MSGA’s Statement on the USFWS Proposal to the Grizzly Bear Management Plan

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced a proposed update to Grizzly Bear Endangered Species Act Listing and Management Plan. Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) has been a strong voice in pursuing the delisting of the grizzly bear and allowing states the ability to manage the species and are disappointed with this latest news.

MSGA Executive Vice President, Raylee Honeycutt, released the following statement shortly after the announcement was made:

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) remains disappointed with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s continued resistance to make decisions based on science. We have heard time and time again that decisions within the agency are made after careful consideration of the best available science, but today’s announcement of the proposed update to the Grizzly Bear Management Plan is merely an example of the Biden administration’s political agenda. The science shows that grizzly bears have recovered and Montana is prepared to effectively manage the species. Instead of Montana being presented with an opportunity to implement state management, we are presented with a proposal disregarding the livelihood of ranchers across Montana and the west, a disregard for public safety, and a disregard of the original intent of the Endangered Species Act. This proposal not only maintains the listed status of the grizzly bear, but also combines all distinct population segments (DPS) into one large interstate DPS which effectively decreases the viability of seeing a delisted status in the near future.

MSGA Media Contact

Cheyenne Leach

Communications and Program Coordinator


[email protected]

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