana Stockgrowers’ Foundation T-Bone Classic is off and running in a new location. After several years of the Montana Stockgrowers holding the T-Bone Classic Golf Tournament in Billings, the tournament is now being hosted by the Research, Education and Endowment Foundation (REEF) and has been moved to Big Sky. A full itinerary is planned with the golf tournament being held at the Arnold Palmer –designed Big Sky Golf Course on Friday, September 12, followed by the T-Bone Classic Gala that evening at

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NILE Merit Heifer Applications Now Online!

The Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) is once again taking applications for participants in the 2014 - 2015 NILE Merit Heifer Program.  The Merit Heifer program is a "live animal" scholarship that strives to help youth get a start in the beef cattle business by awarding heifer calves to participants chosen based on merit, future goals, and ability to care for the animal. Any youth ages 12-16, who is a 4-H or FFA member, may apply. Applications must be postmarked no later than Septe

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Montana Young Stockgrower Spends Summer Down Under

Written by Kelsey Haughian [caption id="attachment_2432" align="alignright" width="300"] Kelsey in the lead of 500 weaner calves to trail across the river.[/caption] Gidday all! I am Kelsey Haughian, a senior animal science student at Montana State University, who has recently returned to Montana after 3 months on a remote cattle station in South Central Queensland, Australia

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Beef It’s What’s For Dinner on Facebook | Beef Briefs

Did you know... The "Beef. It's What For Dinner." Facebook page has reached a new milestone by recently surpassing 825,000 Facebook Fans! Consumers continue to engage with likes, comments and shares on posts such as the Personal Beef Pizza recipe and a Tips and Technique post, which explained the differences between rubs and marinades. Each post helps the consumer make an easy, delicious beef meal any day of the week. Even the checkoff’s

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Montana Rancher Q and A: Hollyn Cardani, Havre

 Hollyn Cardani isn't an average college student. Between balancing classes, homework, and extracurricular activities, she is running her own cow herd (with her boyfriend) and trying to make it a  successful business in northern Montana. Hollyn has been an instrumental part of the Collegiate Stockgrowers at MSU-Northern club and today we learn more about her in the follow Q&A: [caption id="attachment_2265" align="alignright" width="155"] Hollyn Cardani and her horse.[/caption]

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Advocacy and Involvement Important For Young Stockgrowers

By Lacey Sutherlin, Stevensville, Young Stockgrowers Chair Greetings from the Beautiful Bitterroot Valley! I just finished our annual board meetings at ORIgen last week. And it has been an exciting year in cattle genetics thus far. Semen sales are up substantially in 2014. We are tending to see in an increase in sales to commercial customers verse registered due to many people keeping replacement heifers.

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Eastern Montana Updates from MSGA Directors

Southeastern District Update from Terry Haughian, Kinsey [caption id="attachment_2517" align="alignright" width="300"] Terry Haughian, MSGA Director for the Southeastern District[/caption] I hope everyone has had a great summer. So far, this area has not had any real bad hail or fires. Last year this whole area was hit hard by hail, the King Valley was hit twice and the Circle County hit hard. We have had a great grass year and a great year to refill reservoirs and pits. It looks like a very good “perfect storm” year with calf markets as g

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Cattle Health and FDA rule changes for antibiotics labeling | Podcast

[caption id="attachment_1342" align="alignright" width="199"] MSGA 2nd Vice President, Bryan Mussard, helped attendees learn more about the services MSGA offers Affiliate members across the state.[/caption] On today’s podcast, we’ll follow up on discussions held during the recent summer cattle industry conference held in Denver Colorado. In this section we'll focus on several issues related to cattle health. The Cattle Health and Well-Being committee passed policy regarding foreign animal diseases, which could cause a widespread quarantine and possible mass

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EPA Hands Over Maps Detailing the Extent of their WOTUS Proposal

WASHINGTON (Aug. 27, 2014) –The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology released maps today of waters and wetlands the Environmental Protection Agency has to-date refrained from making public. After multiple requests, the Agency finally handed over the maps to the committee, which appear to detail the extent of the “Waters of the United States” proposal.

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EPA changes to Waters of U.S., Beef Sustainability and Checkoff Increases | Podcast

On today's post we follow up with a podcast from the recent summer cattle industry conference held in Denver, Colorado. A broad range of issues were discussed at the meeting, but the subject drawing the most conversation was EPA's proposed changes to the Waters of the U.S. rule. We provided a preliminary analysis of the proposed rule changes in an earlier blog post.

