HELENA, Mont. (March 22, 2023) The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) launched its first in a series of rollover auctions at markets across Montana to raise funds for its appeal of Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) decision regarding American Prairie’s grazing allotments.
The first auction was held on Tuesday, March 21, at the Lewistown Livestock Auction house. The auction was supported by 32 donors and raised more than $15,000.
Each rollover auction will raise funds for the MSGA Advocacy Fund, which allows for a collective voice for cattle ranchers advocating for change and accountability at the state and federal levels. This fund is currently being used to support the appeal against BLM and is in partnership with North and South Phillips Grazing Districts and under the counsel of the Budd-Falen Law Offices, LLC.
Todd Olsen, of Lewistown and a Montana Stockgrowers Association board director, graciously donated the replacement heifer that was sold. A special thank you to Kyle Shobe and his team at Lewistown Livestock Auction for hosting the event.
In a rollover auction, the donated animal is put up for auction, purchased, re-donated, and then purchased again. This is done over and over until there are no more bids to be taken. Once this process is over, the animal is then sold at auction.
More rollover auctions will be scheduled at local markets throughout the spring. Be on the lookout for one near you. If you are unable to attend one of the rollover auctions but would like to donate, donations can also be made at www.protectopenspaces.com.
For additional information on future events or questions on how you can support this effort, please call Monty Lesh (406) 853-1523.

The Montana Stockgrowers Association is a grassroots membership organization and is the trusted voice of cattle ranchers. With over 135 years of history, MSGA advocates and ensures cattle ranching remains relevant, safe and a sustainable way of life for generations to come.
Keni Reese
Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected] view more MSGA news, visit https://mtbeef.org/news/