Increasing Ranch Profitability; Spring Sustainable Ranching Workshop & Field Trip

Sharing ideas and expereince with the goal of increased ranch profitability and sustainability in Southwest Montana.

  • March 25 & 26, 2025
  • Beaverhead County 4-H Building
  • Dillon, Montana


  • March 25 – Workshop (8:30 am – 5:00 pm
    • 8:30 – 9:00 AM | Welcome & Sustainable Grazing Project Update
    • 9:00 – 12:00 PM | Expert speakers, including Dr. Fred Provenza, Dr. Jeff Mosley, and Donnie Engelhardt, will discuss reducing costs and increasing vegetative production and nutrition.
    • 12:00 – 1:00 PM | Lunch Provided (Taco Bar)
    • 1:00 – 5:00 PM | Sessions on carbon markets, enhancing ecosystem services through ranch success, and regenerative agriculture, featuring Kris Hulvey (Working Lands Conservation), Lora Soderquist (Impact Ag Partners), and Ford Smith (Kateri Carbon).
  • March 26 – Field Trip (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
    • Visit Open A Ranch north of Dillon
    • Learn about winter grazing, soil health, cost savings, production increase and other benefits from Race King and Rob Van Deren
    • Carpooling available from the fairgrounds

Register online for FREE at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxQTdKro6t-QXu42CjyHDhGxCTHMbxBTubDQdKq5cIrBYVvQ/viewform or contact Pat Gosse at 406-660-2386 to register.

FWP reminder: Bears are waking up, time to be bear aware

HELENA – As spring weather approaches, we’re all anxious to get out and enjoy the weather – people and bears alike.

This time of year, bears are waking up from hibernation and beginning to look for food. It’s time to ensure that people are securing attractants to avoid conflicts with bears and being prepared to encounter bears when they are out recreating.

“Being bear aware means that you assume bears are around, even if you don’t see them,” Oyler said. “You shouldn’t leave anything around your home or campsite that will attract a bear.”

Bears can be found throughout Montana. In recent years, grizzly bear populations have expanded and can be found anywhere west of Billings, Oyler said.

“Most bears want to avoid contact with people,” Oyler said. “But the best thing to do to avoid an unpleasant encounter is to be loud and give them warning long before you see a bear and know what to do if you have an encounter.”

Some of the first people to hit the woods as the snow melts are shed hunters who are looking for antlers dropped by elk, deer or moose. Often bears are searching for a meal too and can key in on new green growth or winter-killed animals at the snow line, putting them in close proximity to antler hunters.

If you’re heading out make sure to follow some general tips:

  • Carry bear spray and be prepared to use it.
  • Travel in groups whenever possible and plan to be out in the daylight hours.
  • Avoid carcass sites and concentrations of ravens and other scavengers.
  • Watch for signs of bears such as bear scat, diggings, torn-up logs and turned-over rocks, and partly consumed animal carcasses.
  • Make noise, especially near streams or in thick forest where hearing and visibility is impaired. This can be the key to avoiding encounters. Most bears will avoid humans when they know humans are present.
  • Don’t approach a bear.

Bear aware event

Oyler will host a virtual bear aware presentation on April 1, at 6 p.m. Visit fwp.mt.gov/bear-aware for login information and for more information on being bear aware. To watch a video on being bear aware, click here. FWP’s website is a great resource for information on living and recreating in bear country.

The next Montana Board of Livestock meeting will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm in the Montana Department of Livestock Conference Room #319, Scott Hart Building, 301 N. Roberts, Helena, MT. THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME TO ATTEND THIS MEETING IN PERSON, BUT ATTENDANCE WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE VIRTUALLY BY ZOOM. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING WILL BE LIVE-STREAMED ON THE BOL WEBSITE.

The agenda will be posted to the Department of Livestock website at liv.mt.gov soon. For instructions on how to join the meeting virtually or, if you would like a printed copy of the agenda, please call 406-444-9321 or email at [email protected].

406 Grazing Academy 

Join us June 3-5, 2025 in Havre, Montana for the 406 Grazing Academy!

The 406 is an immersive 3-day hands-on learning experience to deepen your knowledge of grazing management. This event will feature educational and campfire speakers, grazing demos, in-class instruction, and field tours of MSU’s Northern Agricultural Experiment Station in Havre.

Workshop cost has been REDUCED from $250 to $150 per person (thanks to a grant received from the Western Sustainable Agriculture and Education (WSARE)). Registration fees include educational materials, dinner and lunch all 3 days.

Participants are responsible for travel and hotel costs. A limited number of scholarships to assist those interested in attending are available through the Montana Rural Employment Opportunities (REO) program; for additional details on REO visit https://reomontana.org/.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Havre Inn & Suites use code: DNRC to reserve your room. Class size is limited, so register today!

Registration & room block both end 4/28/2025

If you need assistance registering, contact Stacey Barta at (406) 594-8481

or Shantell Martin at (406) 531-4584.

Register for 406 Grazing Academy


USDA’s Farm Service Agency has announced up to $10 billion in direct payments to eligible agricultural producers of eligible commodities for the 2024 crop year through the Emergency Commodity Assistance Program (ECAP). These one-time economic assistance payments will help commodity producers mitigate the impacts of increased input costs and falling commodity prices.
To view the full list of commodities eligible visit: https://www.fsa.usda.gov/ecap. ECAP payment rates (per acre) include:
  • Barley – $21.67
  • Wheat – $30.69
  • Corn – $42.91
Application Process: Pre-filled applications will be sent to farmers who have already submitted 2024 acreage reports. If producers do not receive a pre-filled application but planted or were prevented from planting eligible commodities in 2024, contact your local FSA office for assistance.
Eligible producers must meet the following requirements:
  • Be actively engaged in farming.
  • Have an interest in input expenses for a covered commodity.
  • Have reported acreage of eligible commodities to FSA for the 2024 crop year planted and prevent plant acres to FSA on an FSA-578, Report of Acreage form.
  • Have reported acres that were prevented from being planted to FSA for the 2024 crop year on an FSA-576 Notice of Loss form (if applicable).
Note: Producers who have not previously reported 2024 crop year acreage or filed a notice of loss for prevent plant crops, must submit an acreage report by the August 15, 2025 deadline. 

Member Recruitment for the Rangeland Resource Committee

The Rangeland Resource Committee (RRC) which oversees programmatic direction for the Rangeland Resources Program (RRP) is seeking applicants for two committee member vacancies starting in January 2025.