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Importance of Being Involved at the National Meetings | Podcast

Each year, leaders from across the cattle industry meet for a summer meeting in Denver, Colorado as another opportunity to discuss important issues and to vote on policy guiding the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and Cattlemen’s Beef Board. This year, Montana ranchers had a strong showing as several members of MSGA leadership made the trip to represent our members and voice our concerns during the meetings. For the next few days, we will hear from some of those Montana ranchers and t

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Fire Effects in the Northern Great Plains

Information provided by Dr. Mark Petersen of the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City. Fire and grazing are natural and important processes in maintaining grasslands in the Great Plains and elsewhere.  Active fire suppression has in fact been recognized as a key disruptive force in rangeland ecosystem integrity throughout the world.  Fire’s ecological effects are numerous and complex.  Fire can manipulate nutrient dynamics, soils, vegetation, and animals. Primary

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Director’s Update: Western Montana

By Wayne Slaght, MSGA Director, Western District As the second half of 2014 begins, everyone has cattle out on grass, keeping a close eye on them and putting up the hay for another Montana winter. If you had a chance to go to the Mid-Year Stockgrowers meeting in Miles City last month, you wer

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Director’s Update on Events in North Central Montana

By Leon LaSalle, MSGA Director, North Central District [caption id="attachment_2310" align="alignright" width="300"] Youth participate in Super Starters events at the recent Montana Range Days[/caption] Greetings from North Central Montana where haying season is in full swing! It is not nearly as productive as last year’s record production, but we are still thankful for what we are getting. We had a dry, cold spring,

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Preliminary analysis of EPA/Corp’s Waters of the U.S. Proposed Rule

Ariel Overstreet-Adkins, MSGA legal/policy intern, has been working this summer to evaluate the EPA WOTUS rule changes. To learn more, contact the MSGA office, (406) 442-3420. To submit comments, visit before October 20, 2014. MSGA is currently undertaking a comprehensive legal analysis of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and

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We hear about reduced inventories in beef cattle – what are the facts?

Gary Brester of the College of Ag has shared some of his research findings with Ag Live. To learn more about PBS' Montana Ag Live program, visit their website. Submit your questions to be answered by MSU experts in future columns by emailing [email protected] are, indeed, down in the US…increased support of crops has had some producers leaving cattle; even though cattle prices are up, a producer doesn’t see increased payoff until that cow is sold, but increased hay prices come long before that – some produce

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Local Affiliate Highlight – Crazy Mountain Stockgrowers

Montana Stockgrowers has a diverse group of Local Affiliate members spread across the state. Throughout the year, we hope to feature these groups and their involvement with Montana’s ranching communities. If your Local Affiliate organization has yet to be featured, contact Ryan Goodman at the MSGA office, [email protected] This month, we feature the Crazy Mountain Stockgrowers Association, led by President, Matt Cremer of Melville. Matt can be contacted by email at [email protected]. The Crazy Moun

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2014 Governor’s Range Tour will highlight sustainable grazing practices in Mission Valley

RONAN, Mont. – This year’s Governor’s Range Tour will provide a great opportunity for producers, range professionals and the general public to see and discuss sustainable grazing practices on a number of Mission Valley livestock operations. The two-day event begins on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014, and concludes on Friday, Sept. 5. “This year’s tour will focus on improving pasture conditions and financial returns,” said Chris Malgren, administrator of the Lake County Conservation District. “We’re highlighting a number

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MSU Extension offering summer sale on ‘Range Plants of Montana’ book

BOZEMAN – Montana State University Extension is offering a sale on its book “Range Plants of Montana.” A color guide to identifying rangeland plants, the book is designed to be a useful reference for ranchers, land management personnel, students and nature enthusiasts. About two-thirds of Montana, 62 million acres, is classified as rangeland, which supports a large diversity of animal and plant species on varying geography. “Rangelands provid

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Wilsall Cattlewoman Receives National Educator Award

(Listen to the podcast at the end of this post!) Suze Bohleen of Wilsall was recently recognized for her volunteer efforts and dedication to beef education by the American National CattleWomen (ANCW) as recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Educator of the Year award at a meeting recently held in Denver, Colorado. The Educator of the Year award recognizes a member of ANCW who has initiated and participated in innovative and high quality programs in their local units or states in beef prom

Daines Discusses Issues With Montana Agriculture Groups

[caption id="attachment_2409" align="alignright" width="300"] Congressman Steve Daines answers questions from local television reporters prior to a meeting with Montana agricultural groups at the Stockgrowers office on August 7, 2014[/caption] Things were busy as we had several visitors at the office on Thursday afternoon, August 7. Congressman Steve Daines stopped by the Montana Stockgrowers’ office as a part of his agricultural tour across the state during the legislative Aug

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Montana Rancher Q and A: Rose Malisani, Cascade

[caption id="attachment_2245" align=blog-postRight width="300"] Rose Malisani on her horse near Cascade, MT.[/caption]Rose Malisani and her mother, Cindy, ranch near Cascade Montana.  Rose not only helps on the family ranch, but she also is the MSU

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Conference Expands Education on Issues That Matter To Young Cattlemen

By Ryan Hughes, Dillon, 2014 Montana Delegate for Young Cattlemen's Conference “Life’s hard. It is harder when you are stupid,” is a quote from a famous man we all know,

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Cattle Producers Discuss Policy Priorities at Industry Summer Conference

(The following is a press release from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association) Members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association addressed current policy priorities at the 2014 Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver this month, passing new resolutions and directives for the 2014 Policy Agenda. “Our policy committees are tasked with a broad spectrum of issues, with everything from environmental regulation to nutrition policy to trade barriers on the agenda,” said Bob McCan, NCBA president and Victoria, Texas, cattle producer. “Cattle producers gat

DOL Survey: High Use of Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Satisfaction with Services

(The following is a press release from the Montana Department of Livestock) A recent survey of Montana veterinarians shows that they use the Montana Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory in Bozeman, use it frequently and are overwhelmingly satisfied with the services it provides. The survey, conducted in June and July, was designed to gauge veterinarians’ satisfaction with the lab and identify potential areas for improvement. “We wanted to know how practicing veter

