MSGA Shares Statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Chevron Deference

“Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court took a critical step in limiting federal administrative overreach across the country. The Court ruled to overturn much of the precedent setting case, Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council of 1984, a long-standing precedent that gives agencies broad leeway when underlying statutes are vague or silent on topics. 

Their 6-3 decision significantly reduces the authority of agencies by taking the power to interpret ambiguous regulatory statutes out of their hands, and placing that authority back into the hands of Congress. 

MSGA believes this decision will significantly improve the regulatory landscape for ranchers. The ruling puts sideboards on the previously almost entirely unmitigated decision making by the executive  branch, which has placed unnecessary burdens on livestock producers for decades.”

Raylee Honeycutt, MSGA EVP

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