The RRP was established in statute under DNRC in 1974 and includes the Rangeland Resource Committee (RRC). The purpose of the Committee is to provide guidance to DNRC for the Rangeland Resources Program and to the State Coordinator who implements the program. The RRC is comprised of six landowner/rancher members who are appointed by the Governor for 4-year terms and come from different geographical locations in the state. RRP events and outreach include:  the Range Improvement Loan Program, Montana Leopold Conservation award, Montana Range Tour, Working Lands Internship Program, 406 Grazing Academy, working with stakeholders on rangeland ecosystems issues and providing a Montana Sage Grouse Oversite Team member. The RRP also is involved in many other organizations and stakeholder groups to provide a voice for Montana’s rangelands. The main priority of the RRP is promotion of rangeland resources and providing educational opportunities for those who produce, enjoy, and benefit from Montana’s rangelands.

The RRC has 4 meetings per year; two in-person and two held virtually. Currently, at the end of 2024 there will be 2 openings on the committee: one from Southern MT and one at-large, which can be from anywhere in the state. Being a committee member is not a large time commitment but does require engagement and feedback as needed.

Personally, as a member of the RRC, I have had a wonderful experience for the last 18 years and would highly encourage anyone with an interest in rangelands to apply. My involvement has expanded my knowledge, provided many beneficial and enjoyable contacts and conversations, and has allowed me to learn from and communicate with truly dedicated, innovative producers.

If you are interested in learning more about the RRP, visit mtrangelands.org. To apply for one of the committee vacancies, click HERE; fill out the application details, and select “Specific Board Opening.” You will need to type in “Rangeland Resources Committee.”

Applications are being accepted until both vacancies are filled.

If you have questions about being a committee member, contact Diane Ahlgren, [email protected] or Stacey Barta, [email protected]

Thanks for reading and I hope you consider applying for the RRC!
Diane Ahlgren
RRC Chair

USDA Offers Disaster Assistance to Agricultural Producers in Montana Impacted by Drought and Wildfire

Bozeman, MT, Sept. 4, 2024 – Agricultural operations in Montana have been significantly impacted by drought and recent wildfires. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has technical and financial assistance available to help farmers and livestock producers recover from these adverse weather events. Impacted producers should contact their local USDA Service Center to report losses and learn more about program options available to assist in their recovery from crop, land, infrastructure, and livestock losses and damages.

USDA Disaster Assistance

Producers who experience livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality or sell injured livestock at a reduced price may be eligible for the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). To participate in LIP, producers will have to provide acceptable documentation of death losses or evidence of reduced sales resulting from an eligible adverse weather event and must submit a notice of loss to the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) no later than the annual program payment application date, which is 60 calendar days following the calendar year in which the loss occurred. The LIP payment application and notice of loss deadline is March 3, 2025, for 2024 calendar year losses. Livestock producers who experience losses related to wildfire should check with their local FSA office for LIP eligibility criteria.

Also, the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) offers compensation to eligible livestock producers who have suffered grazing losses for covered livestock and who are also producers of grazed forage crop acreage of native and improved pastureland with permanent vegetative cover or acreage planted specifically for grazing. Grazing losses must occur on land physically located in a county experiencing a qualifying drought during the normal grazing period for the county.  A list of qualifying counties with drought can be found here.

LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who have covered livestock and who are also producers of grazed forage crop acreage on rangeland managed by a federal agency if the eligible livestock producer is prohibited by the federal agency from grazing the normal permitted livestock on the managed rangeland due to a qualifying fire.

The qualifying drought and qualifying grazing losses, and notification of prohibition to graze federal land due to fire, must have occurred in the grazing period and crop year. For grazing losses on rangeland managed by a federal agency, an eligible livestock producer may elect to receive assistance for losses due to drought conditions or fire conditions, if applicable, but not both.

Meanwhile, the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) provides eligible producers with compensation for feed and grazing losses. Livestock producers may be eligible for compensation for above normal costs of hauling water and feed/forage to livestock as well as transporting livestock to forage or other grazing acres. For ELAP, producers are required to complete a notice of loss and a payment application to their local FSA office no later than the annual program application deadline, Jan. 30, 2025, for 2024 calendar year losses.

Additionally, eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers may be eligible for cost-share assistance through the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes or vines. TAP complements the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) or crop insurance coverage, which covers the crop but not the plants or trees in all cases. For TAP, a program application must be filed within 90 days of the disaster event or the date when the loss of the trees, bushes or vines is apparent.

“Based on your reported losses or damages, our local Farm Service Agency county office staff are ready to help connect you with the programs best suited to meet your wildfire and drought recovery needs” said Maureen Wicks, State Executive Director for FSA in Montana. “Our staff will do our best to work with the loss documentation you have available. We understand that these are trying times, and you’re pulled in many directions, so when you’re able, please get in touch with us to begin the reporting process. The sooner we have the information, the sooner we can get county committee action on your requests for assistance. Examples of loss documentation include but are not limited to farm records, herd inventory, receipts and pictures of damages or losses.”

FSA also offers a variety of direct and guaranteed farm loans, including operating and emergency farm loans, to producers unable to secure commercial financing. Producers in counties with a primary or contiguous disaster designation may be eligible for low interest emergency loans to help them recover from production and physical losses. Loans can help producers replace essential property, purchase inputs like livestock, equipment, feed and seed, cover family living expenses or refinance farm-related debts and other needs.

Additionally, FSA offers several loan servicing options available for borrowers who are unable to make scheduled payments on their farm loan programs debt to the agency because of reasons beyond their control.

The Farm Storage Facility Loan Program (FSFL) provides low-interest financing so producers can build, repair, replace or upgrade facilities to store commodities. Loan terms vary from three to 12 years. Producers who incurred damage to or loss of their equipment or infrastructure funded by the FSFL program should contact their insurance agent and their local USDA Service Center. Producers in need of on-farm storage should also contact USDA.

Risk Management

Producers who have risk protection through Federal Crop Insurance or FSA’s NAP should report crop damage to their crop insurance agent or FSA office, respectively. If they have crop insurance, producers should provide a notice of loss to their agent within 72 hours of initial discovery of damage and follow up in writing within 15 days.

For NAP covered crops, a Notice of Loss (CCC-576) must be filed within 15 days of the loss becoming apparent, except for hand-harvested crops, which should be reported within 72 hours.

“Crop insurance and other USDA risk management options are offered to help producers manage risk because we never know what nature has in store for the future,” said Eric Bashore, Director of USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) Regional Office that covers Montana. “Times of disaster can be a trying time for producers, and they should stay in close contact with their crop insurance agent. Producers can be assured that the Approved Insurance Providers, loss adjusters and agents are experienced and well-trained in handling these types of events.”


Outside of the primary nesting season, emergency and non-emergency haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres may be authorized to provide relief to livestock producers in areas affected by a severe drought or similar natural disasters. Producers interested in haying or grazing of CRP acres should contact their county FSA office to determine eligibility.

