HELENA, Mont. (March 24, 2022) – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) finished a packed week of celebrations and events for the 2023 National Ag week, highlighting Montana ranch families and the Montana cattle industry.
On Monday, MSGA hosted more than 200 legislators, policy staff, industry partners and guests in the Capitol Rotunda for a beef lunch. The event was sponsored by Feddes Family Meats, who supplied the beef for the lunch, the Montana Beef Council, and dessert was provided by the Montana Grain Growers Association. MSGA President, John Grande, welcomed the crowd and recognized Montana livestock producers for the work they do to provide a safe food source, protect the landscape and provide habitat for wildlife. Governor Greg Gianforte then shared his support of Montana agriculture producers as the backbone of Montana’s rural communities with the announcement and reading of his Montana Meat Day proclamation.
Tuesday, President Grande joined other agricultural organization leaders for a roundtable discussion on issues and challenges the industry is currently facing. President Grande spoke on concerns regarding input costs and inflation. Additionally, he highlighted MSGA’s focus on emergency preparedness and animal biosecurity. He thanked the Governor and Department of Livestock for their recent secure beef supply training for cattle productions. MSGA also attended the Department of Agriculture’s Ag Day lunch.
In partnership with the Montana Association of State Grazing Districts and the Montana Public Lands Council, MSGA participated in Rangeland in the Rotunda day at the capitol. The event showcased the importance of rangeland stewardship and opportunity to educate the legislative body about the importance of rangelands to Montana’s economy and all the ecosystem services healthy rangelands provide.
MSGA wrapped up the week with MSGA Director Rich Roth, of Big Sandy, participating in Senator Steve Daines’ Farm Bill roundtable held at Torgerson’s in Great Falls.