Contact: Tamara Choat
[email protected]
Montana Stockgrowers to gather in Miles City, June 13-15
The Montana Stockgrowers Association is headed back to its roots – Miles City, Mont., for their MidYear Meeting on June 13-15, 2019. Montana’s most influential cattlemen and women organization began in the 1880s with a group of ranchers uniting on issues of open range grazing and cattle theft. Today the Montana Stockgrowers Association represents the largest number of ranchers in the state and works on behalf of new and different issues, but still for the Montana rancher.
The MidYear Meeting is one of two annual conferences to set policy that guides the Association throughout the year. While the main focus is policy development, the gathering is also a networking opportunity for members. Ranchers and allied industry professionals come together from across the state for three days filled with meetings, entertainment, education and fun.
Fred Wacker, a rancher from Miles City and also president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association, says he is enthusiastic about bringing the MidYear Meeting to Miles City. “We are looking forward to welcoming ranchers to our area. A lot of work has gone into putting together a meeting that will influence issues important to cattlemen and women in our state. We are also excited for some great music events, the old time parade and all the other activities in Miles City this weekend.”
Policy shaping meetings start the afternoon of Thursday, June 13, at Miles Community College. That evening join fellow cattlemen for a tailgate dinner at the fairgrounds, followed by classic country music artist Moe Bandy, noted for “Bandy the Rodeo Clown” and 60 other chart hits, performing at the Ag Advancement Center across the street from the Miles City Livestock Commission.
Friday, June 14, starts with committee meetings in the morning and the opening session featuring Don Schiefelbein as keynote speaker. Schiefelbein, along with his father, seven brothers and three nephews own and operate Schiefelbein Farms, a large diversified farming operation in Kimball, Minn. Before returning to the family farm, Schiefelbein served as the executive director of the American Gelbvieh Association and also worked for the North American Limousin Association. He currently serves as chairman of the Beef Industry Long Range Planning Committee. Friday afternoon attendees can see ag and rangeland research at work during the ranch tour at the USDA Fort Keogh Land and Livestock Research Station. That evening the MidYear Gala will feature a prime rib dinner and auction with live music by Way Out West, back at the fairgrounds.
Saturday morning will offer a special tribute to 135 years of the Montana Stockgrowers Association – the “Old Times” all horse and livestock parade at 9 a.m. A closing session and luncheon will wrap up the meeting.
Additional activities in Miles City this weekend will have something for everyone, and include two ranch rodeos, the Ryno-Palooza Music Festival, the Cowtown BBQ Cookoff, and the Badlands Bowl All-Star Football Game. For more information about the MSGA 2019 MidYear Meeting, contact MSGA’s office at 406.442.3420 or join the Facebook event. Visit for tickets and more details.