FSA’s Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) can assist landowners with financial and technical assistance to remove debris from farmland such as woody material, sand, rock and materials from collapsed hoop houses/high tunnels on cropland or pastureland. Through the program, FSA can provide assistance toward the restoration or replacement of fences including livestock cross fences, boundary fences, cattle gates or wildlife exclusion fences on agricultural land.

Additionally, the Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) can assist eligible owners of nonindustrial private forestland to also restore the land by removing debris, repairing forestland roads, and replacing fence. For both programs, farmers and ranchers should check with their local FSA office to find out about sign-up periods, which are set by the FSA County Committee.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is always available to provide technical assistance during the recovery process by assisting producers to plan conservation practices on farms, ranches and working forests impacted by natural disasters. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) may help producers implement conservation practices to make land more resilient in times of drought and fire.

“At USDA, we serve as a partner to help landowners with their resiliency efforts,” said Tom Watson, NRCS State Conservationist in Montana. “Our staff will work one-on-one with landowners to assess the condition of their land, develop a conservation plan, and understand options that provide financial support for implementation.”

Assistance for Communities

NRCS’s Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) program, assists local government sponsors with the cost of addressing watershed impairments or hazards such as debris removal and streambank stabilization.

The EWP program is a recovery effort aimed at relieving imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, windstorms and other natural disasters. All projects must have an eligible project sponsor.

Eligible sponsors include cities, counties, conservation districts, federally recognized Tribal nations, and others. Sponsors must submit a formal request (by mail or email) to the NRCS state conservationist for assistance within 60 days of the natural disaster occurrence or 60 days from the date when access to the sites become available. For more information, please contact your local NRCS office.

More Information

Additional USDA disaster assistance information can be found on farmers.gov, including USDA resources specifically for producers impacted by drought and wildfires. Those resources include the Disaster Assistance Discovery ToolDisaster-at-a-Glance fact sheet, Loan Assistance Tool, and Natural Disasters and Crop Insurance fact sheet. Additionally, FarmRaise offers an FSA educational hub with LIP and ELAP decision tools as well as farm loan resource videos. For FSA and NRCS programs, producers should contact their local USDA Service Center. For assistance with a crop insurance claim, producers and landowners should contact their crop insurance agent.

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. Under the Biden-Harris administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit usda.gov.

USDA Launches Online Debt Consolidation Tool to Increase Farmer and Rancher Financial Viability

WASHINGTON, Aug. 29, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing the launch of the Debt Consolidation Tool, an innovative online tool available through farmers.gov that allows agricultural producers to enter their farm operating debt and evaluate the potential savings that might be provided by obtaining a debt consolidation loan with USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) or a local lender.

“Providing producers with options to structure their debt in a manner that affords them every opportunity to meet the goals of their agricultural operation is the best way to ensure the nation’s farmers and ranchers build financial equity and resilience,” said FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux.

A debt consolidation loan is a new loan used to pay off other existing operating loans or lines of credit that might have unreasonable rates and terms. By combining multiple eligible debts into a single, larger loan, borrowers may obtain more favorable payment terms such as a lower interest rate or lower payments. Consolidating debt may also provide farmers and ranchers additional cash flow flexibilities.

The Debt Consolidation Tool is a significant addition to FSA’s suite of improvements designed to modernize its Farm Loan Programs. The tool enhances customer service and increases opportunities for farmers and ranchers to achieve financial viability by helping them identify potential savings that could be reinvested in their farming and ranching operation, retirement accounts, or college savings accounts.

Producers can access the Debt Consolidation Tool by visiting farmers.gov/debt-consolidation-tool. The tool is built to run on modern browsers including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or the Safari browser. Producers do not need to create a farmers.gov account or access the authenticated customer portal to use the tool.

Additional Farm Loan Programs Improvements

FSA recently announced significant changes to Farm Loan Programs through the Enhancing Program Access and Delivery for Farm Loans rule. These policy changes, to take effect September 25, 2024, are designed to better assist borrowers to make strategic investments in the enhancement or expansion of their agricultural operations.

FSA also has a significant initiative underway to streamline and automate the Farm Loan Program customer-facing business process. For the over 26,000 producers who submit a direct loan application annually, FSA has made several impactful improvements including:

  • The Loan Assistance Tool that provides customers with an interactive online, step-by-step guide to identifying the direct loan products that may be a fit for their business needs and to understanding the application process.
  • The Online Loan Application, an interactive, guided application that is paperless and provides helpful features including an electronic signature option, the ability to attach supporting documents such as tax returns, complete a balance sheet, and build a farm operating plan.
  • An online direct loan repayment feature that relieves borrowers from the necessity of calling, mailing, or visiting a local USDA Service Center to pay a loan installment.
  • simplified direct loan paper application, reduced from 29 pages to 13 pages.
  • A new educational hub with farm loan resources and videos.

USDA encourages producers to reach out to their local FSA farm loan staff to ensure they fully understand the wide range of loan and servicing options available to assist with starting, expanding, or maintaining their agricultural operation. To conduct business with FSA, please contact your local USDA Service Center.

FSA helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners invest in, improve, protect and expand their agricultural operations through the delivery of agricultural programs for all Americans. FSA implements agricultural policy, administers credit and loan programs, and manages conservation, commodity, disaster recovery and marketing programs through a national network of state and county offices and locally elected county committees. For more information, visit fsa.usda.gov.

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit usda.gov.

Junior Ag Loans Available Through the Montana Department of Agriculture

HELENA, Mont. – For over 40 years, Montana youth have participated in the Montana Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Junior Agriculture Loan Program. Young people under 21 years of age, active in Montana agriculture, are eligible for loans up to $8,500 and are encouraged to apply.

“With the average age of farmers and ranchers being nearly 60 years old, it’s important we do what we can to encourage the next generation to stay involved in agriculture,” said Director Christy Clark. “The Junior Ag Loan Program is a great way for young producers to access financing for a project they are passionate about.”

The Montana Junior Agriculture Loan Program was developed to assist rural youth in developing or expanding agribusiness projects. Projects can involve crop and livestock production, custom farming, marketing and distribution, processing, and other financially feasible activities.

Program benefits can far exceed the actual loan for active participant. Many young men and women unable to secure conventional financing due to age, or inadequate collateral or have used the program to establish financing experience and to advance their project’s monetary value.

Applications for the program and other information, can be found on the Department’s website at: https://agr.mt.gov/JuniorAgricultureLoans.

The Montana Department of Agriculture is serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky. For more information on department programs and services, visit agr.mt.gov.

The Montana Master Hunter Program provides advanced hunter education that increases skills, competence, ethical behavior, and knowledge of agriculture and stewardship.