REEF Welcomes Gary Adams as new Trustee

[caption id="attachment_2342" align="alignright" width="240"] Gary Adams of Billings[/caption] At the recent meeting for the Trustees of the Research and Education Endowment Foundation, Gary Adams of Billings joined as the newest Trustee. We welcome Gary and are excited about the enthusiasm and experience he brings to REEF! Below is a brief introduction and statement he provided for us. Learn more about our work at I would like to thank the Research and Education Endowment Foundation of Montana Stockgrowers Association for asking me to serve on their Bo

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MSU students tie for second in national animal science competition

(The following is a press release from Montana State University. To learn more about the team's regional win earlier this year, click here.) BOZEMAN -- Four students from the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at Montana State University tied for second place in the National Academic Quadrathlon, h

Big Timber native awarded W.D. Farr Scholarship from National Cattlemen’s Foundation

Ariel Overstreet-Adkins, a native of Big Timber, was recently awarded the W.D. Farr Scholarship from the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. The $12,000 scholarship is awarded to two graduate students each year, recognizing superior achievement in academics and leadership, while working to benefit the beef cattle industry. The award was presented at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver, Colorado. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the National Cattlemen’s Foundation (NCF) and

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Walsh cosponsors bill to ‘beef up’ livestock industry

(The following is a press release from the office of Senator John Walsh) Montana ranchers applaud Senator’s leadership to improve resources for cattle ranching families (US SENATE)—Senator John Walsh last week cosponsored legislation that improves and updates Agriculture Department resources for Montana ranchers. The American Livestock Protection and Ranching Opportunity Act establishes a Livestock Disease Initiative and authorizes $5 million annually to study bovine brucellosis and other livestock diseases.  Walsh’s bill also prohibits the import of foreign beef until the USDA certifies the exporting country is totally free of 

Stockgrowers Foundation Announces Change in Leadership

At their recent Mid Year meeting in Miles City, the Research and Education Endowment Foundation of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (REEF) announced a change in leadership as Townsend rancher Dusty Hahn finished his five-year term as Foundation Chairman. John Grande of Martinsdale will serve as the newly elected Chairman and Gary Adams of Billings will join the REEF Board as a new Trustee. “It’s been an honor to have served as the Foundation Chairman for the last five years,” according to Dusty Hahn. “In my nine years as a Trustee, I really feel that

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Show Your #FairThanks

By Jennifer M. Latzke, Associate Editor, High Plains Journal Ribbons and trophies and banners and premiums—oh my. Whenever we tell the story of youth programs, we tend to focus on who won the rosette, whose name will be engraved on the trophy, who gets to place that placard above their stall reading, “Grand Champion Market Beef.” It’s too easy to take for granted, however, the small business owners and individuals who make those rewards possible for our youth. You know them. They’re your neighbors who have the beauty shops on main

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FWP Bison Discussion Group Meeting Held in Billings

By Jay Bodner, MSGA Director of Natural Resources MSGA attended and participated in the latest Bison Discussion Group, convened by MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks.  The meeting was held in July 14-15 in Billings, MT.  The discussion group included various interests such as agriculture, sportsmen, bison advocates and legislators.  This was the second meeting held by MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks to discuss the development of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) that would consider a range of alternatives to bison reintroduction. The first day of the meeting include

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Board of Livestock Creates Budget Subcommittee, Encourages Industry Participation

(The following is a press release from the Montana Department of Livestock after their Board meeting on Tuesday, July 29, 2014. Minutes from the meeting will be available on the DOL website. The Montana Stockgrowers encourages ranchers and members to provide us with feedback. Please contact us through email or call (406) 442-3420.) In an effort to address funding issues for the Depar

USDA Reports Show Total Cattle and On Feed Inventory Declines

July 1 Cattle Inventory Down 3 Percent from 2012 All cattle and calves in the United States as of July 1, 2014, totaled 95.0 million head, 3 percent below the 97.8 million on July 1, 2012. This is the lowest all cattle and calves inventory for July 1 since the series began in 1973. After a year absence due to sequestration, the July Cattle report has been reinstated. All cows and heifers that have calved, at 39.0 million, were down 2 percent from July 1, 2012. Beef cows, at 29.7 million, were down 3 percent from July 1, 2012. Milk cows, at 9.3 million, up 1 percent from July 1, 2012. Other class estimates on July 1, 2014 and the changes from July 1, 2012, are as follows: All heifers

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House Passes Bill to Modernize Endangered Species Act

WASHINGTON (Public Lands Council) - Today, the House passed H.R. 4315 the Endangered Species Transparency and Reasonableness Act by a vote of 233 to 190. The Public Lands Council and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association strongly support the legislation, which combines four bills previously marked up by the

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Montana Rancher Feature Q&A: Lillian Ostendorf

[caption id="attachment_2219" align="alignright" width="233"] Lillian and Tom Ostendorf.[/caption] Lillian and her husband, Tom, own and operate the Ostendorf Red Angus Ranch near Powderville, Montana. They are working to not only run a successful cattle business, but to be able to pass the ranch on to the next generation when the time is right. This family business means the world to the more in today's Q&A feature with Lillian: How long has your family been involved in ranching? [caption id="attachment_2215" align="al

