Young Stockgrowers Encouraged to Attend Annual Meeting

Lacey Sutherlin from Stevensville, YSG Chair
I would like to personally invite all of you to attend our Young Stockgrower Meeting during annual convention on Thursday, December 11 in Billings. The meeting and social will start at 4:30 PM in the Big Horn Room, at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana.
During the meeting we will have a couple of guest speakers. Ryan Hughes will be doing a presentation on his trip to the Young Cattleman’s Conference. Our highlight speaker for the meeting will be Terrell Hibbard with GLCI to give a presentation on Web Applications for Range/Grazing Management. We also plan to get an update from the Collegiate Stockgrower groups from around the state.
Not only is this excellent chance to listen to a couple great speakers but it will give you the opportunity to network and meet new people that share same interests as you do in agriculture. During this meeting, we will take the time to highlight some of the many events happening during the convention as well as elect a new Vice Chairman. If anyone is interested in leading the group as our next Vice-Chair please contact myself, Travis Brown or Ryan Goodman.
We will also take the opportunity to discuss some of the policy information that will arise during convention. At this time you will be giving the opportunity to present and discuss any issues that you may have at your own operation that you think could use some added attention in Helena and furthermore Washington, DC. As officers, we realize the committee/policy meetings at convention can be intimidating, this is why we encourage the members to ask us questions and initiate discussion at this meeting for Young Stockgrowers. If anyone of you have any questions about the meeting or convention in general please contact myself or Travis.
Also the Montana Stockgrowers staff and board of directors have an excellent set of workshops for the Cattlemen’s College this year. A couple of the topics that will be covered are: Farm & Ranch Estate Planning, Adding Value to Calves, Vaccinations: Lifetime Calf Health, Making the Most of a Strong Cattle Market and Successful Strategies for Your Breeding Program. I am sure all of you can see how these would be very informative workshops to attend. This will all happen during the convention and the workshops are included with your convention registration.
We are looking forward to kicking off the convention with this informative meeting and social. I encourage all of you to attend the meeting and bring a friend. You do not have to be a member to attend the meeting please feel free to join us and use this as opportunity to decide you would like to be a member! Remember, if you decide to become a member, you do get a chance at winning at 2014 Ford F-250 pickup truck! We look forward to seeing all of you at MSGA Convention this week!
YSG Chair, Lacey Sutherlin, 406-544-0043, [email protected]
YSG Vice Chair, Travis Brown, 406-671-8088, [email protected]