One Montana (1MT) launched the Master Hunter Program to help the State of Montana and private landowners improve wildlife management efforts by restoring the cooperation between hunters, private landowners, and game managers.

Find more info at www.mtmasterhunter.com

Comprehensive Water Review

Dedicated website is live now!

A website dedicated to the Comprehensive Water Review has been launched. The site details each of the identified key challenges and provides a single place for the public to learn more about upcoming events, find information, receive updates, and submit comments or questions.

Montana Rural Employment Opportunities

Because REO believes that everyone should have the opportunity for economic independence,

  • creates employment opportunities,
  • educates individuals, families and communities,
  • advocates for the elimination of poverty.

Rural Employment Opportunities (REO) provides outreach and services in all of Montana’s 56 counties to more than 400 adults and 900 children each year as they struggle to support themselves and their families. Through REO, Montana’s agricultural workers have access to educational programs to complete their high school credentials, children’s educational programs,  job training, and college certificates or degrees.  These opportunities lead to full-time employment, improved family income, and greater economic security.

Supporting Montana Agricultural Families

REO supports agricultural workers and their families with:

  • Job search, placement and growth.
  • Employment security and wage advancement.
  • Funding for tuition, books and other related training costs

REO is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program and abides by all federal and state EOC regulations and laws.  Equal Opportunity is the law.  Program financed 100% with federal funds of $699,452 with 0% nongovernmental funds.


REO has operated this federal Department of Labor grant for over 30 years, serving farmworkers and their families across the state of Montana.  Through this grant, REO offers opportunities for farm workers, and/or their qualifying family members, to improve their earning capacity in agriculture or other career paths through education and training. REO staff members work closely with participants, helping them determine the best way to reach their educational and employment goals. The goal of the program is economic self-sufficiency and wages that allow workers to support and sustain their families.

Participants may choose to attend a vocational, technical, or trade school for short-term job training, work-related certification programs, college courses, or participate in an on-the-job training program or apprenticeship program. They may also work with REO for direct placement into the workforce. In addition, REO is able to support each participant with needed items for training or new employment such as tuition assistance, books, laptops, fuel vouchers, work clothing, and/or tools to help reach their goals.

We have updated our website at www.reomontana.org.  On Facebook, we have pages for “Rural Employment Opportunities”, “REO Southwest Montana”, “REO Northwest & North Central Montana”, and “REO Eastern Montana”.

Online Modules Now Available for Calf Care and Quality Assurance Program

DENVER, May 11, 2022 – Farmers and ranchers raising calves now have access to the free Calf Care and Quality Assurance (CCQA) program online at www.calfcareqa.org. CCQA promotes a way of thinking that prompts calf raisers to approach management decisions with thoughtfulness and an appreciation for the responsibility they have to their animals, consumers, the environment and the broader cattle industry in the United States.

“Healthy calves are the cornerstone of every beef, dairy and veal facility,” said Trey Patterson, Wyoming rancher and chair of the Beef Quality Assurance Advisory Group. “Committing to calf health management is the right thing to do for calves, producers and consumers, and completing CCQA’s online modules is an easy way to demonstrate that commitment.”

The program was developed with an understanding of the diversity of calf-raising enterprises, being science and outcomes based while maintaining facility type and size neutrality. While the practices identified in the animal care reference manual are not the only practices that can meet the desired outcomes, the program provides a framework that serves as a resource for anyone working in the calf-raising industry. In addition to the manual, online modules and self-assessment tools, CCQA will release an audit tool later this year. Completion of the CCQA online modules provides certification equivalent to Beef Quality Assurance certification.

Certification through CCQA helps ensure optimal calf health and welfare and is the first, collaborative educational tool that provides guidelines for calf raisers. The CCQA program is a joint initiative led by NCBA’s Beef Checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program and the National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) program, managed by the National Milk Producer’s Federation (NMPF) with support from the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association, and the Beef Checkoff-funded Veal Quality Assurance (VQA) program.

“Certification programs such as CCQA establish guidelines and standards that help earn the public’s trust, demonstrating that beef and dairy producers share their values and are committed not only to quality animal care, but also to ensuring safe, wholesome meat and milk,” said Patterson.

For more information, visit www.calfcareqa.org.

Montana Meat & Poultry Inspection Bureau Cooperative Interstate Shipping Program FAQ

Find more info at www.liv.mt.gov

Question:        What is the Cooperative Interstate Shipment (CIS) Program?
Answer:           The CIS program allows selected “state inspected” establishments to ship their selected products across state lines. This program is voluntary.

Question:        Who can apply for CIS?
Answer:           Any licensed establishment who has had a state Grant of Inspection for at least 90 days and has no more than 25 employees. The establishment needs a satisfactory Food Safety Assessment on record with no outstanding issues and the ability to take measures to completely separate CIS inspected products from all other activities with the establishment.

Question:        Who may not apply for CIS?
Answer:           Any establishment under USDA Grant of inspection. Any state inspected facility with over 25 employees.

Question:        I currently have a custom processing plant. Can I join CIS?
Answer:           Yes, however, you will need to maintain a state grant of inspection for 90 days before applying to enter the CIS program.

Question:        I am an eligible plant owner, what should I do first?
Answer:           Refer to FSIS Directive 5740.1 which describes the CIS process.

Question:        What regulations should I review before requesting the on-site visit?
Answer:           FSIS Directive 5740.1: Cooperative Interstate Shipment Program

9 CFR Part 313: Humane Handling of Livestock

9 CFR part 416: Sanitation

9 CFR Part 417: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

9 CFR Part 500: Rules of Practice

*For plants with poultry* 9 CFR Part 381: Poultry Products Inspection Regulations

Question:        What will the process involve?
Answer:           The basics will include:

        • Review of establishments hazard analysis and HACCP plans for all applicable processes
        • Review of recall plan, food defense plan and labels.
        • Onsite review of facility will be completed by state inspection staff.
        • Entrance meeting with USDA official will be scheduled to review: employee numbers, labels, facilities and equipment and product processes to finalize establishment is able to meet basic requirements.
        • If requirements are not met the representative will discuss with plant and state inspection staff what is necessary for eligibility. If USDA standards are not met by the second visit the establishment may not reapply for one year.

Question:        Once I am in the CIS program, where can I ship my products?
Answer:           Anywhere within the United States.

Question:        Who will be my inspector if I enter this program?
Answer:           A state of Montana Department of Livestock inspector will still be the regular inspector. A federal inspector will conduct less frequent, unscheduled inspections as well.

Question:        Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Answer:           Interested facilities should contact the Department of Livestock at 406-444-5202 or [email protected].

