The Raising the Steaks Environmental Stewardship Tour gathers an intimate group of thoughtful, creative individuals to put their boots on the ground and their heads in the game in facilitated diverse and informative discussions that highlight current issues and solutions to challenges ranchers and conservationists face when managing private and public lands for future generations.
The 2022 Tour was hosted at the Joe C King & Sons Ranch, 2021 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award and 2021 Region V Environmental Stewardship Award winners.
The tour kicked off with a welcome reception hosted by the King family at the Joe C King and Sons Ranch in Winnett. The reception was followed by an incredible prime rib dinner catered by the Winnett Bar.
Attendees on the tour included Environmental Studies Professor from MSU-B Dr. Susan Gilbritz, and four of her students who are enrolled in the Environmental Studies program. Montana State University Dieticians, members of Winnett Aces, neighboring ranchers, natural resource experts, wildlife advocates, Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) board members and more.
The tour included speakers such as,
- Rick Caquelin, Retired NRCS Range Conservationist
- Kelsey Molloy, Rangeland Ecologist
- Sonja Anderson, FWP Wildlife Biologist
- Andy Oestreich, BLM Lewistown Field Office Biologist
- Bill Milton, Milton Ranch
- Chris King, Joe C King and Sons Ranch
- Aaron Clausen, World Wildlife Fund
- Tryon Wickersham, Associate Professor, Animal Nutrition form Texas A & M University
The event concluded with a presentation from Tryon Wickersham on the correlation between livestock sustainability and animal nutrition along with a lunch catered by Winnett Aces.
Many thanks to Chris and Gari King and the rest of the King family for hosting the event, and to the ESAP Committee members, chaired by MSGA Northeastern board member, Lon Reukauf.