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USDA Reminds Farmers of 2014 Farm Bill Conservation Compliance Changes

WASHINGTON — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today reminded producers that changes mandated through the 2014 Farm Bill require them to have on file a Highly Erodible Land Conservation and Wetland Conservation Certification (AD-1026). The Farm Bill relinked highly erodible land conservation and wetland conservation compliance with eligibility for premium support paid under the federal crop insurance program. “It’s important that farmers and ranchers taking the right steps to conserve valuable farm and natural resources have completed AD-1026 forms on file at their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office,” said Vilsack. “This will ensure they remain eligible for crop insurance support.” For farmers to be e

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Governor’s Range Tour, September 4-5 in Ronan, Montana

Save the date!! 2014 Annual Range Tour will be hosted by Lake County Conservation District (LCCD) in Ronan, MT on September 4-5. The Lake County Conservation District, Rangeland Resources Executive Committee (RREC), and DNRC would like to invite you to attend the 2014 Annual Range Tour. The tour will be held Thursday September 4t

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Martinsdale Rancher Becomes Foundation Chairman

The Montana Stockgrowers Association's Foundation is happy to announce that John Grande of Martinsdale, Montana is our newly elected Chairman. He will serve in this position for five years and guide the Trustee board in innovations, awarding scholarships and funding educational and research programs that better the Montana ranching community. In the following Q&A, Mr. Grande shares his thoughts on the future of the Foundation and his new role... [caption id="attachment_2089" align="alignright" width="300"] John Grande, MSGA Foundation Chairman[/caption] What are the projects you are

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What Does Stockgrowers Do For Montana Ranching?

By Ray Marxer, Twin Bridges, MSGA Western District Director How about this cattle market! Our district has had quite a winter and spring with a lot of variation in snow and rain. Most of the area has had lots of winter snow and cold and adequate spring rain. However, the southwestern portion had little snow and is lacking for moisture. This is typical of our member driven organization. We all have our own challenges and sometimes the same ones, but they may affect each of us in a different way. Thus, the need for an organization like MSGA to help us all both understa

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Are you the Face of Farming and Ranching? | Beef Briefs

Did you know ... USFRA is seeking new ‘Faces of Farming & Ranching?’ In an effort to help put a real face on agriculture, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) will begin looking for the new “Faces of Farming & Ranching” later this year. The organization will select standout farmers and ranchers who are proud of what they do, eager to and active in sharing their stories in pubic and on social media. To apply, visit Faces of Fa

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Federal Spending Bill Includes Important Provisions for Producers

(The following is a Press Release from the National Public Lands Council) - The House Interior appropriations bill passed through committee, on July 15th, by a vote of 29 to 19. The Public Lands Council and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association strongly support the bill, which allocates how federal dollars are spent for the Department of Interior,

2014 Montana Property Rights Conference, August 14 and 15

The following is an announcement from the United Property Owners of Montana he 2014 Montana Property Rights Conference will be held in Billings on Aug 14 and 15. The event features three nationally-recognized speakers, as well Montana-based experts in a number of topic areas. The two-day event is free to elected officials and students, and costs just $25 for everyone else (if registered by Aug 1). For full event details, please visit: This is a great opportunity to learn m

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Montana Rancher Q and A: Cam Cooper, Talon Ranch

Camron "Cam" Cooper of Twin Bridges, Montana had her sights set on running a cattle ranch and about twenty years ago, she was able to accomplish that dream. Cam owns the Talon Ranch which is both a commercial and registered seedstock Angus operation. Cam’s heart reaches far beyond the borders of Montana. She is leaving her entire estate to the Angus Foundation and established a scholarship program to help the nation’s young cattle raisers. Today on the blog, we feature Cam…her work, her ranch, her generosity… [caption id="attachment_2014" align=blog-postRight width="227"]

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Specialists, Generalists, and Working with People

Dr. Rachel Endecott, Belgrade, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Sometimes, it seems that the world wants people who specialize. For example, my job title is Extension beef cattle specialist; however, “beef cattle” is a fairly general topic. In fact, I’m trained as a ruminant nutritionist, but I help folks with cattle reproductive physiology, genetics, marketing, health, and general management questions on a regular basis in addition to their nutrition questions. I’ve found that my clientele don’t

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Checkoff Introduces U.S. Beef to Asian Chefs | Beef Briefs

Did you know ... The Beef Checkoff is adding more beef to ASEAN menus? An intensive two-day training program for chefs from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in April – funded, in part, by the beef checkoff – introduced them to a wider variety of U.S. beef cuts for their menus. Although participating chefs already use U.S. bee

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2014 Cattle Industry Summer Conference In Denver, July 30 – August 2

DENVER – Bob McCan, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president, said if cattlemen and women want a seat at the table and involvement in shaping the future of the beef industry, attendance at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference is a must. The conference features meetings of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Cattlemen's Beef Promotion & Research Board (CBB), American National CattleWomen, Inc. and National Cattlemen's Foundation. Pr

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MSU students win regional animal science competition for second year in a row