Additional information regarding the CIS Program can be found at:



View the October 3 Webinar

View the October 24 Webinar

View the November 21 Webinar

Drought HUB

MSGA is committed to keeping its members up-to-date on drought related information and resources. As our members work to find solutions during this challenging time, resources and information will be posted on this information hub as they become available.

Take Action

MSGA encourages its members to engage in the public comment process and has developed the Take Action page as an opportunity for you to be involved in the decision-making process happening within federal and state agencies.

White Papers

White papers, or position papers, outline MSGA’s position on a variety of issues impacting Montana ranching families. Read to find out where MSGA stands based on membership-led policy.

In the News

Keep up with everything happening within MSGA and agriculture industry all in one place!



  • Help your operation be in compliance with the Montana Safety Culture Act with trainings and resources 
  • Provide one-on-one safety consultations 
  • Assist with creating custom safety plans tailored to your operation 

Accidents disrupt lives and could cost you your business. Learn how to protect your legacy through good safety practices. Safety is no accident!

Members are eligible for a partial premium return on their State Fund Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy. 


Every employer shall establish, implement, and maintain an education based training program that shall at a minimum:

  • Provide general safety orientation to all employees and volunteers before work starts
  • Complete job or task specific training appropriate for employees before performing the work
  • Have continual refreshers
  • Develop awareness and appreciation for safety
  • Do periodic self-inspections and assessments
  • Keep documentation of meetings, trainings, accidents, procedures, and policies for 3 years

Emergency Disaster Resources

USDA Expands Eligibility, Enhances Benefits for Key Disaster Programs

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Policy changes will help more producers recover from natural disasters

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) made updates to several conservation, livestock and crop disaster assistance programs to give more farmers, ranchers, and tribes the opportunity to apply for and access programs that support recovery following natural disasters.  Specifically, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) expanded eligibility and enhanced available benefits for a suite of its programs. These updates will provide critical assistance to producers who need to rebuild and recover after suffering catastrophic losses of production and infrastructure due to natural disasters.

FSA has updated the following programs: The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP), the Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP), the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP), the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP), the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP).

“As I meet with producers across the country, I have gained a better understanding of the ways in which our programs work—and the ways in which they can be improved to better support all producers, especially those who are working to rebuild their operations after a disaster,” said FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux. “This set of updates to our disaster assistance programs reflects FSA’s commitment to listening to producers and responding to their needs wherever we have the authorities to do so. We are confident that these changes will increase the both the accessibility and efficacy of our disaster assistance programs, consistent with our goal to build equity into the fabric of our work at the FSA.”

Conservation Disaster Assistance Updates

FSA updated ECP to:

  • Allow producers who lease Federally owned or managed lands, including tribal trust land, as well as State land the opportunity to participate.
  • Provide advance payments, up to 25% of the cost, for all ECP practices before the restoration is carried out, an option that was previously only available for fence repair or replacement. The cost-share payment must be spent within 60 days.

Additionally, Congress also authorized the Federal government to pay 100% of the ECP and EFRP cost for damage associated with the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire in New Mexico. This fire burned over 340,000 acres from April 2022 to June 2022 and was the largest wildfire in recorded history in New Mexico. ECP and EFRP cost-share assistance is typically capped at 75%.  This policy change for 100% cost-share applies only to those locations impacted by the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire.

ECP and EFRP provide financial and technical assistance to restore conservation practices like fencing, damaged farmland or forests.

Livestock Disaster Assistance Updates

FSA also expanded eligible livestock under ELAP, LFP and LIP. Specifically, horses maintained on eligible grazing land are eligible for ELAP, LFP and LIP. Many family farms and ranches use their forage to raise horses to augment their other agriculture endeavors. FSA recognizes that animals maintained in a commercial agriculture operation, add value to the operation and could be available for marketing from the farm. FSA regulations have been updated to include these animals as eligible livestock

Horses and other animals that are used or intended to be used for racing and wagering remain ineligible.

Ostriches are also now eligible for LFP and ELAP. FSA is making this change because ostriches satisfy more than 50% of their net energy requirement through the consumption of growing forage grasses and legumes and are therefore considered “grazing animals”.

This change for ostriches is effective for the 2022 program year for both LFP and ELAP. ELAP requires a notice of loss to be filed with FSA within 30 days of when the loss is first apparent.  Because this deadline may have passed for 2022, FSA is extending the deadline for filing notices of loss through March 31, 2023.

LIP and ELAP reimburses producers for a portion of the value of livestock, poultry and other animals that died as a result of a qualifying natural disaster event or for loss of grazing acres, feed and forage. LFP provides benefits for grazing losses due to drought and eligible wildfires on federally managed lands.

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance

NAP provides financial assistance to producers of non-insurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters. Basic NAP coverage is equivalent to the catastrophic level risk protection plan of insurance coverage, which is based on the amount of loss that exceeds 50% of expected production at 55% of the average market price for the crop.

Previously, to be eligible for NAP coverage, a producer had to submit an application (Form CCC-471) for NAP coverage on or before the application closing date. For 2022, if a producer has a Socially Disadvantaged, Limited Resource, Beginning and Veteran Farmer or Rancher Certification (Form CCC-860) on file with FSA, it will serve as an application for basic coverage for all eligible crops having a 2022 application closing date and all NAP-related service fees for basic coverage will be waived for these producers.

FSA will notify all eligible producers who already have the CCC-860 certification form on file of their eligibility for NAP basic coverage for 2022. To potentially receive NAP assistance, producers who suffered losses due to natural disasters in 2022 should file an acreage report as well as a notice of loss with the FSA at their local Service Center.

Producers who are interested in obtaining NAP coverage for 2023 and subsequent years should also contact their local FSA county office for information on eligibility, coverage options and applying for coverage.

Reporting Losses

Producers impacted by a natural disaster should report losses and damages and file an application with their FSA county office. Timelines for reporting losses and applying for payments differ by program.

For LIP and ELAP, producers will need to file a Notice of Loss for livestock and grazing or feed losses within 30 days and honeybee losses within 15 days. For LFP, producers must provide a completed application for payment and required supporting documentation to their FSA office within 30 calendar days after the end of the calendar year in which the grazing loss occurred.

For NAP, producers should contact their local FSA office for guidelines on submitting a notice of loss and filing an acreage certification.

More Information

The updates to these programs build on other Biden-Harris administration efforts to improve disaster assistance programs, including additional flexibility in obtaining Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) basic coverage for socially disadvantaged, beginning, limited resource and veteran farmers and ranchers.

Previous enhancement to the ELAP provide program benefits to producers of fish raised for food and other aquaculture species as well as cover above normal expenses for transporting livestock to forage and grazing acres and transport feed to livestock impacted by qualifying drought. And earlier updates to the LIP payment rates better reflect the true market value of non-adult beef, beefalo, bison and dairy animals.

