HELENA, Mont. (June 29, 2023) – Last week, the Montana Stockgrowers Foundation (MSF) wrapped up the 2023 Raising the Steaks Environmental Stewardship Ranch Tour. The Raising the Steaks Ranch Tour gathers an intimate group of thoughtful, creative individuals to put their boots on the ground and their heads in the game in facilitated diverse and informative discussions that highlight current issues and solutions to challenges ranchers and conservationists face when managing private and public lands for future generations.
The 2023 tour was hosted at the Mannix Brothers Ranch located in Helmville, Mont. The Mannix Brothers Ranch was awarded the 2022 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award (ESAP) and was selected as the 2022 Region V Environmental Stewardship Award winner. Since the establishment of the program, Montana has won 15 regional awards and two national awards.
The tour kicked off on Tuesday, June 20, with a discussion about stream restoration and timber management. A networking dinner catered by Old Salt Outpost, a restaurant which is owned in partnership by the Mannix family and other entities, wrapped up the first day of the tour.
The following day included conversations about conservation easements, wildlife management, and an intensive grazing demonstration. The tour concluded with presentations from the Mannix family about their beef and business operations.
“We’ve never thought of ourselves as the true owners of this land. Instead, we are stewards of the soil, streams, grass, timber, and wildlife that belong to this ecosystem. The land is the lifeblood of our community, and we strive to be worthy caretakers of those resources that fall under our management.”
said David Mannix
Attendees on the tour included Montana State University Dieticians, neighboring ranchers, natural resource experts, wildlife advocates, educators, students, media, Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) leadership and more.
In addition to the Mannix family, speakers on the tour included:
- Ryen Neudecker, Big Blackfoot Chapter of Montana Trout Unlimited
- Josh Schrecengost, Powell County NRCS
- Dan Lucas, Montana State University Extension Agent
- Greg Neudecker, US Fish and Wildlife Service
MSF is grateful to the Mannix family for welcoming the tour onto their ranch and hosting a diverse group of individuals to create a deeper connection between land, livestock, and conservationists.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Montana Stockgrowers Foundation was established to ensure the future of Montana’s cattle industry through producer and public education, and promotion of MSGA programs. The Foundation supports the next generation by offering educational programs, academic scholarships and providing leadership opportunities.
Keni Reese
Director of Marketing & Communications
To view more MSGA news, visit https://mtbeef.org/news/