[caption id="attachment_2225" align="alignright" width="465"] Members of the MSU quadrathlon team are (from left) Ben Stokes, Jessica Roloff, adviser Rachel Endecott, Anna Downen and Preston Kiehl. (Photo from the American Society of Animal Science).[/caption] BOZEMAN -- Four students from the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at

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Montana Massey Ferguson Teams Up with Stockgrowers for Tractor Raffle

Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is excited to announce a new partnership with Montana Massey Ferguson Dealers. One lucky Montana rancher will be awarded with a 200 hour or 8 month (whichever comes first) lease on a 130 HP, MF7614 tractor with a MF968 loader. Raffle tickets are $20 each or 6 for $100 and will be available at the MSGA office in Helena, from MSGA Board of Directors, and all events where MSGA is present through the remainder of the year. Insurance covering the equipment during the lease period will be provided by MSGA. The drawing will be held at MSGA’s Annual Convention in Billings, December 11-13, 2014. Entrants do not have to be MSGA members to participate. Contact the MSGA office in Helena for tickets and more information, (406) 442-3420.

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Montana Water Policy Updates – Ditches, CSKT, Adjudication and More

The following update is taken from our Land Use & Environment Committee meetings during Mid Year in Miles City last month, courtesy of Krista Lee Evans, Blake Creek Project Management. Krista was generous enough to provide our members an update via video conference using Google's Hangout On Air product. Our ranchers were able to see and listen to Krista's update even though she wasn't able to physically be in Miles City with us. It's great to see ranchers embracing technology, which allows us to open more doors for bett

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Happy Independence Day from Montana Stockgrowers

From all of us at the Montana Stockgrowers Association, we wish you a happy Independence Day! Be sure to head on over to our Facebook and Twitter pages to share with us the highlights of your Holiday weekend! We'd love to see your photos from parades, rodeos, and events across

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Capturing the Story of Ranch Life Through Photography

[caption id="attachment_2160" align="alignright" width="300"] Rancher Bob Sitz utilizing his digital camera to document range conditions on the ranch.[/caption] What do C.M. Russell and Evelyn Cameron have in common? They both depicted the Montana cowboy way of life. Both of these artists expressed their interpretations by uniquely documenting the humanity and beauty of ranch life. Their images now stand the test of time

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Calculating Calving Distribution to Evaluate Reproductive Performance

By Dr. Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension, Beef Cattle Specialist Calculating calving distribution is one way to evaluate the previous year’s reproductive performance for the cowherd. Calving distribution follows how cows are calving during the calving season, split into 21-day periods (the length of a cow’s estrous cycle). The starting date of the calving distribution can be determined in a couple different ways. The first is to add 283 days (average gestation length) to the breeding date or bull turnout date, and the second is to assign the starting date as the day when the third mature cow calves.

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Montana Rancher Q&A Feature: Curt Pate on Stockmanship

[caption id="attachment_1796" align="alignright" width="300"] Curt Pate at Stockmanship Clinic.[/caption] Many of us have had the pleasure of attending one of Curt Pate's stockmanship and stewardship clinics, and today, we would like to feature him in our Montana Rancher Q&A spotlight. Curt has a keen eye for handling livestock, but also, a great ability to teach. He is a blessed with a wonderful family that supports him and has passion for cattle, too. Tell us about your family's history with ranching in Montana. My grandfather, Leonard Frank, was

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Townsend Rancher Completes Foundation Chair Term

By Dusty Hahn, Outgoing Montana Stockgrowers Association's Foundation Chairman [caption id="attachment_2088" align="alignright" width="300"] Dusty Hahn of Townsend, Montana.[/caption] It's been an honor to have served as the Foundation chairman for the last 5 years. In my 9 years as a Trustee, I've gotten to help evolve the Foundation from one that had a handful of small projects into one that tackles larger, more complex projects. I really feel that the Foundation has helped Montana Stockgrowers

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2014 Farm Bill provides Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP)

The Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Farm Bill) makes the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) a permanent program and provides retroactive authority to cover eligible losses back to October 1, 2011. LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered grazing losses for covered livestock on land that is native or improved pastureland with permanent vegetative cover or is planted specifically for grazing. The grazing losses must be due to a qualifying drought condition during the normal grazing period for the county.

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Gentle Hands Livestock Conference, June 27 and 28 in Shelby

This weekend, MSGA Local Affiliate, Marias River Livestock Association is holding the Gentle Hands Livestock Conference in Shelby, MT. Listen to the following podcast for more information about MRLA and the conference from Maggie Nutter of Sweetgrass. Also, go to for registration and details. [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="300" iframe="true" /] Friday, June 27, 2014 Shelby High School Auditorium

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Checkoff and Beef Quality Assurance | Beef Briefs

Did you know ... ... your Beef Checkoff Program helps build consumer confidence? Today’s consumers want to know more about how their food was raised, and the checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program can be a positive influence in sharing with consumers how cattlemen and women provide the best care possible for their cattle.