Yesterday, FSA announced it would begin accepting applications for the Emergency Relief Program (ERP) Phase Two and the new Pandemic Assistance Revenue Program (PARP) on Jan. 23, 2023, through June 2, 2023. ERP Phase Two is designed to fill gaps in the delivery of program benefits not covered in ERP Phase One and improves equity in program delivery to underserved producers.  PARP will help address gaps in previous pandemic assistance, which was targeted at price loss or lack of market access, rather than overall revenue losses. Learn more in the Jan. 9, 2023 news release.

Additional Resources

On farmers.gov, the Disaster Assistance Discovery ToolDisaster Assistance-at-a-Glance fact sheet, and Farm Loan Discovery Tool can help producers and landowners determine program or loan options. For assistance with a crop insurance claim, producers and landowners should contact their crop insurance agent. For FSA and Natural Resources Conservation Service programs, contact the local USDA Service Center.

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit usda.gov.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

State of Montana Resources

Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant

The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program makes federal funds available to states, U.S. territories, Indian tribal governments, and local communities to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

Emergency 310 Provisions

Emergency work may be performed without a permit if it is necessary in order to safeguard your life or property – including livestock and crops. This applies to rivers, streams, and some ditches.

Montana Disaster and Emergency Services – Situation Awareness


Commissioner of Securities and Insurance Office Flood Info

Commissioner Downing recommends that any person who has sustained property damage to immediately contact his or her agent to identify whether they have flood insurance coverage. Property owners who have flood insurance should promptly begin the process to file a claim.

Any person who has sustained property damage and does not have flood insurance should contact his or her county’s emergency manager so their damages can be added to the damage assessment tally. Click HERE for Local Disaster and Emergency Services Contact Information. The assessments will be tallied for all affected counties and will be used to determine whether an amendment should be sought to the disaster declaration for individual assistance.

We encourage property owners to review the more general information below to identify steps they can take to document their damages and minimize their flood losses.  Our team is ready to assist property owners if they have any questions on filing a claim with their agent or insurance company or encounter any issues when dealing with their insurance company.


Property Damage Forms

Montana has experienced extensive flooding during the week of June 12, 2022.  This flooding has resulted in extensive damage to state and county infrastructure (such as roadways and utilities) as well as extensive damage to private homes.  The State of Montana is trying collect private property damages and contact information. Please visit the link below to complete the survey.

Montana’s Department of Commerce has a Resources for Flooding Recovery page that has resources for those affected by the flooding, or for travelers in the area.

If you wish to assist those affected by the flooding please, please visit the flooding donations link below to find organizations that are assisting in the recovery.

Community Donations Resources For Flooding

Montana Department of Commerce Flood Resources


US Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Assistance


Disaster Loan Assistance



Unemployment Insurance

Individuals who have lost work due to flooding may be eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. To file a claim online, visit MontanaWorks.gov. You can also call the Unemployment Insurance Division’s Claims Processing Center at (406) 444-2545 if you have questions.


Job Service Montana

Job Service Montana locations can help provide a range of resources to those out of work or seeking work due to this disaster. Individuals impacted can contact Job Service Billings at (406) 652-3080.

We encourage you to share this information with individuals you may know in the impacted areas.

To stay up-to-date, visit the Montana Department of Labor & Industry’s website and follow its Facebook page.



USDA Resources

Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool

Learn about USDA disaster assistance programs that might be right for you by completing five simple steps.


Disaster Programs at a Glance Brochure


USDA FSA Resources

Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP)

Provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who have suffered grazing losses due to drought or fire on land that is native or improved pastureland with permanent vegetative cover or that is planted specifically for grazing. Learn more about LFP.

Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)

Provides benefits to livestock producers for livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality caused by adverse weather or by attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government. Learn more about LIP.

Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish (ELAP)

Provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish for losses due to disease (including cattle tick fever), adverse weather, or other conditions, such as blizzards and wildfires, not covered by LFP and LIP. Learn more about ELAP.

Emergency Loan Program

Provides loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine by animal quarantine laws or imposed by the Secretary under the Plant Protection Act. Learn more.

Disaster Set-Aside Program

Provides producers who have existing direct loans with FSA who are unable to make the scheduled payments to move up to one full year’s payment to the end of the loan.  Assistance is available in counties, or contiguous counties, who have been designated as emergencies by the President, Secretary or FSA Administrator. Learn more.

Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)

Helps farmers and ranchers repair damage to farmlands caused by natural disasters and helps put in place water conservation methods during severe drought. Learn more about ECP.

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

Helps owners of non-industrial private forests restore forest health damaged by natural disasters. Learn more about EFRP.

Availability of Low-Interest Physical Loss Loans for Producers Affected by Natural Disasters

Physical loss loans can help producers repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to the success of the agricultural operation, including livestock losses. Examples of property commonly affected include essential farm buildings, fixtures to real estate, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut bearing trees and harvested or stored crops and hay.

State: Montana

Triggering Disaster Event: Blizzard and excessive snow that occurred April 11, 2022, through April 24, 2022

Application Deadline: March 20, 2023

Primary Counties Eligible: Custer and Prairie

Contiguous Areas also EligibleMontana:  Carter, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, McCone, Powder River, Rosebud and Wibaux

More Resources
On farmers.gov, the Disaster Assistance Discovery ToolDisaster Assistance-at-a-Glance fact sheet, and Farm Loan Discovery Tool can help you determine program or loan options. To file a Notice of Loss or to ask questions about available programs, contact your local  USDA Service Center.


Emergency Watershed Protection Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) administers the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program, which responds to emergencies created by natural disasters. It is not necessary for a national emergency to be declared for an area to be eligible for assistance.


Renewable Resource Loans and Emergency Grants

Grants are available for emergency projects that pose an immediate threat to the beneficial management of a renewable resource and, if delayed, will cause substantial damage or legal liability.

Emergency Loan Program

DNRC has the authority to provide up to $10 million in emergency loan financing each biennium. The amount of each loan is limited by the applicant’s bonded debt capacity. The financial guidelines and security requirements normally required for the issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds apply. Interest rates vary with the coal severance bond rate and may be adjusted by the legislature. The term of the loan is also variable, but typically is limited to 20 years.

Loan financing will require the processes and time constraints normally associated with the incurrence of bonded indebtedness by a governmental entity.

Emergency Grant Program

Grant assistance is limited to only serious emergencies that meet program requirements. The emergency must pose an immediate threat to the beneficial management of a renewable resource, and all reasonable funding sources investigated before an emergency grant will be awarded. DNRC will award grants or loans for an emergency project that, if delayed until legislative approval can be obtained, will cause substantial damages or legal liability to the entity seeking assistance.

