Turk Stovall

Turk Stovall

Hometown: Billings

Turk Stovall is a fifth generation Montana Rancher. Stovall Ranches LLC is a diversified ranch in Yellowstone and Big Horn counties on the Crow Indian Reservation operating as a cow/calf, hay

production and backgrounding to grass operation. Before returning home to the ranch, Turk held management positions with Certified Angus Beef LLC, North Platte Feeders, Inc and ORIgen, Inc.

Turk currently serves on the Nutrition and Health and Evaluation Committees for the Cattleman’s Beef Board. He also served on Yellowstone County Farm Bureau as Young Farmers and Ranchers Chair and Animal Care committees for both MT Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau.

Elected: 2019

Email: [email protected]