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Fantastic Outcome for Foundation at MSGA’s Mid-Year Meeting

[caption id="attachment_2099" align="aligncenter" width="700"] MSGA's Foundation Trustees at Mid-Year Meeting 2014.[/caption] The 2014 Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Mid Year Meeting in Miles City provided a fantastic outcome for the Research & Education Endowment Foundation (REEF). At multiple fundraising events throughout Mid Year, the Foundation brought in generous donations, totaling more than $15,000, to help support Montana’s youth via scholarships and educational opportunities for the ranching community. This year, the Foundation was lucky to receive many auction items donated from Montana ranchers and the community. REEF trustees also hosted a fundraiser pancake breakfast for

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Comment Period Opens on DSA Boundary Adjustment; Public Meeting Set for July 2

Public comment on expanding the state’s Designated Surveillance Area (DSA) for brucellosis to include a 365-square mile chunk of land between Norris and Three Forks (see map) opened late last week. The Montana Board of Livestock at its last meeting approved putting the proposal out for review after learning that 10 of 60 elk in the corresponding elk hunting district (

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Feeding Weedy Hay: Implications for Future Weed Problems?

Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist In the past few years, many Montana beef cattle operations have purchased hay, sometimes from many counties away, and even from another country based on the Canadian hay that we’ve seen move south the past few winters! Some of that hay might have been fairly weedy, or have different weeds than are found in your area. Just how well do weed seeds survive after going through the digestive system of a ruminant? A Canadian study from the early 1990s evaluated weed seed viability after 24 hours of rumen incubation for many common weeds. In general, they found that after 24 hours in the rumen, grass weed species were more adversely affected than broadleaf weed species. Many broadleaf weed species have harder seed coats than grass weed species, w

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Summer Grilling Means Easy Beef Recipes | Beef Briefs

Did you know ... …summer grilling promotions are heating up? As the summer grilling season begins to heat up, the checkoff’s “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” website will debut new “how to prepare beef” online videos, including new techniques and tips for grilling great steaks at home, and will provide additional information about beef’s 10 essential nutrients on the site. The checkoff will reach out to its target audience of older millennial parents th

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Stockgrowers Continue Tradition, Host Mid Year in Miles City

[caption id="attachment_2106" align="alignright" width="300"] MSGA Directors Jim Steinbeisser and Jack Holden in the Parade in Downtown Miles City[/caption] The 2014 Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Mid-Year Meeting drew over 300 ranchers from across the state for policy meetings and MSGA’s annual Ranch Tour. The meeting also hosted several events for the community, including a concert with the Bellamy Brothers, an All-Horse/Livestock Parade through downtown, and the Miles City Ranch Rodeo.

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Inside Trade Agreements – The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

Editor’s Note: Part two of a series of articles (Part 1) in which we will look at trade and the organizations that set the standards for these agreements. The next article will focus on the Codex Alimentarius. Provided by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association for educational purposes. By: Mallory Gaines, NCBA Policy Analyst, Cattle Health As discussed in the first article in this series, trade is a fundamental part of America’s cattle industry and the NCBA supports free and fair trade based on internationally-accepted, sound science. The framework supporting this principal is the

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Montana Rancher Q&A Feature: Wanda Pinnow, Montana CattleWomen President

[caption id="attachment_1775" align="alignright" width="300"] Wanda Pinnow with husband, Craig.[/caption] Wanda Pinnow of Baker, Montana is currently serving as the Montana CattleWomen Association's president and has spent her life raising cattle and sheep on her family's ranch. Like all businesses, running the ranch hasn't always been easy, but the work created a life that Wanda and her family are passionate about and are excited to pass t

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MSU-Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers Head into Summer with busy schedule

Jaylee Berg (Secretary/Treasurer) and Hollyn Cardani (President), MSU-Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers With the end of school and summer right around the corner we would like to give you a little recap of what our MSU Northern Collegiates have been up to this Spring semester. Picking up where we left off with our last update, as previously planned, our group had the opportunity to tour the Northern Agricultural Research Center at Fort Assinaboine. Darrin Boss and his associates were kind enough to answer all our questions we had and did a great job showing our group around their facility. The tour consisted o

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Inside Trade Agreements – World Trade Organization (WTO)

Editor’s Note: Part one of a series of articles in which we will look at trade and the organizations that set the standards for these agreements. The next article will focus on the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Provided by National Cattlemen's Beef Association for educational purposes. Trade is a fundamental part of America’s cattle industry, and

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Northeast Montana Update | Bakken and ranchers

By Jim Steinbeisser. Sidney, Northeast Region Director By the end of May, spring is finally underway! This sure is a great time to be in the cattle business, isn’t it? Strong cattle markets and with that, positive balance sheets for our individual businesses, give us an opportunity to reevaluate where we focus our resources. Being from the Sidney area in the heart of the Bakken oil boom, I am asked occasionally what it is like to ranch in the middle of all that. I will say it is mostly good. The economy of the area is certainly stro

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DOT Exempts Livestock from Hours of Service Requirement

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Transportation has granted a one-year exemption to the Hours-of-Service requirement for the transportation of livestock. The Hours-of-Service rules required all commercial motor vehicle operators, including livestock transporters, to take a 30-minute rest break for every eight hours of service. This is in addition to all scheduled stops not counting time for refueling and other breaks. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President and Victoria, Texas, cattleman, Bob McCan said the move alleviates many of the concerns of cattlemen and women as they face warmer temperatures this summer. “This is great news for livestock producers and for the health of our herds,” said McCan. “As we come into summer, cattle producers

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25 Valuable Skills College and High School Graduates Should Possess