Typical types of projects have included:

  • dike failures,
  • emergency dam repairs, and
  • emergency repairs to municipal drinking water and wastewater systems.

Emergency grants and loans are available to:

  • counties,
  • incorporated cities and towns,
  • conservation districts,
  • irrigation districts, and
  • water and sewer districts.

Application Instructions

To initiate a request for emergency grant or loan assistance, contact the Emergency Grant Program staff. A detailed description of the problem, the proposed solution, and any financial information, including the estimated cost of the project and proposed funding sources, will be required to expedite the application process.

Emergency grants are limited to $30,000 per project. Limited funding is available for emergency grants from DNRC each biennium.

Apply for an Emergency Grant online at grants.dnrc.mt.gov

Following initial notification, a DNRC engineer will contact you and arrange for a site investigation. A determination will be made by the DNRC Director’s Office within a matter of days, and a grant or loan agreement will be executed accordingly. Grant funding is available almost immediately, usually 45 to 60 days assuming that adequate rates and charges are already in effect.

Disaster Assistance Program

The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program’s (DAIP) mission is to provide disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a means to access and apply for disaster assistance through joint data-sharing efforts between federal, tribal, state, local, and private sector partners.

Disaster Survivor Application Checklist

Before you start your FEMA application, please have the information below and a pen and paper ready.

  • Social Security Number
    • You, another adult member or minor child in your household must have a Social Security number. You or they must also be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien.
    • If you don’t have a Social Security number, read the article How do I apply for a new or replacement Social Security number card. You will get instructions on what to do and what documents you will need.
    • Once you have your number, you may come back to DisasterAssistance.gov or call FEMA at one of the phone numbers above to apply.
  • Insurance Information
    • Describe the type(s) of insurance coverage you have. This could include coverage under policies like homeowners, flood, automobile, or mobile home insurance.
  • Damage Information
    • Describe the damage caused by the disaster. Include the type of disaster (like flood, hurricane, or earthquake) and the type of dwelling or vehicle (like a condo, mobile home or house, or a car or truck).
  • Financial Information
    • Provide your total annual household income, before taxes, at the time of the disaster.
  • Contact Information
    • Provide the address and phone number of the property where the damage occurred and the address and phone number of where we can reach you now.
  • Direct Deposit Information (optional)
    • If approved, we can deposit your funds directly into your bank account. You just need to provide the following banking information:
      • Bank name
      • Type of account (like checking or savings)
      • Routing number
      • Account number

NEED HELP? If you need help with the application, please call FEMA at one of the phone numbers below.

For help with your application or to apply by phone for FEMA assistance, call:

1‑800‑621‑3362 (711 available)

If you use a video relay service, captioned phone, or other communication service, give FEMA the number for that service.

To apply for other assistance that FEMA doesn’t manage:

You must follow the instructions provided for each program. This may require going to other agency websites.

Read How do I search for assistance on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page to learn more.


Why did the Montana Water Court issue a notice on the CSKT Compact?

As required by Montana Law, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT), the State of Montana, and the United States recently submitted paperwork to the Water Court asking the Court to include the Water Rights Compact that was negotiated and approved by all three parties in a water rights decree. The Compact quantifies the water rights of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes within the State of Montana. When the Montana Legislature established the Compact process in 1979, it directed that all ratified compacts be submitted to the Water Court for inclusion in a decree. As a result, all water compacts in Montana with Indian tribes and federal agencies have or will go through this process.

What is a Preliminary decree?

There are multiple levels of decrees in Montana. A Preliminary decree is a step toward a Final decree. A decree is a Court order adjudicating water uses within a geographical area of Montana. The Water Court has divided the state into a number of adjudication basins for this purpose. The notice that you received was notice of a preliminary decree. Before the Court issues a Final decree, the process progresses through several stages in this order: verification or examination, temporary preliminary decree or preliminary decree, public notice, resolution of individual cases, public hearings, and a final decree.

The DNRC is in charge of the important first step of examination. The rest of the proceedings, and much of the public involvement, occurs at the Water Court.

I just received notice of a Preliminary Decree from the Montana Water Court. What should I do?

This notice is a legal document so you should read it closely. It has been sent specifically to you as part of Montana’s statewide stream adjudication because the outcome of this adjudication process may have an impact on your claims to water use. As indicated in the notice, if you wish to lodge an objection to the approval of the Compact by the Water Court, you have 180 days from the date of the notice to submit that objection to the Water Court.

Does everyone receive this notice because it’s a general announcement?

No. You received this notice because state records show you have filed a statement of claim, applied for or received a permit to appropriate water, or own a water reservation in the vicinity of the area in which a water right quantified by the Compact may also exist. Accordingly, the notice was sent to you so that you can decide whether to raise an objection to the decree of the Compact.

Who do I contact if I have questions about how I should respond to this notice?

The notice directs all questions to the Water Court at toll-free number 800-624-3270; or call our regular office number of (406) 586-4364, which is not toll-free. Or call the Kalispell DNRC Regional Office at (406) 752-2288 or the Missoula DNRC Regional Office at (406) 721-4284.or to the DNRC [contact/address]. You can also find more information at the Montana Water Court website, https://courts.mt.gov/courts/water/Notices-Info/PublicNotices

This notice mentions tribal water rights—Does this apply to me if I am not a Tribal member?

Yes, if you received the notice you may be entitled to submit an objection if the water rights quantified in the Compact have a negative impact on any interests in water you may have.

I thought the Water Compact was ratified and this process was completed?

The Compact has been negotiated, ratified and executed by CSKT, the State of Montana, and the U.S. As is required for all Compacts in Montana, the water rights quantified by the Compact must be included in a Final Decree by the Water Court.

I thought the CSKT Water Compact settled all water claims?

The CSKT Compact, quantifies the water rights of CSKT, however, as noted above, when the Montana Legislature established the compact process, it directed all ratified compacts to be submitted to the Montana Water Court to be included in a Final Decree.

I thought advocates of this Compact said it provided important protections for non-tribal water users? Doesn’t the fact that I received this notice indicate otherwise?

The CSKT Water Compact, as a negotiated settlement, quantifies the water rights of the Tribes while providing important protections for valid, existing uses of water under state law. In this process the Water Court will consider including the Compact as a whole in a decree, including the protections contained in the Compact for non-Indian water users.

15 Recommendations Provided to FWP by Elk Citizens Advisory Group

On July 26, Fish, Wildlife and Park’s elk citizens advisory group held their final meeting and finalized 15 recommendations that were presented to the agency for consideration. MSGA members Chuck Rein and Race King served in the working group and were instrumental in providing landowner perspectives during meeting discussions.

