Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is a grass roots non-profit membership organization with a 140-year history of advocating on behalf of Montana cattle ranchers to ensure cattle ranching remains relevant, safe, & a sustainable way of life for generations to come.

MSGA is the trusted voice of cattle ranchers, and advocate of cattle ranching for state and federal legislators and a true partner in efforts to preserve & advance Montana’s cattle industry.

We hope you will consider joining our association and supporting our education and advocacy efforts to keep Montana’s family ranchers in business, on the land, and in our communities.


The membership of MSGA consists of cattle ranchers, led by cattle ranchers, who honor the past & embrace the future. Our members cover the state and include ranchers of all ages, ranching operations large and small, feedlot operators, affiliate businesses, private property owners, and supporters and friends of Montana ranchers who’s livelihood and identity are tied to the Montana cattle industry.


The highest professional and ethical standards will govern our work and relationships with all stakeholders.


We will lead in a way that is decisive but also trusted, credible, courteous and open to all viewpoints on behalf of our membership and all of Montana’s ranch families.


We will always seek opportunities to work cooperatively with all stakeholders.


We retain a steadfast optimism about any and all possibilities to positively influence complex issues relevant to the prosperity and sustainability of Montana’s ranch families.


We will continually strive to explore and develop cutting edge approaches to provide better quality service and opportunities for our members and all of Montana’s ranch families.