By John Paterson, NCBA Executive Director of Education With college and high school graduations recently having been completed, I was curious what professors and employers believe are the ideal qualifications for the new graduate. I sought the opinion of nationally respected university professors and industry professionals. Here are their answers: Dan Kniffen, Animal Science Professor, Penn State University: Employers pursue individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to showing up on time and completing a full day. Education will be assumed. If you have attended school they will anticipate

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Southeastern Montana Update | Sage Grouse, Small Ranchers, and Mid Year

By Fred Wacker, Miles City, Southeastern Region Director Here in Southeastern Montana, Miles City, surrounding towns and communities are all abuzz with talk of the up-coming 2014 Mid-Year Montana Stockgrowers Convention on June 13 & 14. People are excited to welcome Montana Stockgrowers members, guests, and supporters to Miles City for the 130th convention of Montana’s oldest and most respected agriculture organization. People are excited about the concert, featur

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Ranching, Meet Technology! Technology, Meet Ranching!

The following is a special guest post from Walker Milhoan, a Collegiate Stockgrowers member at the University of Montana in Missoula. Walker attended the recent Ranch Sustainability Forum with the Padlock Ranch near Sheridan, Wyoming. His presentation covered technology to be used on the ranch and we believe it's very valuable insight for the ranching community. Last week my colleague Jen Livsey and I were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to present at the

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Montana Rancher Q & A: Scott Wiley of Musselshell

As part of the Montana Family Ranching Project, Montana rancher features are imperative for telling the beef story. Today, we feature Scott Wiley of Musselshell, Montana. Scott and wife Kathy, along with their two daughters and son, run the Wiley Ranch located in the Bull Mountains. Not only does Scott ranch, but he also volunteers with the local 4-H, Montana Stockgrowers Association, and a cultural exchan

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Mid Year Meeting Next Week | Event Highlights

With only one week to go until the 130th Mid-Year Meeting Celebration the MSGA Board of Directors and staff are busy finalizing details to make this Mid-Year Meeting the best Mid-Year yet! With an incredible list of events this will be the one Mid-Year Meeting you don’t want to miss. Make sure you register TODAY (Monday, June 2) to receive the early registration discount. Here is a review of the incredible events we have planned for you June 13 & 14 in Miles City, Montana. Go to

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Beef and Heart Disease: Should It Be What’s For Dinner?

Lisa Murray, Director of Nutrition, Montana Beef Council Although many people may think there’s little place in cholesterol-lowering diets for beef, research suggests just the opposite. According to a clinical study, Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet (BOLD), published in the January 2012 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in

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Montana’s Lesley Robinson Chosen President of Western Counties Group

Commissioner Lesley Robinson, Phillips County, Mont., was sworn in on May 23 as president of the Western Interstate Region (WIR), a caucus affiliated with the National Association of Counties (NACo). During her swearing-in at NACo’s WIR conference in Anchorage Municipality, Alaska, Robinson spoke of her commitment to be a strong voice for Western county policy priorities at the federal level. Lesley and her her husband, Jim, are ranchers in Dodson area and long-time active members of the Montana Stockgrowers Association and Montana Public Lands Council.

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Calling All Montana CattleWomen to Mid-Year

Wanda Pinnow, Baker, Montana CattleWomen President I would like to take this time to invite you and your members to come to Montana CattleWomen’s Mid-Year meeting to be held in wonderful Livingston. Park County CattleWomen will be our host for this year’s event on June 20-21 at the Yellowstone Inn and Convention Center. We have several items available for each affiliate who att

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Montana 4-H Brand an Animal Program Supports Youth

The Montana 4-H Foundation “Brand an Animal for 4-H” program expands learning opportunities for more than 20,366 4-H youth and 4,200 volunteers throughout the state. By branding an animal for 4-H, you can help offset the costs of statewide events and activities available to all Montana 4-H Youth, enabling more kids to experience 4-H. The brand is applied to the left rib on cattle, either by use of a bar iron in multiple steps, or a one-piece branding iron which can be obtained from the Montana 4-H Foundation, or by contacting y

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Spring Includes Branding, Rodeo, and Helena Visit for MSU Collegiates

This Spring has been exciting and eventful for the Collegiate Stockgrowers at MSU. The month kicked off with a work crew heading to Harrison to brand at the Sitz Ranch, then proceeded to stay busy with some of the members spending a day in Helena at the MSGA office, and wrapping business up as we prepare to part ways for the summer. In the midst of the MSU Rodeo, the club got a call that asked for a branding crew and members were more than eager to fill the role. A group consisting of

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Preview to the Young Cattlemen’s Conference with Montana’s Delegate – Ryan Hughes

Each year, the Montana Stockgrowers Association’s Foundation sends one Young Stockgrowers member on a trip of a lifetime. The Young Cattlemen’s Conference (YCC), hosted by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, takes a group of bright and motivated young beef industry leaders on a

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Board of Livestock Indefinitely Tables Action on Bison Environmental Assessment

This week the Board of Livestock met in Helena for their May meeting. One of the major items on the agenda was to review proposals from Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) and the Department of Livestock (DOL) on an Environmental Assessment that would allow more tolerance of Yellowstone bison on its western boundary.