In light of elk populations being chronically over objective, new disease concerns, continuing calls for more access, reports of crowded public lands, and more people than ever coming to the state, a group of 12 citizens were selected by FWP to participate in the working group in May. The group was tasked with developing a set of recommendations to address elk management issues and improve relationships among stakeholders and met half days, every other week for roughly two months. The final recommendations include the following:

  1. Choose your weapon/area
  2. Promote focused damage hunts
  3. Use of shoulder seasons
  4. Establish local elk work groups
  5. Understand and mitigate the disease of brucellosis in elk
  6. Enforce stricter penalties for trespass violations and other bad behaviors by hunters and landowners
  7. Access plus program
  8. Expanded hunter education
  9. FWP landowner liaison
  1. Create an A9 tag bundle
  2. Improve accessibility to the FWP videos that promote the desired behaviors between landowners and hunters
  3. Stakeholder meetings
  4. Promote FWP, USFS, BLM, and DNRC collaboration
  5. Develop user friendly and effective methods to collect data
  6. Manage elk where they are not

If you have thoughts, feedback or comments on these recommendations, please share those with the MSGA staff. In the coming months, staff will have a variety of opportunities to work with FWP staff and share member’s feedback.

HELENA – As grizzly bears emerge from their dens across the state the potential for conflicts with farmers, ranchers and other producers is increasing. In the past few years, bears have been spotted in areas where they haven’t been for more than a century, and the possibility of encountering a grizzly exists anywhere in the western part Montana. Black bears are also widely distributed across the state.

Bears are always on the lookout for an easy food source, including unsecured garbage, spilled grain and livestock carcasses, all of which can bring them into proximity of homeowners and agricultural producers.

Grizzly bears are still a federally protected species. Landowners can haze grizzly bears off their property but must do so without harming the bear; this typically means using loud noises and hard-sided vehicles. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service guidelines for hazing grizzly bears can be found here. Producers can reduce the risk of depredation by installing electric fencing around small calving pastures, pens and corrals. Be cautious around brushy cover including shelterbelts and creeks that bears may use as travel routes or resting areas. Additionally, putting salt, mineral and creep feeders out in the open, away from brush and water, can help deter bears.

Removing or putting electric fences around bone piles can prevent bears from receiving food rewards and being drawn in near homes and herds. In several areas around the state, local efforts have implemented the removal of livestock carcasses to avoid attracting bears near livestock operations. For more information about carcass collection efforts that might be in your area, please contact the nearest FWP specialist. You can find a list of specialists here.

In and around towns, attractants can include other things such as pet food, garbage, barbecue grills and bird feeders. Homeowners should secure these sorts of items to prevent attracting wandering bears.

FWP specialists work diligently to help landowners, homeowners and communities avoid bear conflicts. To report a grizzly bear sighting or conflict, or for assistance securing attractants, contact the FWP bear specialist nearest to you. For livestock conflicts, contact USDA Wildlife Services.

Given grizzly bears are a federally protected species, conflict response is primarily conducted by FWP, tribal fish and wildlife agencies, and USDA Wildlife Services under the authority of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It is illegal to harm, harass or kill grizzly bears, except in cases of self-defense or the defense of others.

Landowners can take measures to prevent bears from being drawn near homes and livestock. Here are some general tips to help prevent bears causing problems in agricultural areas:

  • Place tarps under loaders when transferring grain to prevent spills.
  • Dispose of old grain through sanitation services, burning or dumping away from people, buildings and livestock.
  • Dispose of carcasses and afterbirth through sanitation services, inside an electrified boneyard or by distributing away from people, buildings and livestock. Electric fences can be placed around fresh carcasses and bone piles until they can be permanently removed.
  • If possible, secure domestic animals within an electric fence when unattended by people or at night. This includes poultry, goats, sheep or rabbits.
  • Place creep feeders, molasses and mineral blocks in open areas where humans and livestock can easily view the area before entering.
  • Grizzly bears can be deterred from areas near homes using USFWS guidelines for hazing grizzly bears, found here. This helps reinforce bears’ fear of people.
  • Don’t let grizzly bears linger in your yard or in close proximity to home or other structures because this can lead to habituation. Call an FWP specialist to help deter bears if you are not comfortable or able to do so.
  • Notify your neighbors if you do observe a grizzly bear in the area to help make others aware.

You can find more information on living and working in bear country, here.

Be Aware of Fraudulent Attempts to Take Over Digital Properties

Livestock producers have recently reported fraudulent attempts to take over their digital properties, such as Google Business.

To help beef farmers and ranchers protect their digital assets, such as Google Business, Yelp, social media and others, they should be sure to claim the accounts associated with their businesses. Resources include:

As always, farm and ranch security is paramount. In this case, it is best to ensure that ranchers are equipped with tools to claim their digital presence.


The Ranchers’ Voice presented by Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is a place for conversations surrounding policy, and issues that matter most to ranching families in Montana.

From the Capitol to the countryside, we’ll be the connection point between local ranchers and legislative decision makers, cattle producers and general consumers, and between all cattle ranchers across Montana.



Price Transparency and Discovery in Live Cattle Markets: Is There a Role for Regulation?

Presented by Montana State UniversityInitiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis (IRAEA) 
This workshop brought together a small group of experts and stakeholders that will evaluate the relative benefits and costs of proposed market interventions and offer alternatives. MSGA’s President, Jim Steinbeisser, was included on this panel.

Find the event page at https://www.montana.edu/regecon/events_outreach/cattlemarkets/index.html

The Cow Calf Operator in the 21st Century: Remaining Relevant in the Future

Boehringer Ingelheim Logo

Presented by Boehringer Ingelheim & Montana Stockgrowers Association

Join us as we explore the relevance of the cow calf producer and his relationship with the consumer as we operate in the 21st Century.
Our goal is to investigate the knowledge that retail has to understand the desires of our consumer today. As we look forward to new marketing strategies and how to strengthen the current strategies the consumer can offer a great deal of insight into the direction that our products are being pulled.
We hope to give producers ideas and thoughts to consider as they continue to develop their marketing plans in the future. Today the beef industry has strong demand and is very resilient, therefore we as producers need to see that and continue to evolve as leaders in this industry.

Initiative 191 would subject stretches of the Madison & Gallatin Rivers, and their tributaries, to the same strict regulations currently only found in national parks and wilderness areas. The effect would be to shut down many currently-allowed activities, including diversions for irrigation and stock water. If successful, I-191 would set a precedent that could be used to shut down agricultural activities near other water bodies.

Hosted by Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, Montana Grain Growers Association, and The Association of Gallatin Agricultural Irrigators.

Paid for by No on I-191. Walt Sales Treasurer. PO Box 5391, Helena, MT 59604