Jim Garrison

Jim Garrison

Email: [email protected]

Hometown: Glen

Elected: 2024

Industry Involvement: We have a family owned ranch that has been in the Garrison family for over 100 years. My dad, Bill, is a past president of MSGA. We run about 280 spring calvers, 160 fall calves, and 100 yearlings. My three children all have a few head of registered herefords.

Leadership Service: I served as vice president and president of the southwest stockgrowers association. I serve as a board member on the MHSA in Montana.

Challenges Facing the Beef Industry: Several. We rely on a lot of government leases to run out operation and I think it is going to get harder to keep some of these if the wrong people keep running the government. Another challenge is just the cost of expenses in trying to run a ranch. Equipment, fuel, supplies, etc.