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Restaurant Education | Beef Briefs

Did you know ... …your beef checkoff is inspiring restaurants to innovate with beef? To help foodservice operators get more value for their top-selling beef cuts in foodservice – sirloin, top loin and ribeye – the checkoff introduced new cut utilization tools on

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Young Stockgrowers to Host Meeting at Mid-Year in Miles City

Today's Ranching Industry & Planning for the Future Ranchers under 40 years of age have an additional reason to attend this year’s MSGA Mid Year Meeting in Miles City, June 13 & 14. Prior to the main Mid Year events, the Young Stockgrowers are hosting a workshop and leadership training geared toward younger generations on the ranch. These workshops will give young ranchers an opportunity to network with their peers and learn skills and information they can take back to the ranch. The Young St

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Foundation to hold Saddle Rollover Auction in Memory of Alzada Rancher

[caption id="attachment_1896" align=blog-postRight width="202"] Shawn with horse, Fox[/caption] In the last days of 2013, Montana lost a beloved son, uncle, friend, and stockman. Shawn Pilster of Alzada (46) passed away on December 27 in his home on the family ranch. Shawn was active in the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA), Montana Public Lands Council, Carter County Sheep and Cattle Growers Association, and 4-H programs. He had served in the US Army for three years before being honorably discharged. Shawn went on to work for the timber industry, Caterpillar, and eventually, returned home to the ranch.

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Montana Ranching FAQ | Cattle Industry Trends

Q: Are there trends in the cattle industry that Stock growers should know? A. Gary Brester, MSU Ag Economist, shared some current research findings with us – these are preliminary and he will share the entire report when it is finished – but there were about 80 M cattle in US in 2011 – down from an all-time high of about 130 M in the late 1970s. The good news is that domestic demand is a little stronger today than in previous years, and foreign demand is also increasing – they have more money and their populations are growing (don’t hold your breath, this is slow growth).

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Kay Dee® Launches New SR 6.0 IGR Mineral®

A New Complete 6% Phosphorous Granular Mineral Offers Altosid® IGR Fly Control for Cow/Calf Producers Kay Dee® Feed Company, a leading manufacturer of livestock mineral and protein supplements has launched the Kay Dee SR 6.0 IGR Granular Mineral, a new complete mineral with Altosid® IGR to control horn flies1. Using Altosid IGR in a mineral supplement is convenient for producers, and horn flies do not build a resistance to IGR like they do with other methods of fly control: dust bags, pour-ons, ear tags, and sprays. K

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Montana Stockgrowers Participate in Spring Legislative Session

While Capitol Hill may be on the opposite side of the country, many laws and regulations passed by policy makers affect our industry on a regular basis. Earlier this month, MSGA leadership and staff continued out commitment to representing our members and the Montana ranching community by making a trip to Washington D.C. for the Spring Legislative Conferences for both the Public Lands Council (PLC) and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Associa

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Montana Ford Stores Continues Partnership with Stockgrowers for Sixth Year

Helena, Mont. – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) and Montana Ford Stores are entering their sixth year as partners, designating Ford “The Official Truck of the Montana Stockgrowers Association.” MSGA and the Montana Ford Stores will give away a Ford Super Duty truck to one lucky MSGA member at the Montana Stockgrowers’ 2014 A

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Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Releases Draft Principles and Criteria

The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) released its draft Principles and Criteria document in March. Those principles and criteria provide a basic framework for defining beef sustainability without setting standards or creating a “one-size-fits-all” approach to how beef should be produced. The sustainability principles and criteria contained within the document represent a yearlong, multi-stakeholder process which included participants from around the world, including representatives

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Changes in the Use of Feed Grade Antibiotics | Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum

Montana Stockgrowers was proud to sponsor the 2014 Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum. The following is a recap of the issues covered from the May Cow Sense Chronicle by Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. To view speaker slides from the conference, follow this link to MSU Extension's website. To view the monthly Cow Sense Chronicle, click here. Greetings from

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Montana Mother’s Day: Love of the Ranching Way

By Lauren Chase At the Montana Stockgrowers Association, we know that it's important to recognize not only the work that the women do on the ranch, but also, to honor their role as mother for the family. We asked our membership to describe their mothers and state why theirs would win the Best Mother of the Year Award...if we were to give one out. Of course, we think all of our Montana ranch moms deserve the award! Thanks for all you do for your families and Happy Mother's Day!

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Masters of Beef Advocacy Informs Producers | Beef Briefs

Did you know ... ... the checkoff’s Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) program equips beef producers across the country to tell their stories in presentations to schools and church/civic groups, through local media, at the local coffee shop, and in the “virtual” world of the Internet? The MBA program is a self-directed online training program designed to equip beef producers and industry allies with the information they need to be everyday advocates for the beef industry. Five years

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NCBA and PLC Support the Modernization of Endangered Species Act

(via NCBA Beltway Beef) The Endangered Species Act has become one of the most economically damaging laws facing our nation’s livestock producers. When species are listed as “threatened” or “endangered” under the ESA,the resulting use-restrictions placed on land and water, the two resources upon which ranchers depend for their livelihoods, are crippling.The ESA has not been reauthorized since 1988 and is in great need of modernization. The National Cattlemen’s Bee Association and the Public Lands Council support all attempts to modernize and streamline the ESA and have provided several recommendations to Congress. The House of Representatives Endangered Species Act Congressional Working Group released a rep